New Armor & Weapons for Rifts - Others:
Cloth Fiber Armor (Kitsune):
This armor is made from special high strength fibers and is in a quilted design. Inside the quilts are special high strength ceramic plates which reinforces the armor. It is almost like scale male with the scales inside the armor. Normally, a hard helmet is worn over the armor for greater protection. The armor is not considered to be environmental. The cloth armor is available in most colors but green, blue, and red are the most common.
Main Body: 45.
Head: 30.
Arms (2): 25.
Legs (2): 40.
Weight: 10 lbs (4.5 kg).
Penalties: Full Mobility, has no penalties to prowl, swim, or gymnastics.
Black Market/Market Cost: 40,000 credits.
Neural Glove (Kitsune):
This item operates in a similar manner to a neural mace but is in glove form. Sometimes one is worn while in others cases two are worn. The glove is insulated so that the wearer in not effected. While the neural glove has a limited number of charges, it can be connected by a cable to standard E-Clip worn on the waist or otherwise concealed. Due to the nature of the neural gloves, they are often used for clandestine operations. It is extremely popular with bounty hunters and kidnappers (which are sometimes the same thing on Rifts Earth.) Rare and expensive due to its covert uses.
Weight: 1.5 lbs (0.68 kg).
Damage; Physical: As per punch.
Special: Unconsciousness, -8 to Strike, Parry and Dodge for 2D4 Melees if save is made (Save 16 or Higher), must save each time hit, ineffective against full environmental body armor but effective against non fully environmental Armors.
Range: Hand to Hand.
Payload: Six charges without external E-Clip. 200 charges when connected to a short E-Clip.
Cost: 35,000 credits.
Neural Whip (Kitsune):
Similar in operation to a neural mace but may be used to entangle as well attempt to stun an opponent. Electronics on whip are mounted in the handle of the whip. Whips are available in length of 8 to 12 feet (2.4 to 3.7 meters) and are constructed from mega-damage materials. The weapon is far less powerful than the Gargoyle version of the Neural Whip.
Weight: 3.1 lbs (1.4 kg).
Damage; Physical: 1D8 S.D.C. + Strength.
Special: Unconsciousness, -8 to Strike, Parry and Dodge for 2D4 Melees if save is made (Save 16 or Higher), must save each time hit, ineffective against full environmental body armor but effective against non fully environmental armors.
Range: Hand to Hand.
Cost: 20,000 credits.
Vibro Arm-Blades (Kitsune):
Weapon looks like a Tonfa with a vibro-blade along the length of the weapon and extended outwards. Uncommon weapon but popular with some groups. Often used in pairs
Weight: 2.9 lbs (1.3 kg).
Mega Damage: 2D6.
Range: Hand to Hand.
Cost: 10,000 credits.
Vibro Battleaxe (Kitsune):
Generally two handed heavy weapon but easier to wield than a giant sword. Being with strengths above PS 21 can use the axe one handed.
Weight: 4.6 lbs (2 kg).
Mega Damage: 3D6.
Range: Hand to Hand.
Cost: 18,000 credits.
Vibro Hand Axe (Kitsune):
One handed Axe. Can be used in hand to hand combat or can thrown up to 40 feet.
Weight: 3 lbs (1.4 kg).
Mega Damage: 2D4.
Range: Hand to Hand or Thrown (40 feet / 12.2 meters).
Cost: 9,000 credits.
Vibro-Halberd (Kitsune):
Two handed heavy weapon with a long extended reach.
Weight: 7 lbs (3.2 kg).
Mega Damage: 4D6.
Range: Hand to Hand.
Cost: 25,000 credits.
VL-2000 Combination Vibro-Blade Laser:
Weapon is a vibro-sword of a long saber style with four short range lasers. The lasers themselves are a slightly more powerful version of the Wilk’s 210 pocket pistol. The lasers fire along the length of the blade. Relatively short ranged but still effective. Popular with swashbuckler types.
Weight: 5 lbs (2.25 kg).
Mega Damage: Vibro-Blade: 2D6. Lasers: 1D6+1 each. Inflicts 4D6+4 when all four are fired together.
Range: Vibro-Blade: Hand to Hand. Lasers: 400 feet (122 meters).
Payload: Vibro-Blade: 2 hours from a single mini e-clip. Lasers: 20 blasts per mini e-clip. Can fire five times when firing all four lasers together.
Cost: 45,000 credits.
New Navy M-2011A3 Energy Pistol (Kitsune):
An upgraded version of the standard M-2011 Ion Pistol. While the M-2011 Ion Pistol is an excellent weapon in many respects, there are several examples of weapons which inflict greater damage. One of these is the Wilk’s 237 “Backup” Pulse Laser Pistol which fires single blast or two blast burst. It is believed that a New Navy Seal came up with an upgrade for the M-2011 which allows it to fire two blast bursts in a similar manner. The appearance of the weapon is little changed other than the addition of a second selector switch and a modular rail system for various equipment including laser targeting, a flashlight, or camera systems.
Weight: 5 lbs (2.25 kg).
Mega-Damage: Two settings: 3D6 M.D. or 1D4x10 S.D.C. (6D6 M.D. or 2D4x10 S.D.C. for a double blast).
Rate of Fire: Single blast or double blast.
Maximum Effective Range: 800 feet (243.8 meters).
Payload: 20 Blasts (10 double blasts) each short E-Clip, 30 Blasts (15 double blasts) each long E-Clip.
Cost: 28,000 Credits.
Northern Gun Laser Tool (Kitsune):
The tool is similar in most respects to the Wilk’s laser wand although is slightly heavier and most robustly built. Otherwise, the tool fills a similar function. While listed as a weapon, it is not really designed to be a weapon. Useful for close work, up to about one meter (3.3 feet). As with the Wilk’s version, has one M.D.C. setting and four S.D.C. settings.
Weight: 3.5 ounces (100 grams).
Mega-Damage: One (1) M.D.C. Point.
S.D.C. Settings: 1D4, 1D6, 2D6, or 3D6 S.D.C.
Rate of Fire: Single blast.
Maximum Effective Range: 9.8 feet (3 meters).
Payload: 50 blasts per mini E-Clip.
Cost: 1,800 Credits. Mini E-Clips cost 200 Credits each.
Triple Trouble Laser Pistol (Kitsune):
Inspired by the Techno-Wizard Gatling Laser Pistol and the REEF’s Tri Laser pistol, the Triple Trouble is manufactured by the Black Market using parts of Triax weapons. Triax has learned of the design and is considering manufacturing the weapon themselves under the designation TX-28. The weapon uses three TX-20 laser pistol mechanisms for greater damage. The pistol uses the same frame as the TX-22 laser pistol and can use an FSE clip forward of the trigger guard or a short E-Clip in the handle.
Weight: 5.5 lbs (2.5 kg).
Mega-Damage: 2D6 for one barrel, 4D6 for two barrels, or 6D6 for all three barrels.
Rate of Fire: Single Blast (one, two, or three barrels simultaneously).
Maximum Effective Range: 800 feet (243.8 meters).
Payload: 50 blasts (25 two barrel blasts or 16 three barrel blasts) for an FSE-Clip or 20 Blasts (10 two barrel blasts or 6 three barrel blasts) from a short E-clip.
Cost: 36,000 credits.
Triax TX-30-SX Special Operations Ion Pulse Submachinegun (Kitsune):
This weapon uses any of the same components of the TX-30 Ion pulse rifle but is designed for special operations. The weapon has a shorter barrel and has a slightly shorter range but otherwise is functionally identical to the standard issue rifle. The special feature of the rifle is that it can be folded up to appear to be a standard metal briefcase or laptop and is specially shielded to make scanning difficult. It folds up in a similar fashion to the pre-Rifts ARES submachine-gun. It has no ability to carry additional material and cannot be used as a laptop computer. The weapon when folded will hide the weapons E-clip. Because of the frame making the weapon look like a briefcase, it is slightly heavier than the standard rifle.
Weight: 8.5 lbs (2.85 kg).
Mega-Damage: 2D6 for single blast and 6D6 for three simultaneous blasts.
Rate of Fire: Single blast or three blast burst.
Maximum Effective Range: 1,600 ft (488 m).
Payload: 40 Blasts each with short E-Clip, 50 blasts each with FSE-Clip
Bonus: +1 on Aimed Blasts
Black Market/Market Cost: 150,000 to 200,000, Rarely available on the black market and is usually special issue only.
Anti-Laser Prismatic Aerosol Grenades (Kitsune):
These grenades are a bit like smoke grenades in that they do no real damage but instead they create a cloud of prismatic crystals. The crystals are in a dust like state and the crystals do causes eye and lung irritation. In these cases, the person has a penalty of -5 to strike, parry, and dodge. Any protective gear that protects eyes, nose, and mouth will prevent these effects. Vision through the cloud is only slightly impaired much like looking through light to moderate fog. All lasers fired through or into the cloud have their damage reduced by half and their ranges are reduced by half as well. Variable frequency lasers cannot be set to compensate for the Prismatic Aerosol because there are too many random factors. Ion weapons, Plasma weapons, particle beams all use a laser to ionize a path through atmosphere before the actual beam is fired. Because of this, the Aerosol will reduce the weapons ranges in an atmosphere by 25% but not in a vacuum. The Aerosol does not work in space but will work in enclosed spaces even if no atmosphere is present. Vehicle fired versions also exist and create a larger cloud.
Area of Effect: Hand Thrown: Effects a 20 foot (6 meters) radius with a height of 10 feet (3 meters), Vehicle Mounted: Effects a 60 foot (18 meters) radius with a height of 20 feet (6 meters)
Duration: 2D4 Minutes
Maximum Effective Range: About 40 meters when thrown or by grenade launcher type
Black market Cost: Hand Thrown: 800 credits each Vehicle Mounted: 2500 credits each
Glue Grenades (Kitsune):
These grenades can be considered in many ways the technological equivalent of the spell “Carpet of Adhesion.” When the grenade explodes, it spreads a layer of glue which effectively traps anyone within the area of the effect. The glue requires a strength of 30 or greater to break free in a reasonable time frame. There are two basic versions of the glue. One requires a special solvent to dissolve while a second version is designed to dry out and become brittle and flake off within thirty minutes depending on the needs of the user. Environment conditions will effect drying times. Both hand thrown and grenade launcher versions are available.
Area of Effect: Creates a 6.6 foot (2 meter) radius area of glue
Duration: Until Dissolved or 20+3D6 minutes for temporary version
Maximum Effective Range: About 40 meters when thrown or by grenade launcher type
Black market Cost: 500 credits each
Radar and Thermal Decoy Grenades (Kitsune):
When these grenades explode, a large amount of chaff and flare is released and is designed to decoy both radar guided and thermally guided weapon systems. The cloud gives a 40% chance for both radar guided and heat seeking missiles to miss their target. Smart missiles have a 20% chance of being decoyed by the chaff and flare materials. As well, all sensor rolls against targets disguised by the cloud are at -40%. The grenades have no effect in space but will work in enclosed spaces even if no atmosphere is present. Vehicle fired versions also exist and create a larger cloud.
Area of Effect: Hand Thrown: Effects a 20 foot (6 meters) radius with a height of 10 feet (3 meters), Vehicle Mounted: Effects a 60 foot (18 meters) radius with a height of 20 feet (6 meters)
Duration: 2D4 Minutes
Maximum Effective Range: About 40 meters when thrown or by grenade launcher type
Black market Cost: Hand Thrown: 1000 credits each Vehicle Mounted: 3200 credits each
Special Ammunition Types:
Specialty High-tech Arrow Heads (Kitsune):
Includes both the more common arrow heads copied from Rifts: Sourcebook One and additional arrow heads as well. These warheads are available for both normal bows and crossbows. A variety of different companies make these specialized arrowheads.
Armor Piercing: 4D6 M.D.C. with a 2 foot (0.6 meter) blast radius. Cost: 800 credits each.
Fragmentation: 2D6 M.D.C. with a 20 foot (6.0 meter) blast radius. Cost: 750 credits each.
Light Explosive: lD6x10 S.D.C. with a 2 foot (0.6 meter) blast radius. Cost: 100 credits each.
Medium Explosive: 1D6 M.D.C. with a 4 foot (1.2 meter) blast radius. Cost: 300 credits each.
Heavy Explosive: 2D6 M.D.C. with a 6 foot (1.8 meter) blast radius. Cost: 550 credits each.
High Explosive: 3D6 M.D.C. with a 8 foot (2.4 meter) blast radius. Cost: 900 credits each.
High Explosive (Timer): Instead of exploding when the arrow strikes a target, the arrowhead has a time with allows the arrow to be set from zero seconds to four minutes. Damage is 3D6 M.D.C. with a 8 foot (2.4 meter) blast radius. Cost: 1,000 credits each.
Plasma: 5D6 M.D.C. with a 20 foot (6.0 meter) blast radius. Cost: 1,000 credits each.
Concussion Arrowhead: The arrowhead explodes but is not designed for damage so much as to to knock-down and stun targets. When detonated the arrowhead erupts in a 30 foot (9.1 m) blast radius causing 1D4 M.D. to everyone within. Individuals caught in the blast are likely (01-88%) to be knocked off their feet and stunned (01-65%).
If only knocked down, the target of this attack will have ringing ears and a headache, but only loses one melee action/attack and initiative. If stunned, the target is dazed, -10 to strike, parry, dodge, roll with impact or pull punch, is the last to attack (no initiative) and loses half his attacks/actions per melee round for 1D4 melee rounds! Speed is also reduced by half during this period. Cost: 150 credits.
Flare: Emits a bright, sparking light; burns for 60 seconds. Normally launched into the air and is visible during the day as well as the night. Cost: 10 credits each.
Gas: Arrowhead shatters on impact, releasing a gas that fills a 10 foot (3 meter) diameter area. Gasses available are tear gas (-6 to strike, parry, and dodge), tranquilizer gas (Sleep/knockout for 1D6 minutes), paralysis gas (sleep/knockout for 1D6 minutes),. All gasses get a saving throw against harmful drugs (15 or better) Costs: 100 for tear gas, 250 for tranquilizer gas, and 400 for paralysis gas
Glue Arrowhead: Explodes and creates a layer of glue with a radius of 6.6 feet (2.0 meters) which requires a strength of 30 to break free from. Two versions, one requires a solvent to dissolve while the other dissolves in 20+3D6 minutes. Cost: 500 credits
Neural Disruptor: Unconsciousness, -8 to Strike, Parry and Dodge for 2D4 Melees if save is made (Save 16 or Higher), must save each time hit, ineffective against full environmental body armor but effective against non fully environmental Armors. rechargeable and reusable 1D6 times before breaking. Inflicts no other damage. Cost: 400 credits
Smoke: No damage; creates a smoke screen covering a 20 feet (6 meter) diameter area. Smoke comes in four colors: yellow, red, grey and black. Cost: 80 credits each;
Stun/Flash: Loud Boom and Sparks, -8 to strike, parry, and dodge, -1 to initiative, loose one attack for 1D4 melees for people not in body armor or tinted goggles. Those in armor are distracted for 1D4 seconds and loose initiative. Cost: 200 credits
Tracer Bug: Transmits a radio signal that can be followed up to 8 miles (12 km) away. Battery powered, with a limited life of 72 hours of constant transmission. The arrowhead has an adhesive to stick to the target. Inflicts normal S.D.C. arrow damage. Cost: 200 credits each.
Video Camera: Arrow is fitted with a video camera which has the ability to transmit video for around ten minutes. Camera sees in visible light as well as infrared. Can transmit video to a cybernetic implant and/or video screen, including a heads up display. Fired vertically with a parachute to slow the fall of the camera. When fired upwards, has a maximum altitude of around 1000 feet (304.8 meters) and can see up to a range of around one mile (1.6 km) Cost: 1,600 credits.
[ Altarain TM, Bandito Arms TM, Brodkil TM, Chipwell Armaments TM, Coalition States TM, Cyber-Knight TM, Federation of Magic TM, Free Quebec TM, Golden Age Weaponsmiths TM, Horune TM, Iron Heart Armaments TM, Kankoran TM, Kittani TM, Kydian TM, Larsen’s Brigade TM, M.D.C. TM, Mechanoids TM, Mega-Damage TM, Megaversal Legion TM, Millennium Tree TM, Mutants in Orbit TM, Naruni Enterprises TM, Naut’Yll, New Navy TM, New Sovietskiy TM, NGR TM, Nog Heng TM, Northern Gun TM, Phase World TM, Psyscape TM, Rifter TM, SAMAS TM, S.D.C. TM, Shemarrian TM, Splugorth TM, Stormspire TM, Sunaj TM, Tolkeen TM, Triax TM, Wellington Industries TM, Wilk’s Laser Technologies TM, Xiticix TM, and Zaayr TM are trademarks owned by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc. ]
[ Beyond the Supernatural®, Heroes Unlimited®, Nightbane®, Ninjas & Superspies®, Palladium Fantasy®, and Rifts® are registered trademarks owned by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc. ]
Writeup by Kitsune (E-Mail Kitsune)
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