Glitter Boy Special Equipment:
Glitter Boy power armors have several weaknesses including the fact that the power armor must anchor to the ground before it fires. This makes it an immobile target and the lack of additional weapons means that it cannot engage targets without anchoring. The other problem is that the Glitter Boy only has a single feed system which means that only one type of ammunition can be used. See Glitter Boy Boom Gun rounds for more details.
Unless modified, special equipment is not laser resistant and takes full damage from laser weaponry.
New Equipment:
- Forearm Particle Beam: The left arm is modified with a particle
beam pistol mounted in the forearm. The particle beam is a modified NG-45LP
“Long Pistol” and pulls power directly from the fusion reactor. The weapon
has a much shorter range than the boom gun but has a virtually unlimited
Maximum Effective Range: 1200 feet (365 meters).
Mega Damage: 5D6
Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the pilot.
Payload: Effectively unlimited.
Black Market Cost: 45,000 credits - Forearm Pulse Laser: The left arm is modified with a pulse laser
pistol mounted in the forearm. The pulse laser is a modified Wilk’s 237
“Backup” Pulse Laser Pistol and pulls power directly from the fusion reactor.
The weapon has a much shorter range than the boom gun but has a virtually
unlimited payload.
Maximum Effective Range: 500 feet (152 meters)
Mega Damage: 3D6 per single blast and 6D6 per double blast.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the pilot.
Payload: Effectively unlimited.
Black Market Cost: 60,000 credits - Shoulder Mounted Mini-Missile Launchers: To increase the firepower,
mini-missile launchers have been developed for the Glitter Boy which mounts
on each shoulder. The mini-missile launchers were designed with special
software to link to the Glitter Boy's fire control system. Each launcher
has four tubes and one launcher can be mounted on each shoulder for a maximum
of eight mini-missiles. If a single four-tube launcher only is mounted,
it is usually mounted opposite the boom gun.
M.D.C.: 20 each four tube launcher
Maximum Effective Range: Varies by mini-missile type (See revised bomb and missile tables for details.)
Mega Damage: Varies by mini-missile type (See revised bomb and missile tables for details.)
Rate of Fire: Can fire missiles one at a time or in volleys of two (2) or four (4) missiles.
Payload: 4 each launcher, takes 15 seconds (one melee) to reload launcher
Black Market Cost: Each launcher costs 50,000 credits, missiles cost extra. - Multi-Feed Boom Gun Round Canister: The canister is modified with
two tubes leading from the canister to the boom gun. The payload of the
canister is reduced from 100 rounds to 80 rounds which is broken into two
separate magazines. The gunner can switch between the two different magazines
with a flip of a switch. Common load is one magazine with solid slug rounds
and one magazine filled with flechette rounds. Rounds can be loaded into
the magazines and takes around 15 minutes to load approximately 40 rounds.
Payload: 80 rounds (40 each magazine)
Black Market Cost: 200,000 credits - Boom Gun Mini-Canister: Unlike the main canister, this mounts directly
on the boom gun itself. It is designed to carry a small number of special
purpose rounds, such as smoke rounds, without using space in the main canister.
The main ammo feed connects directly to the mini-canister and a standard
cannister or a multi-feed canister can both be mounted. The pilot simply
selects a round type to be fired.
Payload: 4 rounds
Black Market Cost: 25,000 credits
[ Altarain TM, Bandito Arms TM, Brodkil TM, Chipwell Armaments TM, Coalition States TM, Cyber-Knight TM, Federation of Magic TM, Free Quebec TM, Golden Age Weaponsmiths TM, Horune TM, Iron Heart Armaments TM, Kankoran TM, Kittani TM, Kydian TM, Larsen’s Brigade TM, M.D.C. TM, Mechanoids TM, Mega-Damage TM, Megaversal Legion TM, Millennium Tree TM, Mutants in Orbit TM, Naruni Enterprises TM, Naut’Yll, New Navy TM, New Sovietskiy TM, NGR TM, Nog Heng TM, Northern Gun TM, Phase World TM, Psyscape TM, Rifter TM, SAMAS TM, S.D.C. TM, Shemarrian TM, Splugorth TM, Stormspire TM, Sunaj TM, Tolkeen TM, Triax TM, Wellington Industries TM, Wilk’s Laser Technologies TM, Xiticix TM, and Zaayr TM are trademarks owned by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc. ]
[ Beyond the Supernatural®, Heroes Unlimited®, Nightbane®, Ninjas & Superspies®, Palladium Fantasy®, and Rifts® are registered trademarks owned by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc. ]
Writeup by Kitsune (E-Mail Kitsune)
Copyright © 2004, Kitsune. All rights reserved.