Techno-Wizard PT Boat:
During World War Two, PT Boats were small patrol boats which were quite heavily armed for their size. The term “PT” stands for “Patrol Torpedo.” They were extremely fast and designed to attack much larger craft. As the war progressed, they got heavier and heavier armed. The largest class was an eighty foot version built by the company Elco. These boats were built of wood, partially due to a shortage of steel and also to reduce costs. About ten PT Boats could be built for the cost of a single destroyer. One nickname for the squadrons was “The Mosquito Fleet.” Few survived after the war because most of the PT Boats were stripped and then burned at the end of World War Two.
In many ways a PT boat is a perfect design for a techno-wizard design. Based on the most common eighty foot Elco boat design, it is fairly inexpensive to build and a fairly large number have been built. Luckily, the U.S. Navy design and blueprints of the boats survive. Some are painted a standard grey but other owners are more creative. Many owners have extensively researched historic paint schemes. Other owners use more fantastic paint schemes. Finally, many owners paint shark face designs on the front of their patrol boats.
As with the original PT Boat design, the hull of the techno-wizard design is made from wood. The vessel is designed with fewer features than many vessel designs to reduce cost. Construction using wood and only enchanted with the spell of “Iron Wood” after completed, the ship is much easier to build. With the enchantment, these boats are extremely tough, virtually the equal of one build from high strength alloys and composites. The boat is protected with an “Armor of Ithan” force field which can be activated up to three times per day.
The original engines of the vessel were three powerful gasoline motors. Instead, the vessel mounts a pair of powerful electrical engines which are converted to a techno-wizard power plant which is powered by a lightning bolt. The boat has a top speed of forty-five knots with both engines and thirty-four knots on a single engine. Range is one thousand miles on both engines or five hundred miles on a single engine. One advantage of an electrical engine is that the engine is extremely quiet.
Basic crew is nine with one needing to usually either be a techno-wizard or another spell caster type. Usually this is the captain of the vessel. In addition, the vessel has a captain, pilot, co-pilot, communication operator, engineer. There are no troops normally embarked although the crew usually carries small arms. The ship does not have full life support but instead has the techno-wizard “Breath Without Air” enchantment. As well, the ship does not carry a full electronic suite although the ship has a medium range radar system, electronic warfare detection gear, basic radio gear, a powerful search light, night vision optics, “See the invisible” optics. The vessel does not have any jamming equipment or sonar system. It does mount a magical “Fireworks” missile defense system. The vessel also does not mount a techno-wizard battery to power the enchantments and requires magical energy from the crew.
For weaponry, the boat is quite heavily armed for a boat of its size although weapon range is limited. The vessel carries four long range torpedoes with two on either side. They are fired directly forward of the boat although can only be fired as singles or in pairs. As well, the ship mounts a pair of mini-missile launchers with twenty-four mini-missiles each launcher for a total of forty-eight mini-missiles. The vessel also mounts a single flack cannon on the fantail. A modified version of the Triax weapon system carried on the X-535 Hunter, it has a payload of eight hundred rounds. This mount is the most useful weapon system against missiles. On the bow, the vessel mounts a Wellington automatic grenade launcher with a payload of eight hundred rounds. Finally, the vessel mounts two lightning blasters slightly behind the grenade launcher. They are mounted to either side, not directly behind the forward mount. These need to be recharged one a month but otherwise have unlimited payload. The various light mounts have a limited ability to engage missiles.
Model Type: T.W. PT Boat.
Vehicle Type: Ocean, Magically Enchanted Torpedo Boat.
Crew: 9 (With usually at least one techno-wizard / other spell caster).
Troops: None.
M.D.C. by Location:
Flack Cannon Turret (1, aft): |
180. |
Automatic Grenade Launcher(1, bow): |
70. |
Lightning Blaster Mounts (2, sides of bow): |
50 each. |
External Torpedoes (4, sides): |
40 each. |
Mini-Missile Launchers (2, forward of torpedoes): |
60 each. |
Pilot House: |
100. |
“Fireworks” Magic Chaff and Flare Dispensers (2): |
20 each. |
[1] Medium Range Radar System (pilot house): |
50. |
[2] Main Body: |
600. |
[3] “Armor of Ithan” Force Field (three times per day): |
200. |
[1] Destroying medium range radar system will eliminate the ability to effectively track airborne targets. Some weapon systems have their own internal tracking systems however.
[2] Destroying the main body causes the boat to lose structural integrity, causing the vessel to sink. There are enough life preservers and inflatable life boats to accommodate everyone on the vessel.
[3] As per the spell “Armor of Ithan” - Magic, fire, lightning, and cold all inflict one-half damage. Each activation lasts for thirty (30) minutes.
Surface: 51.8 mph (45 knots/ 83.4 kph) on both engines. The vessel will operate at three quarter speed (34 knots) on a single engine.
Range: 1,000 nautical miles (1151.5 miles / 1853.2 km) for each full recharge (requires 30 P.P.E.) Charge a single engine gives a range of 500 nautical miles (575.8 miles / 926.6 km.) Boat normally carry supplies for crew for two weeks although can be increased up to four weeks.
Statistical Data:
Length: 80 feet (24.38 meters) overall and 73 feet 4 inches (22.35 meters) at the waterline
Draft: 5 feet 6 inches (1.68 meters).
Width: 20 feet 8 inches (6.30 meters).
Displacement: 61 tons fully loaded.
Cargo: Can carry 2 tons (1.8 metric tons.) Each enlisted crew member has a small locker for personal items and uniforms. Ships officers have more space for personal items. Most of the vessel’s spaces are taken up by extra ammo, armor, weapons, and engines.
Power System: Techno-Wizard Electrical Engine Conversion (Powered by “Call Lightning” spell).
Black Market Cost: Average cost of 16 to 25 million credits.
One (1) Recoilless Anti-Aircraft Flack Cannon: The cannons are mounted in an open mount on the fantail of the boat. This mount is virtually identical to the TX-862FC with a payload of eight hundred rounds. The cannon turret can rotate 360 and the barrel can tilt up to 90 degrees. It is normally used for anti-aircraft purposes but also works as excellent but fairly short range artillery.
Maximum Effective Range: 10,000 feet (3048 meters).
Mega Damage: Single Round: 4D6 M.D.C., Two Rounds: 1D6x10 M.D.C., and Six Rounds: 3D6x10 M.D.C.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the gunner (usually 4 or 5).
Payload: Has a total of 800 rounds. That is 133 volleys of 6 rounds, or 400 two round volleys.
Special Feature: The flack cannon has both and independent power supply and its own laser targeting and radar tracking system (especial useful if radar system is destroyed). The sensor has a range of 11,000 feet (3353 meters). The system can also be set on automatic which gives it +1 to strike and three attacks per melee and will fire two round burst. Gives +2 when fired.
Automatic Grenade Launcher: Mount is on the bow of the vessel in a gunner controlled mount. Weapon is WI-GL21 Automatic Grenade Launcher in a ring style mounting. It is controlled by a single gunner. The weapon is not considered to be effective against missiles or aircraft.
Maximum Effective Range: 3,000 feet (914 meters).
Mega-Damage: 4D6 for Fragmentation with a blast area of 12 feet (3.6 meters) and 1D4x10 for Armor Piercing with a blast area of 3 feet (0.9 meter), burst of 10 rounds does 2D6x10 for Fragmentation with a blast area of 40 feet (12 meters) and 3D6x10 for Armor Piercing with a blast area of 8 feet (2.4 meters.)
Rate of Fire: Equal to combined hand to hand attacks of gunner / commander (usually 4 or 5).
Payload: 800 Rounds.
Two (2) Heavy Lightning Blasters: Mounted on the vessel are two lightning blasters. These are mounted behind and to either side of the automatic grenade launcher. Each one is controlled by a gunner and have a 360 degree rotation and 85 degree arc of fire. Additional optics and fire control have been added to enable the system to track and target aircraft and missiles The lightning blasters have a slightly better range and have an unlimited payload compared to hand held lightning blasters. The weapon must be recharged once a month using the spells “Call Lightning”, “Energy Bolt”, and 100 P.P.E.
Maximum Effective Range: 4,000 feet (1,220 meters).
Mega Damage: 1D4x10+10 per electrical blaster.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the gunner (usually 4 or 5).
Payload: Effectively Unlimited.
Four (4) Heavy Torpedo Racks: On the sides of the PT Boat are four torpedo racks. The torpedo racks launch a 21 inches (533 mm) wide torpedoes. Due to the boat’s lack of sonar, torpedoes are used almost exclusively against surface craft. The warhead of the torpedoes are similar to long range missile warheads. Firing forward, the torpedoes are not launched but instead just released. The torpedo boat carries no additional torpedoes. There are also special techno-wizard torpedoes which are sometimes carried.
Maximum Effective Range: 40 miles (34.8 nautical miles / 64 km).
Mega Damage: By heavy torpedo warhead type (See revised Rifts torpedoes for details.)
Rate of Fire: Can fire torpedoes one at a time or in volleys of two (2) torpedoes.
Payload: Four (4) torpedoes total.
Two (2) Mini-Missile Launchers: Mounted to either side of the pilot house is a mini-missile launcher. The launcher is designed for rapid fire use to engage larger enemy craft. The weapon is designed to be able to destroy enemy vehicles quickly. The launcher is controlled by the captain, pilot, or copilot of the vessel.
Maximum Effective Range: Varies with mini-missile type; Usually armor piercing or fragmentation are carried (See revised bomb and missile tables for details.)
Mega Damage: Varies with mini-missile type; Usually armor piercing or fragmentation are carried (See revised bomb and missile tables for details.)
Rate of Fire: Can fire mini-missiles one at a time or in volleys of two (2), four (4), eight (8), or twelve (12) mini-missiles each launcher.
Payload: Each launcher carries twenty-four (24) mini-missiles for forty-eight (48) total.
Two (2) Magical “Fireworks” Anti-Missile Chaff/Flare Dispensers: In many ways this system is similar to technological versions of the Chaff/Flare system. When the system fires, it looks like fireworks firing. The anti-missile system works by combining three spells. The three spells are Fire Bolt, Apparition, and Telekinesis. The physical effects of the system are similar to the Triax Anti-Missile chaff but instead of being reloaded, it is recharged by spells.
01-35 - Enemy missile or missile volley detonates in chaff cloud - Missiles are all destroyed.
36-60 - Enemy missile or missile volley loses track of real target and veers away in wrong direction (May lock onto another target.)
61-00 - No effect, enemy missile or missile volley is still on target.
Also note that the chaff cloud will also blind flying monsters that fly through cloud. They will suffer the following penalties: reduce melee attacks/actions, combat bonuses, and speed by half.
Duration: 1D4 melee rounds.
Payload: 10 Uses before being recharged. Each launcher is recharged by the spells Apparition (20 P.P.E.), Fire Bolt (7 P.P.E.), and Telekinesis (8 P.P.E.). The cost for all launchers to be recharged is 70 P.P.E. All launchers must be activated at the same time to operate correctly.
Techno-Wizard Modifications: The vessel has the following techno-wizard modifications built into the ship. These require P.P.E. or I.S.P. from the ships crew or the ship itself. The P.P.E. and I.S.P. values listed inside of the parenthesis are if using higher P.P.E. costs for larger vehicles.
Special Features:
Breath without Air (5th Level) 5 P.P.E. or 10 I.S.P. (10 P.P.E. or 20 I.S.P.)
Impervious to Energy (5th level) 20 P.P.E. or 40 I.S.P. (40 P.P.E. or 80 I.S.P.)
Invisibility-Superior (5th Level) 20 P.P.E. or 40 I.S.P. (40 P.P.E. or 80 I.S.P.)
Special Systems:
The boat does not carry the standard sensor systems of a robot vehicle, unlike most vessels, and has more limited equipment.
Magical “See the Invisible” Optics: The boat has several special optical systems with see the invisible on them. Same as spell and used at will. 2,000 feet (610 meters) range. Can see forces, objects, and creatures which can turn invisible, or are invisible. Can also see vaporous beings and astral bodies.
Nightvision Optics: Range: 2,000 ft (609 m). Uses light amplification to make a picture. Emits no light but will not work in absolute darkness. System can be dazzled by sudden bright lights but does not physically blind the pilot.
Spotlight: Range: 600 feet (182.9 meters) .Powered by techno-wizard batteries.
Radio/ Video Communications (Standard): Long range, directional, has a range of 500 miles with short range directional radio of 5 miles (8 km).
Radar: 50 miles (43.4 nm / 80.5 km), can identify 96 targets and track 48 as low as 500 feet (152.4 meters.) Same as robots Maxi-Radar.
E.S.M.: The system can detect another radar system at around 125% of the range of the transmitting radar and is usually subject to radar horizon. This includes all active radar guided weapons.
[ Altarain TM, Bandito Arms TM, Brodkil TM, Chipwell Armaments TM, Coalition States TM, Cyber-Knight TM, Federation of Magic TM, Free Quebec TM, Golden Age Weaponsmiths TM, Horune TM, Iron Heart Armaments TM, Kankoran TM, Kittani TM, Kydian TM, Larsen’s Brigade TM, M.D.C. TM, Mechanoids TM, Mega-Damage TM, Megaversal Legion TM, Millennium Tree TM, Mutants in Orbit TM, Naruni Enterprises TM, Naut’Yll, New Navy TM, New Sovietskiy TM, NGR TM, Nog Heng TM, Northern Gun TM, Phase World TM, Psyscape TM, Rifter TM, SAMAS TM, S.D.C. TM, Shemarrian TM, Splugorth TM, Stormspire TM, Sunaj TM, Tolkeen TM, Triax TM, Wellington Industries TM, Wilk’s Laser Technologies TM, Xiticix TM, and Zaayr TM are trademarks owned by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc. ]
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Writeup by Kitsune (E-Mail Kitsune).
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