Horde Cruiser:
One of the most terrifying groups in the Three Galaxies is know as Frankenstein’s Horde. This is a group of raiders who attack planets and star systems seemingly indiscriminately. The true numbers of the Horde are unknown. Some military leaders are concerned that the number of ships they have in the tens of thousands while other are more conservative and the number of ships in the low thousands. Sometimes they will go after a single starship if they catch the ship. Ships have also been known to attack undefended or lightly defended planets. They plunder their victims, taking everything of value and destroying the rest. The raiders leave scorched earth in their path and often the planet they target is uninhabitable after they are finished plundering. If they have the time, they even raid the planet or system's trash / scrap yards for whatever they can salvage. The horde has bene known to take live prisoners as both slave labor and as food although their abused victims rarely last very long. This is due to just about every abuse imaginable is heaped on their victims. Many people attacked by the Horde prefer to suicide over being captured by them.
There are several size classes of Horde ships. The most common are destroyer class ships. These can be pretty small ships smaller than Hunters to as large as a Scimitar class vessels. The vast majority of horde ships are in this size class but the Horde has larger ships as well. Most of these are the size of cruisers and appear to form the command ships of larger Horde attacks. These also vary in size. Unfortunately, there have been sightings of even larger ships, the size of battleships. Luckily, there is believed to be only a handful of these huge vessels. Some researchers think there may be as few as two or three.
A few smaller vessels operated by Frankenstein’s Horde have been captured, normally considered destroyer class vessels, but no larger ships such as cruiser class vessels. There have been several encounters by Consortium cruisers which have allowed good external research on the vessels including common weaponry. As well, a number of teams have studied wreckage after battle to increase knowledge about the ships. Most Governments have a shoot on sight order with all Frankenstein’s Horde vessels. This includes both the Consortium of Civilized Worlds and the Trans-Galactic Empire. There has been little luck in actually destroying a large portion of these ships. One problem is that due to the type of drive that they use, it can be very hard to find the vessels. They could be anywhere within a thirty thousand cubic lightyear volume. Another problem is that it appears that more are constantly being built.
The Horde itself is mostly composed of Brodkil with a mixture of other monster races. No one knows where the members of the Frankenstein’s Horde are recruited from. A couple members of the crew are almost always mages of some monster race. There is believed to be a race of creature behind them who are known only as Cyber Demons. This race is rumored to mix magic and technology together much like techno-wizards and know the secrets of cybernetics and bionics. As might be expected, the Cyber Demons appear to modify the Brodkil with cybernetics, bionics, and even M.O.M. conversions. Some of the Brodkil Cyborgs even have techno-wizard cybernetics. There is rumor that the Splugorth are behind the Frankenstein’s Horde but there as no concrete proof.
Hoard vessels of around cruiser class tend to be less powerful than modern cruisers such as the Warshield class cruiser and a competently run modern cruiser could likely fight to or more of these Horde ships with a good chance of victory. Of course, these Horde cruisers, even though rarer than destroyer class vessels, can still be found in fleets or four or five. Even so, a well defended system can usually repel a Horde fleet even when it contains several cruiser class vessels. As a result, the Horde usually goes after marginal colonies and facilities with only light defenses. There have been reports of massive Horde fleets will go after well defended targets but they are rare. These fleets can have up to hundreds of vessels, mostly destroyer sized but with dozens of cruiser class vessels. These ships usually act as command ships. The Frankenstein’s Horde is not suicidal and will retreat if they can if they are either outgunned or outnumbered. Still, there tactics are not very complex although the Horde should not be underestimated and they will not act truly stupidly. Still, their tactics rarely use decoys or stealth, preferring brute force over any form of subtlety. An opponent using those in his or her tactics can usually gain the upper hand against the Horde. There has never been a case of a Horde ship surrendering and if completely cornered will try and take as many opponents with them as they can.
Many first think that the name Frankenstein’s Horde comes from the appearance of the Brodkil but it is actually the appearance of their ships with the name Frankenstein’s Horde is from. Like Horde destroyers, Horde cruisers appear to be different parts of ships are just jumbled together. This is due to the fact that the ships are usually constructed from the spoils that they have captured and often built right on the spot. The ships are constantly modified by the Horde with an old weapon system simply being cut off a ship and a new one put in its place. Ships will often actually grow through this, starting as a light cruiser class and growing to the size of a medium or even large cruiser through time. There have been cases where several destroyers appear to have been welded together to become a cruiser. The material used in the Horde's ships is not limited to starship scrap material. Rocks are often welded on as part of the ships and even the carapace of large insect like creatures or the hides of other creatures are used in the building of the ships.
No two Horde ships look exactly alike or are even armed the same way. They do tend to be heavily armed for their size although their weapon systems are normally not as well balance as conventional cruisers. Horde cruiser are normally more of a hodgepodge of different pieces than destroyers and are often a mess of different parts welded together in different directions. Scrap alloys and composites are often simply welded together to form the hull of the ship. Most ships, even Kreeghor vessels, have a symmetry to them. This is not the case with most Horde ships and almost no cruisers have any sort of symmetry to them. There is no known symmetry in battleship sized vessels. As a result, almost no horde ships which are cruiser class can enter an atmosphere. The few that are seem to have used cargo ship hulls as their base.
Even though heavily armed generally, Horde cruisers should not be considered to be without weakness. One weakness is that the vessels tend to be slow in acceleration. Sometimes, a vessel will be a bit faster than one might expect but most are far slower than comparable vessels. Most Horde vessels are powered by fusion reactors instead of anti-matter. As well, shielding is often weak of the ships allowing them to leak large amounts of radiation. Even if the crew does not kill any prisoners, the ships usually will. As previously stated, almost no Horde cruisers can enter an atmosphere although most carry several shuttles to make planetary attacks. As might be expected, Horde ships tend to be able to take less damage due to their cobbled together nature and often the main battery and even secondary batteries are often mixed which means that the ships are not as efficient as they might be. Weapons tend to be older models and often not as powerful as modern mounts. Fire control is often lacking as well. Missiles are not carried onboard in the large numbers which they are on ships in regular military service. This is due to the comparative rarity of salvaging missiles. Often, the missile launchers are also damaged with one or more cells unable to fire. The comparative lack of missiles and slow speeds means that they are at a definite disadvantage when it comes to long range combat. A ship like a Warshield can duel at long range and defeat a Horde cruiser without having any damage itself. It also appears that the Brodkil's ability to repair their ships is limited so damage is often left unrepaired.
While most of the systems on these ships are technological in origin, magic is used in several important aspects of the vessels. The first is the FTL drive system. Instead of a conventional Contra-Grav propulsion system, these ships use a Rifts Jump System similar to that used in most United Worlds Warlock vessels. This jump system allow the ship to jump up to twenty light years in a single jump. The second is that the ship’s life support is magical in origin and is again similar to the system in most U.W.W. vessels. It is believed by most who have studied theses vessels in detail that they are merged together through the use of magic. It is unlikely due to the ships strange configurations that these ships could not effectively use a conventional life support system. Finally, while most Horde ships have conventional force fields, some have magical force fields instead.
Rolling tables have been created for the creation of these ships. When creating this ships, feel free to modify the rolls and add other weapon systems. Of course, common sense should be used when creating these ships. The more heavily armed ships will be larger and usually have a larger crew as well compared to less heavily armed vessels. Larger ships will also normally have more M.D.C. than smaller vessels. As well, weapon systems to large for the ship cannot be mounted. Embarked craft is whatever they can salvage from their raids and M.D.C. of these craft is usually on 20 to 80 percent of normal (2D4x10% of normal.) The number of embarked craft can vary greatly. Most cruiser class ships carry fighters (80% carry fighters, 60% carry a small number of fighters - roll 2D6+6 to determine how many fighters are carried if fighters are embarked, and 20% carry a large number of fighters - roll 6D6+12 to determine number of fighters.) Fighters are usually older models and often the fighters will carry no or few missiles. Mini-missiles are more common than other types. Flying Fangs are among the more common classes of fighters used by the Hordes. Likely, it is simply due to the huge numbers of the fighter produced over the years.
This starship design uses modified starship speed and weapon range rules. See Revised Starship Rules for Phase World / Three Galaxies for more details.
Model Type: Frankenstein’s Horde Cruiser
Vehicle Type: Space, Cruiser
Crew: 100 to 400 (Mostly Brodkil)
Troops: 80 to 540 (Mostly Brodkil)
Vehicle, Robots, and Power Armors:
Fighter Compliment:
8 to 48 | Light or Medium Starfighters |
M.D.C. By Location:
20 cm Consortium / Wolfen Style Laser Cannons (Varies): | 700 to 1000 each (1D4x100+600) | |
18 cm Human Alliance Particle Beam Batteries (Varies): | 700 to 1000 each (1D4x100+600 | |
28 cm Human Alliance Particle Beam Batteries (Varies): | 800 to 1400 each (2D4x100+600) | |
25 cm Kreeghor Heavy Laser Lance (Varies): | 500 to 800 each (1D4x100+400) | |
28 cm Kreeghor Heavy Laser Lance (Varies): | 800 to 1400 each (2D4x100+600) | |
12 cm Consortium / Human Alliance Laser Cannons (Varies): | 500 to 800 each (1D4x100+400) | |
Heavy Wolfen Particle Beam Cannons (Varies): | 200 to 500 each (1D4x100+100) | |
Heavy Consortium G-Cannon Turrets (Varies): | 200 to 800 (2D4x100) | |
Horn Kreeghor Heavy Laser Cannons (Varies): | 200 to 700 each (1D6x100+100) | |
Horn Kreeghor Plasma Cannons (Varies): | 50 to 300 each (5D6x10) | |
Point Defense Gravity Auto-cannons (Varies): | 30 to 180 each (3D6x10) | |
Point Defense Rail Gun Turrets (Varies): | 20 to 120 each (2D6x10) | |
Point Defense Particle Beam Cannons (Varies): | 20 to 120 each (2D6x10) | |
Triple Barrel Defense Laser Turrets (Varies): | 20 to 120 each (2D6x10) | |
Combination GR Cannons/Missile Batteries (Varies): | 60 to 360 each (6D6x10) | |
Combination Electromagnetic Rail Gun/Missile Batteries (Varies): | 50 to 200 each (5D4x10) | |
Combination Point Defense Lasers / Missile Batteries (Varies): | 50 to 300 each (5D6x10) | |
Human Alliance Style Cruise Missile Battery (Varies): | 200 to 800 each (2D4x100) | |
Human Alliance Style Long Range Missile Battery (Varies): | 200 to 500 each (1D4x100+100) | |
Kreeghor Style Cruise Missile Battery (Varies): | 300 to 900 each (2D4x100+100) | |
Wolfen Style Cruise Missile Launcher (Varies): | 400 to 1000 each (2D4x100+200) | |
Medium Range Missile Batteries (Varies) | 80 to 480 each (8D6x10) | |
Mini-Missile Launchers (Varies): | 20 to 80 each (2D4x10) | |
Fighter Hanger Bay Door (If Fitted) | 3000 to 10000 (2D4x1000+1000) | |
[1] Large Engines (Varies) | 2000 to 8000 each (2D4x1000) | |
[1] Small Engines (Varies) | 220 to 560 each (6D6x10+200) | |
[2] Main Bridge: | 4000 to 10000 (2D4x1000+2000) | |
[2] Secondary Bridge: | 2000 to 8000 (2D4x1000) | |
[3] Main Body: | 16000 to 56000 (8D6x1000+8000) | |
[4] Variable Force Field: | 2000 to 5000 each side | |
(1D4x1000+1000) | ||
[4] Fixed Force Field: | 8000 total | |
[4] Magical “Armor of Ithan” Force Field (3 x per day): | 10,000 total |
[1] The number of Engines can vary depending on size. Reduce acceleration
by the percentage of the number of engines divided into 100% for each engine
destroyed. For example, a ship with three engines would lose 33% of its
acceleration per engine destroyed. If the ship has both large and small
engines, assume that half the thrust comes from the large engines and half
the thrust comes from the smaller engines.
[2] Unlike most conventional Warships of the Three Galaxies, the bridge
on most Horde ships is exposed, allowing direct hits on the bridge. The
M.D.C. is what is required to penetrate the bridge itself. Only 25% of
Horde cruisers have a secondary bridge.
[3] Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will put the destroyer out of
commission. All internal systems will shut down, including life support
and internal gravity. The ship itself will be an unsalvageable floating
[4] On Variable Shields, Shields positions can be varied and
all could be combined in one shield. Shields regenerate at the rate of
5% per melee. On Fixed Shields, the M.D.C. is the total for the shield.
Shield regenerate at the rate of 5% per melee. On Magical "Armor of
Ithan" Force Field, This is not a variable force field, but a magical
shield that must be completely depleted. Once the shield has been knocked
down, it will cost 1000 P.P.E. and require one minute ( 4 melees) of spellcasting
to restore the force field.
Driving on the Ground: Not Possible.
Sublight: Has a special sublight engine that allows the ship
to travel up to 20 percent of the speed of light. A few have particle shields
which allow for speeds up to 60 percent of the speed of light. Star Ship
can accelerate/decelerate at the rate of 0.3 to 0.5 percent of light per
melee (roll 1D4+2 to determine acceleration)
Atmospheric Propulsion: Only symmetrical vessels can operate
within an atmosphere. If symmetrical, maximum speed is 200 mph (321.9 kph),
can enter an atmosphere and can leave but is not designed for atmospheric
Stardrive: Rift Jump Drive; maximum safe jump distance of 20 light years
every four hours (Jump costs 4,000 P.P.E. per activation.)
Maximum Range: Unknown
Statistical Data:
Height: 120 to 500 feet (36.6 to 152.4 meters) depending on
size / shape.
Width: 120 to 500 feet (36.6 to 152.4 meters) depending on size
/ shape.
Length: 400 to 950 feet (121.9 to 289.6 meters) depending on
size / shape.
Weight / Mass: 36,000 to 268,000 tons (32,650 to 241,130 metric
tons) depending on size.
Power System: Combination Fusion & Techno-wizardry with
10 year life span.The Cruiser also has a P.P.E. generator that produces
6,000 P.P.E. per hour / 25 P.P.E. per melee round (Activating the Rifts Jump Drive
costs 4,000 P.P.E.) and can hold up to 20,000 P.P.E. in storage. This P.P.E.
can be used to power the Rifts Jump Drive or can be used to power spells cast
by the cruiser's crew.
Cargo: Small Cruiser Scale: Cargo Holds can hold from
500 to 4,000 tons (453.6 to 3,628.7 metric tons) of additional material.
Medium Cruiser Scale: Cargo Holds can hold from 2,000 to 20,000
tons (1,814.4 to 18,144 metric tons) of additional material. Large Cruiser
Scale: Cargo Holds can hold from 4,000 to 60,000 tons (3,628.7 to 54,4311
metric tons) of additional material.
Most of the ship’s spaces are take up by extra ammunition, armor, troops,
weapons, engine, and other equipment.
Market Cost: Not Available for sale. Cost is virtually impossible
to estimate.
- Main Beam Weapon Systems:
- 20 cm Heavy Laser Cannons: Consortium / Wolfen style weapon.
The weapon system cannot be used to engage targets while traveling at faster than light
velocities. Weapon has standard penalties to hit fighters and small targets.
Up to two may be fired as one volley.
Maximum Effective Range: 100,000 miles (161,000 km) in space. and 100 miles (161 km) in an atmosphere.
Mega Damage: 1D4x1000 M.D.C. each.
Rate of Fire: Maximum of two (2) times per melee per cannon.
Payload: Effectively Unlimited. - 18 cm Particle Beam Batteries: Human Alliance style weapon.
The weapon system cannot be used to engage targets while traveling at faster than light
velocities. Weapon has standard penalties to hit fighters and small targets.
Up to two may be fired as one volley.
Maximum Effective Range: 70,000 miles (112,650 km)in space and 70 miles (112.7 km) in an atmosphere.
Mega Damage: 3D6x100 M.D.C. each.
Rate of Fire: Maximum of three (3) times per melee per particle beam.
Payload: Effectively Unlimited. - 28 cm Main Particle Beam Batteries: Human Alliance style
weapon. Counts as two weapon systems. The weapon system cannot be used
to engage targets while traveling at faster than light velocities. Weapon has standard
penalties to hit fighters and small targets. Up to two may be fired as one
Maximum Effective Range: 70,000 miles (112,650 km)in space and 70 miles (112.7 km) in an atmosphere.
Mega Damage: 1D4x1000 M.D.C. each
Rate of Fire: Maximum of three (3) times per melee per particle beam.
Payload: Effectively Unlimited. - 25 cm Heavy Laser Cannon Lances: Kreeghor type weapon system.
Counts as two weapon systems. The weapon system cannot be used to engage
targets while traveling at faster than light velocities. Weapon has standard penalties
to hit fighters and small targets. Up to two may be fired as one volley.
Maximum Effective Range: 80,000 miles (128,700 km) in space. and 80 miles (128.7 km) in an atmosphere.
Mega Damage: 1D4x1000 M.D.C. each.
Rate of Fire: Maximum of once per melee per cannon.
Payload: Effectively Unlimited. - 30 cm Heavy Laser Cannon Lances: Kreeghor type weapon system.
Counts as two weapon systems. The weapon system cannot be used to engage
targets while traveling at faster than light velocities. Weapon has standard penalties
to hit fighters and small targets. Up to two may be fired as one volley.
Maximum Effective Range: 100,000 miles (161,000 km) in space. and 100 miles (161 km) in an atmosphere.
Mega Damage: 1D6x1000 M.D.C. each.
Rate of Fire: Maximum of once per melee per cannon.
Payload: Effectively Unlimited.
- 20 cm Heavy Laser Cannons: Consortium / Wolfen style weapon.
The weapon system cannot be used to engage targets while traveling at faster than light
velocities. Weapon has standard penalties to hit fighters and small targets.
Up to two may be fired as one volley.
- Intermediate Beam Weapon Systems:
- 12 cm Heavy Laser Cannons: The weapon system cannot be used
to engage targets while traveling at faster than light velocities. Weapon has standard
penalties to hit fighters and small targets. Up to two may be fired as one
Maximum Effective Range: 16 miles (25.8 km) through atmosphere and 16,000 miles (25,800 km) in space.
Mega Damage: 2D6x100 M.D.C. each.
Rate of Fire: Maximum of two (2) times per melee each.
Payload: Effectively Unlimited. - Heavy Particle Beam Cannons: The particle beams are the same
version of the particle beams that are on a standard Hunter with the same
range and same beam output. The weapon system cannot be used to engage
targets while traveling at faster than light velocities.
Maximum Effective Range: 10,000 miles (16,000 km) in space and 20 miles (32 km) in an atmosphere.
Mega-Damage: 2D4x100 M.D. each
Rate of Fire: Each one can be fired up to one time in a melee.
Payload: Effectively Unlimited - 8 cm Heavy Rail Guns: They are used against targets that
are impervious to energy as well as normal targets. System can rotate 180
degrees btu does not have the advanced fire control which is mounted on
Consortium vessels. When used in space, projectiles are fired from rail guns at a significant
fraction of the speed of light. The weapon system cannot be used to engage
targets while traveling at faster than light velocities.
Maximum Effective Range: 10,000 miles (16,100 km) in space, range is 10 miles (16.1 km) in an atmosphere.
Mega Damage: 1D4x100 M.D.C. per 80 round burst each.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the gunner (usually 4 or 5).
Payload: 16,000 rounds each (200 bursts). - 12 cm Horn Heavy Laser Cannons: Weapon system designed for
anti-capital ship and anti-installation. Weapon system can engage two different
targets or can be combined to strike one target. The weapon system cannot
be used to engage targets while traveling at faster than light velocities.
Maximum Effective Range: 16,000 miles (25,750 km) in space and 16 miles (25 km) in an atmosphere.
Mega-Damage: 1D6x100 + 100 M.D. each
Rate of Fire: Two per cannon per melee.
Payload: Effectively Unlimited - Heavy Plasma Cannons: Ships can mount two plasma cannons
instead of a single regular intermediate weapon. They are powerful but
are very short ranged, most useful in close in strafing runs against much
larger ships and stations. Weapon has standard penalties to hit fighters
and small targets for large starship weaponry. The weapon system cannot
be used to engage targets while traveling at faster than light velocities. The plasma
quickly breaks down when the weapon is used in an atmosphere
Maximum Effective Range: 1,250 miles (2,012 km) in space and 12,000 feet (3,660 meters) in an atmosphere.
Mega-Damage: 1D4x100 M.D. each (two may be combined for 2D4x100)
Rate of Fire: Two per cannon per melee.
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
- 12 cm Heavy Laser Cannons: The weapon system cannot be used
to engage targets while traveling at faster than light velocities. Weapon has standard
penalties to hit fighters and small targets. Up to two may be fired as one
- Intermediate Missile Weapon systems:
- Human Alliance Style Cruise Missile Battery: Counts as two
intermediate weapon systems. Missile has a top speed of Mach 25 in an atmosphere
and in space has an acceleration of 10% of light per turn (far faster than
any starship.) When drive goes dead, missile will continue to travel in a straight line unless preset
to self destruct or receives a destruct code but has very low odds of hitting
star ships (Great for hitting bases and planets because target does not
move and missile, when unpowered, is at -25% to be detected.) See modified starship rules
for more details - Cruise missiles have penalties to hit small targets but
are all considered smart missiles. Batteries can launch on multiple targets
each at the same time.
Maximum Effective Range: Cruise Missile range is 8,000 miles (12,875 km) in an atmosphere and 4,000,000 miles (6,437,376 km/ 21.5 light seconds) in space.
Mega-Damage & Properties: See revised Phase World / Three Galaxies Missile Table (Anti-Matter multi-warheads inflict 5D6x100 M.D.C. each.) (Anti-Matter multi-warheads inflict 5D6x100 M.D.C. each.)
Rate of Fire: Can fire missiles one at a time or in volleys of two (2), eight (8), sixteen (16), or twenty-four (24) missiles. Launcher is reloaded on the same melee and can be fired again on the next. Note, usually the launcher will be damaged and reduce number of missiles that can be fired by 2D4
Payload: 24 cruise missiles per battery. Ship has 8 reload of missiles (192 cruise missiles total) - Human Alliance Style Long Range Missile Battery: Missile
has a top speed of Mach 20 in an atmosphere and in space has an acceleration
of 8% of light per turn (faster than any starship.) Whether weapons can be shot
down is calculated from the speed of target, launcher, and missile. When
drive goes dead, missile will continue to travel in a straight line unless set to self destruct
but has very low odds of hitting star ships (Great for hitting bases and
planets because target does not move and missile, when unpowered, is at -25% to be detected.)
Long range missiles do not have penalties to hit small targets unlike cruise
missiles and are all considered smart missiles. Batteries can launch on
multiple targets each at the same time. Batteries have a lower number of
actual launchers than the modern CAF long range missile batteries and each
launcher is slightly larger in size.
Maximum Effective Range: Long Range Missile range is 3,400 miles (5,470 km) in an atmosphere and 1,800,000 miles (2,897,000 km/9.7 light seconds) in space.
Mega-Damage & Properties: See revised Phase World / Three Galaxies Missile Table (Fusion warheads inflict 2D4x100 M.D.C. each.)
Rate of Fire: Can fire missiles one at a time or in volleys of two (2), eight (8), sixteen (16), or twenty-four (24) missiles per battery, per melee attack. Note, usually the launcher will be damaged and reduce number of missiles that can be fired by 2D4
Payload: 240 long range missiles per battery. - Kreeghor Style Cruise Missile Batteries: The ship carries
batteries with ten cruise missile launchers each to launch cruise missile.
Missile has a top speed of Mach 25 in an atmosphere and in space has an
acceleration of 10% of light per turn (far faster than any starship) in
space. When drive goes dead, missile will continue to travel in a straight line unless set to self
destruct but has very low odds of hitting other starships (Great for hitting
bases and planets because target does not move and missile when dead is at
-25% to detect.) Cruise missiles have penalties to hit small targets but
are all considered smart missiles. Each battery can be used to launch against
multiple targets but is rarely used that way.
Maximum Effective Range: Cruise Missile range is 8,000 miles (12,875 km) in an atmosphere and 4,000,000 miles (6,437,376 km/ 21.5 light seconds) in space.
Mega-Damage & Properties: See revised Phase World / Three Galaxies Missile Table (Anti-Matter multi-warheads inflict 5D6x100 M.D.C. each.)
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 10 per launcher, per melee round. Launchers are reloaded on the same melee and can be fired again on the next. Note, usually the launcher will be damaged and reduce number of missiles that can be fired by 1D4
Payload: 40 cruise missiles per launcher - Wolfen Style Cruise Missile Launchers: Missile has a top
speed of Mach 25 in an atmosphere and in space has an acceleration of 10%
of light per turn (far faster than any starship.) When drive goes dead,
missile will continue to travel in a straight line unless set to self destruct but has very low
odds of hitting star ships (Great for hitting bases and planets because
target does not move and missile, when unpowered, is at -25% to be detected.) Cruise missiles
have penalties to hit small targets but are all considered smart missiles.
Maximum Effective Range: Cruise Missile range is 8,000 miles (12,875 km) in an atmosphere and 4,000,000 miles (6,437,376 km/ 21.5 light seconds) in space.
Mega-Damage & Properties: See revised Phase World / Three Galaxies Missile Table (Anti-Matter multi-warheads inflict 5D6x100 M.D.C. each.)
Rate of Fire:One per melee attack
Payload: 50 cruise missiles total - Medium Range Missile Batteries: Ship can mount two medium
range missile launchers for a single heavy weapon system. Weapon system
is used for hitting enemy robots, fighters, and against incoming cruise
missiles. Like other Phase world systems, weapon system range and speed
has been greatly increased compared to Rifts Earth systems. Missile has
a top speed of Mach 15 in an atmosphere and in space has an acceleration
of 6% of light per turn. Batteries can launch on multiple targets each
at the same time.
Maximum Effective Range: Medium Range Missile range is 160 miles (257.5 km) in an atmosphere and 80,000 miles (128,750 km/0.43 light seconds) in space.
Mega-Damage: Varies with medium range missile type (See revised Phase World / Three Galaxies missile tables for details.)
Rate of Fire: Can fire missiles one at a time or in volleys of two (2), four (4), or eight (8) missiles per launcher. Note, usually the launcher will be damaged and reduce number of missiles that can be fired by 1D4 and divide by two (rounding down) for a reduction of zero to two missiles
Payload: 48 per launcher.
- Human Alliance Style Cruise Missile Battery: Counts as two
intermediate weapon systems. Missile has a top speed of Mach 25 in an atmosphere
and in space has an acceleration of 10% of light per turn (far faster than
any starship.) When drive goes dead, missile will continue to travel in a straight line unless preset
to self destruct or receives a destruct code but has very low odds of hitting
star ships (Great for hitting bases and planets because target does not
move and missile, when unpowered, is at -25% to be detected.) See modified starship rules
for more details - Cruise missiles have penalties to hit small targets but
are all considered smart missiles. Batteries can launch on multiple targets
each at the same time.
- Secondary Weapon Systems:
- Point Defense Gravity Rail Guns: Used as an anti-starfighter
and missile weapon and against targets that are impervious to energy. Each rail gun is in a turret that can rotate 360 and has a 180 arc of fire.
The weapon system cannot be used to engage targets while traveling at faster than light
velocities. When used in space, projectiles are fired from rail guns at a significant fraction
of the speed of light. Rail gun uses a 20 mm projectile.
Maximum Effective Range: 2 miles (3.2 km) through atmosphere and 200 miles (320 km) in space.
Mega-Damage: Rail guns inflict 2D4x10 M.D.C. for a 20 round burst.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the gunner (usually 4 or 5).
Payload: 10,000 Rounds (500 Bursts) each cannon. - Point Defense Electro-Magnetic Rail Guns: Used as an anti-starfighter
and missile weapon and against targets that are impervious to energy. Each rail gun is in a turret that can rotate 360 and has a 180 arc of fire.
The weapon system cannot be used to engage targets while traveling at faster than light
velocities. When used in space, projectiles are fired from rail guns at a significant fraction
of the speed of light. Rail guns use 15 mm depleted uranium projectiles.
Maximum Effective Range: 16 miles (26 km) through atmosphere and 800 miles (1,290 km) in space.
Mega-Damage: Rail gun inflicts 3D6x10 M.D.C. for an 80 round burst.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the gunner (usually 4 or 5).
Payload: 16,000 Rounds (200 Bursts) each cannon. - 25 mm Point Defense Particle Beams: These weapons are used for
anti-missile, anti-power armor, and anti-star fighter defense. Each Particle
Beam is in a turret that can rotate 360 and has a 180 arc of fire.
Maximum Effective Range: 600 miles (960 km) in space and range is 6 miles (9.6 km) in atmosphere.
Mega Damage: 3D6x10 M.D.C. each.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the gunner (usually 4 or 5).
Payload: Effectively Unlimited. - Point Defense 2 cm Lasers in Double Mounts: used as an anti-starfighter
and missile weapon. Each laser turret can rotate 360 and has a 180 arc
of fire. The weapon system cannot be used to engage targets while traveling
at faster than light velocities.
Maximum Effective Range: 2.5 miles (4 km) miles through atmosphere and 250 miles (402.3 km) in space.
Mega-Damage: 2D6x10 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the gunner (usually 4 or 5).
Payload: Effectively Unlimited - 22 mm GR Rail Gun/Mini Missile Batteries (8): Weapons are
mounted around the ship for point defense. When used in space, projectiles are fired from rail guns
at a significant fraction of the speed of light. Missile has a top speed
of Mach 10 in an atmosphere and in space has an acceleration of 2% of light
per turn (slightly faster than any starship except if it is exceeding it
maximum safe acceleration). Missile launchers can launch on multiple targets
each at the same time.
Maximum Effective Range: Mini-Missile range is 2 miles (3.2 km) in an atmosphere and 100 miles (161 km) in space. Gravity Rail guns have a range of 4 miles (6.4 km) in an atmosphere and 200 (362 km) in space.
Mega-Damage: GR-Cannon inflicts 3D6x10 M.D. for a 40 round burst. Missiles vary by missile type (See revised Phase World / Three Galaxies missile tables for details.)
Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the gunner (usually 4 or 5). Missiles are fired one at a time or in volleys of two or four missiles
Payload: GR Cannon has 8000 rounds/ 200 Bursts each, has 32 missiles at each launcher - 20 mm Electromagnetic Rail Gun/Mini Missile Batteries: Unlike
most of the rail guns used on Phase World / Three Galaxies starships, these are standard
electromagnetic rail guns. Each turret can rotate 360 and has a 180 arc
of fire. Weapons are mounted around the ship for point defense. Projectiles
are fired from rail guns at a significant fraction of the speed of light.
Missile has a top speed of Mach 10 in an atmosphere and in space has an
acceleration of 2% of light per turn (slightly faster than any starship
except if it is exceeding it maximum safe acceleration). Missile launchers
can launch on multiple targets each at the same time.
Maximum Effective Range: Mini-Missile range is 2 miles (3.2 km) in an atmosphere and 100 miles (161 km) in space. Gravity Rail guns have a range of 2 miles (3.2 km) in an atmosphere and 100 (161 km) in space.
Mega-Damage: Rail Cannon inflicts 2D6x10 M.D. for a 30 round burst. Missiles vary by missile type (See revised Phase World / Three Galaxies missile tables for details.)
Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the gunner (usually 4 or 5). Missiles are fired one at a time or in volleys of two or four missiles
Payload: Rail Cannon has 6000 rounds/ 200 Bursts each, has 24 missiles at each launcher - Point Defense Lasers/Mini Missile Batteries: Each turret
can rotate 360 and has a 180 arc of fire. Weapons are mounted around the
ship for point defense. Missile has a top speed of Mach 10 in an atmosphere
and in space has an acceleration of 2% of light per turn (slightly faster
than any starship except if it is exceeding it maximum safe acceleration)
in space. Missile launchers can launch on multiple targets each at the
same time.
Maximum Effective Range: Mini-Missile range is 2 miles (3.2 km) in an atmosphere and 100 miles (161 km) in space. Lasers have a range of 1 mile in an atmosphere and 100 miles in space.
Mega-Damage: Laser cannon inflicts 3D4x10 M.D. Missiles vary by missile type (See revised Phase World / Three Galaxies missile tables for details.)
Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the gunner (usually 4 or 5). Missiles are fired one at a time or in volleys of two or four missiles
Payload: Laser has effectively unlimited payload. Has 32 missiles at each launcher. - Mini-Missile Launchers: These are missile turrets used for
point defense against enemy fighters and missiles. Missile has a top speed
of Mach 10 in an atmosphere and in space has an acceleration of 2% of light
per turn (slightly faster than any starship except if it is exceeding it
maximum safe acceleration.) Batteries can launch on multiple targets each
at the same time.
Maximum Effective Range: Mini-Missile range is 2 miles (3.2 km) in an atmosphere and 100 miles (161 km) in space.
Mega-Damage: Varies with mini-missile type (See revised Phase World / Three Galaxies missile tables for details.)
Rate of Fire: Can fire missiles one at a time or in volleys of four (4) or eight (8) missiles.
Payload: 128 per launcher.
- Point Defense Gravity Rail Guns: Used as an anti-starfighter
and missile weapon and against targets that are impervious to energy. Each rail gun is in a turret that can rotate 360 and has a 180 arc of fire.
The weapon system cannot be used to engage targets while traveling at faster than light
velocities. When used in space, projectiles are fired from rail guns at a significant fraction
of the speed of light. Rail gun uses a 20 mm projectile.
Creation Process (Cruiser Sized):
- Determine M.D.C. of Main Body: Roll 8D6x1000+8000 to determine M.D.C.
- Determine Size: Use M.D.C. to determine size of vessel; From 16,000 to 29,000 is considered small, roll 6D6x1000+30000 to determine mass of the ship in tons. From 30,000 to 42,000 is considered medium, roll 12D6x1000+80000 to determine mass of the ship in tons. From 43,000 to 56,000 is considered large, roll 18D6x1000+160000 to determine mass of the ship in tons.
- Determine Crew & Troops: Average Crew is 80+2D4x10 for smaller sized vessels, 120+3D6x10 for medium sized vessels, and 160+4D6x10 for larger sized vessels. Average Troops is 60+2D6x10 for smaller sized vessels, 120+4D6x10 for medium sized vessels, and 180+6D6x10 for larger sized vessels.
- Determine if Ship has Fighters: 80 percent chance the ship has a fighter bay. 60% carry a small number of fighters - roll 2D6+6 to determine how many fighters are carried if fighters are embarked, and 20% carry a large number of fighters - roll 6D6+12 to determine number of fighters. Increase ships mass by 100 tons per fighter carried. Fighters will only have 2D4x10% of their normal M.D.C.
- Determine number of Main Weapons: For small sized ships, roll 1D4-2. A small ship can have from zero to two main weapons. For medium ships, roll 1D4. A medium sized ship can have from one to four main weapon systems. For a large ship, roll 1D4+2. A large sized ship can have from three to six main weapon systems.
- Determine number of Intermediate Weapons: For small sized ships, roll 2D4. A small ship can have from two to eight intermediate weapons. For medium ships, roll 4D6. A medium sized ship can have from four to twenty-four intermediate weapon systems. For a large ship, roll 6D6+2. A large sized ship can have from eight to thirty-eight intermediate weapon systems.
- Determine number of Secondary Weapons: For small sized ships, roll 4D4+4 to determine number of secondary weapon systems. A small ship can have from eight to twenty secondary weapon systems. For medium ships, roll 4D6+6. A medium sized ship can have from ten to thirty secondary weapon systems. For a large ship, roll 6D6+6. A large sized ship can have from twelve to forty-two secondary weapon systems.
- Determine Weapon systems: Weapon systems may be selected
if a specific type of design is trying to be created. A newer ship is more
likely to have consistent weapon system than an older ship because they
tend to get modified more as time goes on.
- Roll for Main Battery Beam Weaponry: These weapons are heavy
hitters and often have excellent range. Like most weapon systems, they
tend to be older systems and a large percentage are Kreeghor weapon systems.
01% to 15% 20 cm Heavy Laser Cannons:- Consortium / Wolfen style weapon system which are identical to those carried on the Warshield class
- Human Alliance style weapon system.
- Human Alliance style weapon system.
- Old Kreeghor style weapon system.
- New Kreeghor style weapon system.
- Roll for Intermediate Scale Missile Weapon systems: Only
25% of Horde ships will have heavy missile systems. If the ship has missile
systems, roll 2D6 to determine how many missile systems are carried. The
number cannot exceed the number of actual heavy weapon system carried by
the ship.
01% to 20% Human Alliance Style Cruise Missile Battery (Counts as Two weapon systems):- Has a total of 192 cruise missiles. Launcher will
likely be damaged, if damage roll 2D4 to determine number of damaged launchers.
Reduce number of missiles that can be fired at one time by that number.
- Has a total of 240 long range missiles. Launcher will likely be damaged,
if damage roll 1D6 to determine number of damaged launchers. Reduce number
of missiles that can be fired at one time by that number.
- 1D4 to determine number of damaged launchers. Reduce number of missiles
that can be fired at one time by that number.
- Has a total of 50 cruise missiles. These launchers do not have any advanced fire control
and have to fire their missiles on at a time.
- Has a total of 48 missiles in each battery. Launcher will
likely be damaged, if damage roll 1D4 and divide by two (rounding down)
to determine number of damaged launchers. Reduce number of missiles that
can be fired at one time by that number.
- Roll for Intermediate Beam Weapon systems: All remaining
intermediate weaponry will be beam weapon or heavy rail guns type weapons.
Weapon systems can be a complete hodgepodge of different weapon systems.
01% to 20% 12 cm Heavy Laser Cannons:- Consortium style weapon system.
- Wolfen style weapon system.
- Consortium style weapon system. Ships normally have 16,000 rounds each (200 bursts).
- Kreeghor style weapon system.
- Kreeghor style weapon system.
- Roll for Secondary Weapon Systems: Mini-Missile launchers
are far more common than heavier missile systems and a much larger percentage
of ships carry them. Ship can carry both combined mini-missile launchers
with another weapon system or stand alone mini-missile launchers.
01% to 10% Point Defense Gravity Auto-Cannons:- Consortium style weapon system. 10,000 Rounds (500 Bursts) each cannon.
- Human Alliance style weapon system. 16,000 Rounds (200 Bursts) each cannon.
- Consortium style weapon system.
- Human Alliance style weapon system.
- Kreeghor style weapon system. GR Cannon has 8000 rounds/ 200 Bursts each, has 32
missiles at each launcher
- Kreeghor style weapon system. Rail Cannon has 6000 rounds/ 200 Bursts each,
has 24 missiles at each launcher
- Kreeghor style weapon system. Has 32 missiles at each launcher.
- 85% to 00% Mini-Missile Launchers:
- Roll for Main Battery Beam Weaponry: These weapons are heavy
hitters and often have excellent range. Like most weapon systems, they
tend to be older systems and a large percentage are Kreeghor weapon systems.
- Determine Ship’s Shields: While not all Horde ships have
shields, most do have some form of defensive shields. Still, most cruiser
scale ships do carry defense shields.
01% to 60% Variable Force Fields:- Roll 1D4x1000+1000 to determine strength per side. Otherwise treat as normal variable shields.
- Has 8000 M.D.C. Regenerates as per normal.
- Can be activated three times per day and has 10,000 M.D.C. Damage is not regenerated.
- Determine Number of Engines: Ships can have a small number
of large engines or a larger number of small engines depending on design.
Large engines are usually taken from cruisers while smaller engines are
usually taken from destroyers.
01% to 50% Large Engines:- For small sized ships, roll 1D6 and
divide by two, rounding up. A small ship can have from one to three engines.
For medium ships, roll 1D4. A medium sized ship can have from one to four
engines. For a large ship, roll 1D6. A large sized ship can have from one
to six engines.
- For small sized ships, roll 1D6+4.
A small ship can have from five to ten engines. For medium ships, roll
2D6+6. A medium sized ship can have from eight to eighteen engines. For
a large ship, roll 3D6+8. A large sized ship can have from eleven to twenty-eight
- The ship carries both large and small engines.
For small sized ships, roll 1D4 and divide by two (rounding up) for the
number of large engines and 1D4+2 for the number of small engines. For
medium sized ships, roll roll 1D6 and divide by two (rounding up) for the
number of large engines and 1D6+4 for the number of small engines. For
a large ship, roll 1D4 for the number of large engines and 2D4+6 for the
number of small engines.
- Determine Ship Speed: Ships lack heavy radiation and particle shields in most cases and has a maximum speed of 20% of the speed of light. A few will retain their old shielding and be able to achieve a maximum speed of 60% of the speed of light. For acceleration, roll 1D4+2, divide by ten, and that is the ship’s maximum acceleration in percentage of light. Gives a minimum acceleration of 0.3% or light to a maximum acceleration of 0.6% of light.
- Determine if Symmetrical: 10% of new Horde cruisers are Symmetrical and only 2% of older Horde vessels are symmetrical (Get modified while in operation). Only Symmetrical vessels can operate inside of an atmosphere.
- Determine Number of Bridges: Most conventional cruisers in the Three Galaxies have a second bridge but it is more rare on Horde vessels. Only 25% have a secondary bridge (Roll of 01% to 25%)
- Roll M.D.C. Locations: Roll M.D.C. for other hit locations.
[ Altara TM, Brodkil TM, Bushido Industries TM, CAF TM, Catyr TM, CCW TM, Consortium of Civilized Worlds TM, Coyles TM, Free Worlds Council TM, Gene Splicers TM, K-Hex TM, Kankoran TM, Kittani TM, Kreeghor TM, Kydian TM, Machine People TM, M.D.C. TM, Mega-Damage TM, Metzla TM, M’Kri Hardware TM, Monro TM, Mutants in Orbit TM, Naruni Enterprises TM, Noro TM, Paradise Federation TM, Phase World TM, Psylite TM, Rifter TM, SAMAS TM, S.D.C. TM, Seljuks TM, Splugorth TM, Sunaj TM, Trans-Galactic Empire TM, Tri-Galactic Military Service TM, United Worlds Warlock TM, U.W.W. TM, Wolfen TM, and Zembahk TM are trademarks owned by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc. ]
[ Beyond the Supernatural®, Heroes Unlimited®, Nightbane®, Ninjas & Superspies®, Palladium Fantasy®, and Rifts® are registered trademarks owned by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc. ]
Writeup by Kitsune (E-Mail Kitsune).
Copyright © 2006, Kitsune. All rights reserved.