A-2 “Devastator” Power Armor:

While the A-1 “Avenger” is an awesome design, the engineer saw that it could be improved, to make it even more lethal. Thus, the design of the A-2 “Devastator” was born. Unfortunately, when M’Kri Hardware went bankrupt, there was only two dozen of this design in existence including two or three prototypes. In comparison, almost eight thousand “Avengers” were built.

In general outward appearance, the A-2 “Devastator” is virtually identical. There are some external difference in the weapon system, some minor changes in the thrust system, and the design is painted a metallic blue. The A-1 Avenger was originally painted in silver, gold, or metallic red. As such, one can usually tell one of the tiny number of Devastators easily. It is unknown if more Devastators were built if they would have been available in other colors.

Both armors have in common the same armor although the Devastator does have an improved force field which can withstand greater damage. The armor also retains the “chameleon” camouflage system mounted on the original design which allows it to blend into its host environment.

Internally, there are more changes however. Similar to the gravity wave sensor mounted on the PA-1000 Enforcer, the Devastator has an incredibly advanced gravity sensor suite. While computer systems in the Three Galaxies often verge on artificial intelligence, the Devastator has one more advanced than almost any mounted in a power armor. In fact, it verges on neural intelligence technology. The armor can do such things as help with giving instructions for repair as well as even piloting the suit without a pilot. A good pilot is generally more skilled than the suit by itself however.

Flight systems are slightly improved. Some have suggested that the armor has equal acceleration to the Bushido Industries Katana fighter and this is actually printed in some sources. This is not quite accurate and acceleration is more akin to the old Osprey fighter. This is also identical to the Consortium Silverhawk design. Atmospheric top speeds are slightly faster than the original Avenger as well.

Probably though, the most noted upgrade this design has over the Avenger is the weapon systems. Payload of mini-missiles is increased by fifty percent, with a total of two launchers with twelve mini-missiles each. The HI-laser is also boosted, range increased as well as energy output. The helmet lasers are even replaced with systems which appears based on the HI-80 laser system. The only unmodified weapon from the Avenger is the gravity rail gun mounted in the left arm.  

There is rumor that while most of the Devastators mount the standard gravity and radio frequency jamming suit carried on the “Avenger,” one or perhaps both of the prototypes were fitted with a quantum destabilizing system. While it still jams both radio frequencies and gravity sensors, it is said to have the added effect of actually jamming phase technology and phase abilities. For example, a power armor using an “Out of Phase” generator would find itself pulled back into normal space and become solid if within the effects of the field, allowing it to be attacked.

Rumor is also that this system was not developed by M’Kri Hardware but instead developed by an outside. There is some speculation system was simply too expensive to be practical and thus was discontinued after the prototype designs. Many scientists speculation that it was phase technology itself. Suggestions are that the prototypes with this system would cost upwards of eight hundred million to a billion credits.

This power armor design used modified starship rules. See Revised Starship Rules for Phase World / Three Galaxies for more details.

(Note: The power system is fusion not anti-matter because the author’s opinion is that anti-matter is to dangerous to be used in vehicles that may be used in an atmosphere. If a starship powered by anti-matter was to detonate in an atmosphere it would cause huge planetary damage. At GM option, this can also be applied to all power armors, robots, and fighters or this power armor can be changed to anti-matter.)

Model Type: ME-105A2

Class: Multi-Purpose Combat Exoskeleton.

Crew: One

M.D.C. by Location:


Arms (2):

200 each


Multi Weapon System(Right Arm):



Mini-Missile Launcher (1, chest):



Head Laser Cannon (2):

20 each


Legs (2):

350 each


[1] Head:



[2] Main Body:



[3] Force Field:



[1] Destroying the head/helmet has a 01-60% chance of knocking the pilot unconscious. If conscious, the pilot has

two problems: one, no power armor combat bonuses to strike, parry and dodge, and two, the human head is now vulnerable to attack. Note: The head is a small and difficult target to hit. Thus, it can only be hit when a character makes a called shot and even then the attacker is -3 to strike.

[2] Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will shut the armor down completely, making it useless.

[3] The force field will stop energy attacks and fast moving objects. Slow moving objects can pass through. It regenerates one (1) M.D.C. per melee round unless overloaded and then cannot be activated for 12 hours if overloaded. The force field pulls its power off of the power plant.


Running: 100 mph (160 km) maximum. Note that the act of running does tire out the operator, but at 10% normal fatigue rate.

Sublight: Has a special sublight engine that allows the power armor to travel up to 20 percent of the speed of light. Power Armor can accelerate/decelerate at the rate of 1.2 percent of light per melee.

Atmospheric Propulsion: Maximum speed is Mach 6 (4448.7 mph /7159.5 kph), can enter an atmosphere because flight system is using contra grav.

Range: Limited only by the pilot’s endurance. Emergency food and air supply will keep the pilot alive for a week.

Statistical Data:

Height:  11 feet (3.3 meters).

Width:   8 feet (2.4 meters).

Length:  6 feet (l.8 meters).

Weight: 1,000 pounds. (453 kilograms).

Physical Strength: Equal to a P.S. 52

Cargo: Minimal (Storage for small equipment)

Power System: Advanced Fusion; average energy life of 50 years.

Market Cost: Varies widely; no new Devastator suits are available on the open market. The suit can go for as much as 200 million or more credits in "mint" conditions. Prototype versions equipped with the quantum destablizer could cost one billion or more credits.

Weapon Systems:

  1. One (1) Multi-Barrel Gravity Rail Gun: Identical to the Avenger power armor’s main weapon, in the power armor’s left forearm is mounted a multi-barrel gravity rail gun. The rail gun fires projectiles at incredible velocities compared to rail guns on Rifts Earth and projectiles are fired from rail guns at a significant fraction fraction of the speed of light in space and when used in an atmosphere are fired at a slower but still at hypersonic speeds. It is used as an anti-starfighter and missile weapon and against targets that are impervious to energy.

    Maximum Effective Range: 6,000 feet (1,828 meters) in an atmosphere and 56.8 miles (91.4 km) in space.

    Mega-Damage: A burst is 60 rounds and inflicts 2D4x10 M.D. Can only fire bursts.

    Rare of Fire: Equal to the combined number of hand to hand attacks of the pilot.

    Payload: 6,000 rounds in back-mounted magazine; that's 100 bursts.

  2. One (1) HI-Laser: Modified version of the original high intensity laser carried on the Avenger with greater range and slightly greater output. Mounted in the right arm of the power armor, the high intensity laser is the main weapon of the Avenger design.

    Maximum Effective Range: 16,000 feet (4,880 meters) in an atmosphere and 152 miles (244 km) in space.

    Mega-Damage: 2D6x10+20 M.D. per laser burst.

    Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined number of hand to hand attacks of the pilot.

    Payload: Effectively unlimited.

  3. Two (2) Helmet HI-Laser Cannons: Replace the original lasers with more powerful laser system based on the HI-80 laser system. In addition to firing single blasts, can fire three blast bursts for greater damage. One Laser Cannon will be destroyed if the helmet takes more than 20 M.D. points; Both will be gone after an additional 20 M.D. (for a total of 40) are inflicted on the helmet.

    Mega-Damage: 4D6+6 for one cannon, 8D6+12 for both cannons, 2D4x10+10 for three round burst from one cannon, 4D4x10+20 for three round burst from both barrels (6 total shots)

    Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined number of hand to hand attacks of the pilot.

    Maximum Effective Range: 2000 feet (610 m) in an atmosphere and 37.9 miles (61 km) in space.

    Payload: Effectively unlimited.

  4. Two (2) Mini-Missile Launchers: Chest is modified so that mini-missile capacity is increased by fifty percent, bringing missiles from sixteen to twenty-four missiles. Mini-Missile has a top speed of Mach 10 in an atmosphere and in space has an acceleration of 2% of light per turn (slightly faster than any starship except if it is exceeding it maximum safe acceleration). Three Galaxy Mini-Missiles are normally guided with most common warheads being armor piercing types.

    Maximum Effective Range: Mini-Missile range is 2 miles (3.2 km) in an atmosphere and 100 miles (161 km) in space.

    Mega Damage: As per Mini-Missile Type (See revised Phase World / Three Galaxies missile tables for details.)

    Rate of Fire: Can fire missiles one at a time or in volleys of two (2) or four (4).

    Payload: Twenty-Four (24) total, twelve (12) per launcher.

  5. Camouflage System: The suit's skin is covered by a fiber-optic material that can change colors to match the general environment. Color change takes 1D4 melee rounds (15 to 60 seconds), in which the armor becomes the exact same color as the predominant one in the area. In the woods or in broken terrain, the suit will also create stripes and blotches of lighter and darker color like a camouflage pattern. In all cases, the wearer is difficult to spot: -20% for others to detect ambush and detect concealment, +5% to the wearers prowl skill, and even characters without prowl have a 40% chance of not being seen if they stay under cover and don’t move.

    The system also masks infrared and thermal emissions, making the wearer’s heat invisible to infrared and thermal optics! There is only a 21% chance of the suit showing up on thermal systems and even then the reading/image will seem unusual. The camouflage system is disabled after the armor's main body takes 200 points of damage.

  6. Jamming Gear: Most models are fitted with the standard jamming gear from the A-1 Avenger. It is believed that only one or two of the prototypes was fitted with a quantum destablizer system.

    1. Radar / Gravity Sensor Jammer: Mounted on most models of the power armor is a radar/sensor jammer and "spoofer." While the jammer is on, conventional radar, gravity-wave sensors, and most missile guidance systems will not be able to function in the area affected (radar and gravity wave sensors only a 20% chance of detecting any targets in the area, including the armor).The jammer will affect a one mile (1.6 km) area in an atmosphere and 100 miles (160 km) in space. Leaving the system on all the time will automatically alert the enemy that a jammer-equipped vehicle is in the area and also interferes with the power armor’s own sensors so standard operational procedure is not to activate it until combat is under way, or just before attacking. Neutrino sensors only weakly interact with gravity so are not effected by the jamming.

    2. Quantum Destabilizing Field: Mounted on a limited (two maybe) prototype versions of the armor. While sometimes described as a “more advanced version,” the system works off of completely different technology and is most likely based on Phase-Tech. It does have a similar effect on conventional radar, gravity-wave sensors, and most missile guidance systems causing them not be able to function in the area affected (radar and gravity wave sensors only a 20% chance of detecting any targets in the area, including the armor.) In addition though, the system prevents phase technology and phase powers from working within the sphere of effect. Would also prevent most kind of non-magical teleportation and dimension shifting from working with the effect zone. The field will affect a one mile (1.6 km) area in an atmosphere and 100 miles (160 km) in space. As with the original system, leaving it on all the time will automatically alert the enemy that a destabilizing equipped vehicle is in the area, so standard operational procedure is not to activate it until combat is under way, or just before attacking. Will give extremely strange reading on most systems.

  7. Energy Rifles or Light Rail Gun and other hand-held weapons can be substituted in an emergency or used as a back-up weapon. Space limitations and the bulk of the armor limit additional rifle weapons to one rifle and one pistol.

  8. Hand to Hand Combat: Rather than use a weapon, the pilot can engage in hand to hand attacks.

    Restrained Punch: 2D6 M.D.

    Full Strength Punch: 6D6 M.D.

    Power Punch: 2D6x10 M.D.

    Kick: 6D6+6 M.D.

    Leap Kick: 2D6x10+6 M.D.

    Body Flip: 2D6 M.D.

  9. Sensor/Computer Systems Note: Has all the normal Phase World power armor sensors plus the following special features.

      Artificial Intelligence: I.Q.: 19, Has expanded memory, and has general military skill program and five other skill programs. Used to supplement skills the pilot does not have and to advise. It can also target the head lasers in combat and can pilot the armor

        General Military Skill Program: Radio; Basic, Mathematics; Basic (98%), Pilot Robots & Power Armors (94%), Robot Combat Elite (8th level), Language/ Literacy American, Euro, Dragonese, Techno-Can, and Trade Three, Four, and Six (94%), Programmed for common slang & behavior, and huge Database of vehicles and monsters. Bonuses: +1 attack, +1 to Strike, +1 to Parry, +1 to Dodge, and +1 to Initiative

        Pilot Related: Navigation, Navigation; Space, Read Sensory Instruments, Weapon Systems (94%)

        Physical: Hand to Hand (Martial Arts - 8th level), Climbing, Swimming, and Gymnastics (94%)

        Weapon Proficiencies: All energy weapons, WP: Heavy, WP Auto Rifle, WP Auto Pistol, and WP: Knife (8th level

        Communication: Radio; Scrambler, Laser Communication, Optic Systems, Surveillance Systems, T.V./Video (94%)

        Mechanical: Aircraft Mechanics, Mechanical Engineer, Robot Mechanics, and Starship Mechanics (94%).

      Gravity Wave Sensor: Similar to sensor system in PA E-1000 Enforcer. System uses gravity waves like a form of radar. Range is 2000 ft (610 m) and can electronically map the insides of structures. Combined with thermographics, will also detect invisible targets and find people inside building or ships, and even detect traps and hidden rooms. The sensor system cannot penetrate force fields or phase fields, however.

      Full optical system: Includes Laser targeting, telescopic, passive nightvision (light amplification), thermo-imaging, infrared, ultra-violet, and polarization.

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Writeup by Kitsune (E-Mail Kitsune).

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