Thoth Industries “Crystal Shard” Starfighter (T.W.):

Similarly to the Consortium, there are multiple starship and starfighter manufactures with the territories of the United Worlds Warlock. Some cater to the military while others cater to independent defense forces and mercenary companies.

One of these is a company known as Thoth Industries, run by a techno-wizard named Asyribis. There are rumors that she is actually the Demi-God offspring of the god Thoth. The company specialized in crystalline type designs. These include several different classes of “Crystal Shard” craft including fighters, corvettes, and light cruisers. The company also produces their own version of the Mystic Power Armor.

It is believed that larger starship designs would simply be too expensive to construct. As it is, these craft cost around double what a conventional design of the same class with no mystical features might cost. Still, the designs are considered extremely effective and a number of customers have considered their designs well worth the cost.

In terms of general engineering, most military leaders consider the conventional technology of the United Worlds Warlock to be inferior to those of the Consortium and other major powers. The “Crystal Shard” designs are considered an exception to that and are considered the equal in terms of engineering to some of the best designs in the Three Galaxies. In fact many engineers who have closely examined the various “Crystal Shard” designs are extremely impressed by them.

Thoth Industries have attempted to interested the United Worlds Warlock military in their designs. There have been a handful of purchases for evaluation purposes but no large scale purchases. It seems likely that they simply consider the craft too expensive. Still, these craft have been purchased by a number of techno-wizard mercenary groups as well as a number of independent defense forces.

There have been a number of engagements with these craft against both purely conventional designs and other techno-wizard designs. These have mostly been against pirates but there is rumor that there have been issues with the Trans-Galactic Empire and even some internal conflicts. In these engagement, these craft have performed spectacularly

In appearance, all of the “Crystal Shard” have a similar configuration. Fighters as well as larger craft look a lot like crystalline manta-rays with its wings bent slightly forward and a shorter tail than is seen in a true manta-ray. Most consider these craft to be works of art and incredibly beautiful. Quite sleek in their design, they are streamlined to be able to, in addition to space, operate effectively in both an atmosphere and underwater. Often compared to the Consortium Black Eagle starfighter, the “Crystal Shard” is slightly larger than most medium class space fighters within the Three Galaxies.

In terms of materials, the fuselage of “Crystal Shard” is constructed on an enchanted crystalline material which is effectively immune to non-magical energy weapons. Even so, the material is extremely tough and is as strong as the fuselage of many of the most advanced fighters in the Three Galaxies. This crystalline material appears to be a variation on the enchantments used to construct Mystic Power Armor. As with the Mystic Power Armor, the use of the spell “Armor of Ithan” and focused mystical energies can be used to heal any damage inflicted on the starfighter.

Even though the fuselage of the fighter is impervious to most energy weapons, there are a variety of weapons which can inflict damage against the fighter including rail guns, armor piercing missiles, and others. Of course mystical energy weapons are also effective against the fighter. As a result, Asyribis considered that the fighter would need a force field for additional protection. Field tests were performed using “Armor of Ithan” force fields, conventional fighter variable force fields, and “Invincible Armor” force fields as potential options. While the “Invincible Armor” required more magical energy than the “Armor of Ithan” force field, it was far stronger and therefore was chosen. In terms of protection, a conventional force field actually provided greater initial protection but once knocked down, it would require far longer in order to be able to regenerate damage.

Conventional contra-grav engines provide propulsion. Even though the “Crystal Shard” fighter is slightly larger than the Consortium Black Eagle starfighter, the techno-wizard fighter has the same acceleration and has one of the better acceleration curves of fighters in the Three Galaxies with few United Worlds Warlock fighters having greater acceleration. The drives do not quite have the acceleration to mass ratio as the Black Eagle and the engines might be considered slightly oversized in comparison to the Black Eagle.

Power is provided by a high capacity fusion reactor, actually one of the most powerful fusion reactors mounted on a space fighter in the Three Galaxies. Interestingly, the fusion reactor is housed in a permanent dimensional pocket. It has a number of interesting advantages actually. The actual mass of the fusion reactor itself does not reduce the acceleration of the fighter. Fusion bottles rarely collapse but if it does, the reaction is completely contained. In addition, there is effective no neutrino signature for the fighter. Of course there is a downside where the fusion reactor is harder to maintain than a conventional mounted one although the whole dimensional pocket assembly is designed to be quickly changed out.

Thoth Industries conducted a huge amount of research went into developing a better Rift drive for the fighter without much success. Eventually it was decided to fit the fighter with a conventional contra-grav faster than light propulsion. There are a number of advantages to contra-grav systems beyond being more reliable with one of the major ones being that it does not have a several hour wait between being able to be activated. One issue is that the propulsion system only allows the fighter to travel at two light years per hour. All of the larger “Crystal Shard” craft also mount contra-grav propulsion systems but are far faster and more efficient.

Early on in the design process it was recognized that a major problem with the weapon systems on many United Worlds Warlock designs is that they are much shorter ranged than conventional weapons. For that reason, conventional weapons were selected for the main weaponry of the “Crystal Shard” fighter with three HI-Laser cannons and a heavy gravity rail gun as the fighter’s direct fire weaponry. The HI-Laser cannons are identical to those carried by the Consortium Black Eagle starfighter. The rail gun is the GR-1000, one of the heaviest fighter mounted rail guns, and is the same rail gun that the Scorpion light starfighter is based around. The lasers and gravity rail guns can be linked for greater damage.

With regard to missile payload, the “Crystal Shard” fighter has two launchers for medium range missiles with one inside of each wing and a large missile bay under the fuselage. Each of the medium range missile bays can carry eight medium range missiles and the main bay can carry four capital missiles or a larger number of smaller missiles. Medium range missiles were selected instead of mini-missiles or short range due to being considered far more effective and having far greater range. In the main bay, two long range missiles or four medium range missiles can be substituted for a single capital missile.

Even if they could be acquired, Asyribis considered that Bottle Demon missiles would be too dangerous as well as being extremely expensive. If the fighter was adopted by the United World Warlock navy, the “Crystal Shard” fighter might be modified to fire them but otherwise it is extremely unlikely to ever carry them.

The fighter is fitted with a variety of other standard techno-wizard enchantments. These include invisibility as well as being able to meld with shadows. Also, in order to extend the range of the fighter, the enchantment of “Sustain” is fitted which means that the pilot does not need any form of sustenance as long as the enchantment holds out. To provide mystic energies, the fighter has a mystical energy generator although not as powerful as those mounted on most larger starships.

This fighter uses modified starship speed and weapon range rules. See Revised Starship Rules for Phase World / Three Galaxies for more details.

Model Type: TI CF-02-B.

Vehicle Type: Medium Interceptor and Attack Fighter.

Crew:   One (has space for one passenger).

M.D.C. By Location:


GR-1000 Gravity Rail Cannon (Center, under cockpit):



HI-Laser Cannons (3, built into body):

100 each.


Ordnance Bays (underside of main body):



Medium Range Missile Launchers (2, underside of “wings”):

120 each.


[1] Main Body:



Reinforced Pilots Cockpit:



[2] Magical “Invincible Armor” Force Field:



[1] Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will put the fighter out of commission. All internal systems will shut down, including life support and internal gravity. The ship itself will be an unsalvageable floating wreck. Note: The fighter is impervious to all non magical energy weapons. Hull can also be completely regenerated with the spell “Armor of Ithan” and 600 P.P.E.

[2] This is not a variable force field, but a magical shield that must be completely depleted. Once the shield has been knocked down, it will cost 50 P.P.E. and require one minute (4 melee rounds) of spell casting to restore the force field. Furthermore, all energy attacks, magic or mundane, inflict only half their usual damage to the armor! When knocked down, no additional damage beyond which destroyed the shield will be transferred to the fighter.


Driving on the Ground: Not Possible.

Sublight: Has a special sub-light engine that allows the ship to travel up to 40 percent of the speed of light. Fighter can accelerate/decelerate at the rate of 1.6 percent of light per melee.

Atmospheric Propulsion: Maximum speed is Mach 8 (6,090 mph / 9,800 kph), can enter an atmosphere because flight system is by contra grav. Because all ordnance are in bays, they do not reduce the fighters atmospheric top speed.

Surface Travel: Can float on the surface or can travel as a hydrofoil on the surface of the water with a top speed of 500 mph (805 kph / 435 knots).

Underwater: Has a maximum speed underwater of 69 mph (60 knots/ 111.2 kph).

Maximum Depth: 5 miles (8.05 km).

Stardrive: The fighter has a special Gravitronic Drive system which allows the fighter to reach a maximum of two (2) light-years per hour.

Maximum Range: Effectively Unlimited by drive system (10 year life span.) Has the enchantment of “Sustain” which requires 6 P.P.E. or 12 I.S.P. but the pilot requires no sustenance during that time. Each activation lasts for eight days. Otherwise, the fighter carries enough supplies for pilot for two weeks.

Statistical Data:

Length:         44.5 feet (13.6 meters) including stinger tail.

Height:         15.8 feet (4.8 meters).

Width:          54.2 feet (16.5 meters).

Weight:        22.5 tons (20.4 metric tons).

Power System: Advanced Fusion with a 10 year life span. Stored in a special dimensional pocket. The fighter also has a P.P.E. generator that produces 200 P.P.E. per hour and can hold up to 400 P.P.E. in storage. This P.P.E. can be used to power the spells cast by the fighter’s crew and enchantments on the fighter.

Cargo: Utility closet (4 x 2 x 2 feet / 1.2 x .6 x .6 m) for personal effects. Utility closet is in a permanent dimensional pocket.

Market Cost: 160 million credits.


  1. One (1) GR-1000 Gravity Rail Gun: The gravity rail gun is mounted in under the nose of the starfighter and is considered to be the fighter’s primary weapon system. The rail gun is the same rail gun as is carried in the C.A.F. Scorpion Starfighter and is extremely powerful for a fighter mounted weapon. Weapon is mainly used as an anti-starfighter and strafing weapon. When used in space, projectiles are fired from rail gun at a significant fraction of the speed of light. When used in an atmosphere, projectile velocities are slower to prevent them from burning up but still are at hypersonic speeds. The gravity rail gun uses a 30 mm projectile. The rail gun can be combined with the triple laser cannons.

    Maximum Effective Range: 16 miles (26 km) through atmosphere and 1,600 miles (2,575 km) in space.

    Mega-Damage: Rail gun inflicts 4D6x10 M.D.C. for a 40 round burst (Can be combined with laser cannon and still only costs one attack).

    Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the pilot (usually 4 or 5).

    Payload: 10,000 Rounds (250 bursts).

  2. Three (3) HI-Laser Cannons: These laser cannons are virtually identical to those carried on the standard Consortium Black Eagle Starfighter except the fighter mounts three cannons instead of two. The laser cannons can be used simultaneously or can be fired individually. They can also be combined with the GR-cannon for greater damage if both are in range.

    Maximum Effective Range: 5 miles (8 km) through atmosphere and 500 miles (800 km) in space.

    Mega-Damage: 2D4x10 per single blast, 4D4x10 per double blast, or 6D4x10 per triple blast (can be combined with rail gun at still the cost of one attack).

    Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the pilot (usually 4 or 5).

    Payload: Effectively Unlimited.

  3. One (1) Ordnance Bay: Cruise missiles are normally carried when on an anti-capital ship role and long and medium range missiles when fighting other starfighters. Cruise Missiles have a top speed of Mach 25 in an atmosphere and have an acceleration of 10% of light per turn (far faster than any starship) in space. Long Range Missiles have a top speed of Mach 20 in an atmosphere and and have an acceleration of 8% of light per turn (faster than any starship) in space. Medium Range Missiles have a top speed of Mach 15 in an atmosphere and have an acceleration of 6% of light per turn in space. Whether missiles can be shot down is calculated from the speed of target, launching starship, and missiles. When drive goes dead, missiles will continue to travel in a straight line unless set to self destruct or receives a destruct code, but have very low odds of hitting star ships (Great for hitting bases and planets because target does not move and missiles, when unpowered, are at -25% to be detected.) Cruise missiles have penalties to hit small targets with virtually all missiles carried being smart missiles. Missiles can be launched on multiple targets simultaneously.

    Maximum Effective Range: Cruise Missile range is 8,000 miles (12,875 km) in an atmosphere and 4,000,000 miles (6,437,376 km/ 21.5 light seconds) in space, Long Range Missile range is 3,400 miles (5,470 km) in an atmosphere and 1,800,000 miles (2,897,000 km/9.7 light seconds) in space, and Medium Range Missile range is 160 miles (257.5 km) in an atmosphere and 80,000 miles (128,750 km/0.43 light seconds) in space.

    Mega-Damage & Properties: See revised Phase World / Three Galaxies missile tables for details (Cruise Anti-Matter multi-warheads inflict 5D6x100 M.D.C. each and Long Range Fusion warheads inflict 2D4x100 M.D.C. each.)

    Rate of Fire: Can fire missiles one at a time or in volleys of two (2), three (3), or four (4) missiles.

    Payload: Four (4) Cruise missile, eight (8) long range missiles, or sixteen (16) medium range missiles (Two long range missiles or four medium range missiles can be substituted for a single cruise missile).

  4. Two (2) Medium Range Missile Launchers: Under each wing unit are medium range missile launchers. Weapon system is used for hitting enemy robots, fighters, and missiles (both cruise and long range missiles.) Missiles have a top speed of Mach 15 in an atmosphere and have an acceleration of 6% of light per turn in space. Weapon system can be used on multiple targets simultaneously.

    Maximum Effective Range: Medium Range Missile range is 160 miles (257.5 km) in an atmosphere and 80,000 miles (128,750 km/0.43 light seconds) in space.

    Mega-Damage: Varies with medium missile type (Multi-warhead heavy warheads inflict 5D6x10 M.D.C. each - See revised Phase World / Three Galaxies missile tables for details.)

    Rate of Fire: Can fire medium range missiles one at a time or in volleys of two (2), four (4), eight (8), or sixteen (16) medium range missiles per battery.

    Payload: Sixteen (16) medium range missiles (8 each launcher).

  5. Techno-Wizard Modifications: The “Crystal Shard” Fighter has the following Techno-Wizard modifications built into the Fighter. These require P.P.E. or I.S.P. from the pilot or mystic energy generator.

    Special Features: 

    Invisibility-Superior (8th Level)

    20 P.P.E. or 40 I.S.P.


    Shadow Meld (8th Level)

    10 P.P.E. or 20 I.S.P.


    Sustain (8th Level)

    12 P.P.E. or 24 I.S.P.

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Writeup by Kitsune (E-Mail Kitsune).

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