Accuracy International Super Magnum [Sniper Rifle]:

The Accuracy International Super Magnum rifle is essentially a upgraded version of their L96A1 rifle, fitted and strenghtened to fire high powered magnum cartridges. The calibers that it is available in are: 7mm Rem Mag, .300 Win Mag, and the .338 Lapua (8.60x70mm). The rifle really comes into its own with the .338 Lapua, which has a slightly longer barrel. With the Lapua cartridge the Super Magnum is capable of approaching the range of some .50 caliber sniper rifles, yet weighs not much more than its smaller brother in .308 NATO.
The Rifle features a Bolt Action, which is fed from a five round detachable magazine. The entire rifle is centered around a large aluminum frame, upon which the action and the barrel are mounted. Likewise, the trigger group and the magazine well are also mounted into this frame. The plastic stock, which has adjustable length is really mounted around the aluminum frame. At the front end of the frame a Parker-Hale bipod can be attached.
The rifle is set up to accept a variety of scopes through a one-piece scope mount. At the end of the barrel a large muzzle brake is attached, which is really needed with a caliber like the .338 Lapua. The heavy barrel itself gives the rifle plenty accuracy, and the Super Magnum is capable of MOA accuracy in a variety of conditions.
Currently several militaries have already evaluated the Super Magnum, and at least one country (The Netherlands)
has adopted the rifle for use in a Countersniper role. The British military, who already use the Super Magnum`s
smaller brother the L96A1, are also looking into purchasing a limited number of the Super Magnum rifles.
There is no doubt that the Super Magnum is a very accurate rifle indeed, and it proudly continues the line of
Accuracy International rifles.
Weight: 14.99 lbs (6.8kg) empty without telescope
Caliber: .338 Lapua (8.60x70mm), .300 Win Mag, 7mm Rem Mag
Barrel: 27 inches (67.77 cm)(.338 Lapua), 26 inches (65.26 cm)
Length: 50 inches (125.5 cm)
Action: Bolt Action
Mode of Fire: Single Shot.
Range: 3667 feet (1,100 meters)
Magazine: 5 rounds
Cost: $ ?
Made in: United Kingdom/Great Britain
Special: Very accurate, very stable, and hasstrong construction. Great range and powerful cartridges.
Very well suited to the military countersniper role.
[ Accuracy International, Super Magnum, and L96A1 are copyright of their respective owners. ]
Writeup by Mischa (E-Mail Mischa ).
Copyright © 1999, Mischa. All rights reserved.