Heckler & Koch PDW (Personal Defense Weapon) [Submachine Gun]:
The PDW (Personal Defense Weapon) is Heckler & Koch`s entry into a field where for now the FN P90 rules supreme: the market for lightweight, small, ergonomic, low recoil, yet armor penetrating personal weapons. Because this called for a new cartridge (H&K being far too proud to use the FN cartridge), H&K designed and build a entirely new bottleneck cartridge with a caliber of only 4.6 millimeter (0.184 inch). Apart from being slightly smaller in caliber than FN`s SS109 cartridge, the H&K cartridge case has *exactly* the same volume, and the bullets ballistics are almost identical too. Just like the FN bullet the 4.6 mm bullet is also capable of impressive feats of armor penetration, and has a effective range of up to 150 meters.
The weapon that is being developed for this cartidge (the above illustration is that of a advanced prototype)
wil feature a frame made entirely of polymers. The forward grip can be folded up, and the stock is collapsible as well.
When fully collapsed the PDW is small enough to fit into a (large) holster. The action of the PDW is a gas operated
rotary bolt, as opposed to the straight blowback of the P90. With such a small caliber, this might give rise to
reliability problems, but it is too early to say that for certain. The sights of the PDW are simple solid sights,
but a standard Weaver mount is provided for more advanced sights (like the dot sight on the prototype).
Several different firing modes will be available, from single shot to fully automatic, with options for burst fire as well.
The magazine of the PDW holds twenty rounds, and is located in the grip of the weapon. A forty round magazine is
also available, but this significantly protrudes from the bottom of the grip.
Note: Right now this is a advanced prototype. The final product will not differ much from this version, although slight alterations will probably be made. The finished weapon will probably be a military / law enforcement item only, just like the P90.
Weight: | 3 lbs (1.4 kg) |
Caliber: | 4.6 x 30 mm. |
Barrel: | 7.2 inch (18 cm). |
Length: | 13.6 inch (34 cm)(collapsed). |
Action: | Gas Operated Rotating Bolt. |
Mode of Fire: | 3 available: Semi-Automatic Only / Semi-Automatic + Two-Round Burst / Semi-Automatic + Full-Automatic. |
Rate of Fire: | 950 rpm. |
Range: | 500 feet (150 meters). |
Magazine: | 20 / 40 round. |
Cost: | $ 15,000 ?. |
Made in: | Germany. |
Special: | Innovative design. Cartridge has great penetration. Light weight, and polymer stock. Military issue only! |
[ H&K, Heckler and Koch, PDW, FN, P90, and Weaver are copyright of their respective owners. ]
Writeup by Mischa (E-Mail Mischa ).
Copyright © 2000, Mischa & Kitsune. All rights reserved.