Vektor CP1 [Automatic Pistol]:

One of the guns coming out of South Africa now that that country
can freely import and export weapons again. The Vektor CP1 is a
radically designed gun. Although it looks like something straight out
of a SF movie, the gun has a delayed blowback like the H&K P7 series.
The safety is threefold, including a dropsafety in the gun. The two
other safeties are one in the trigger, which is automatically depressed
when the trigger is pulled, and a rather unusual one in the front of
the triggerguard. when this lever is located in the triggerguard, the
gun is safe, and the triggerguard is partially blocked. When the
trigger finger pushes the lever forward a red piece of the lever
protrudes out of the front of the triggerguard, and the gun is ready
to fire. This is not a unusual safety for rifles, but it is a first on
a pistol and is very quick to engage ( the gun is shown with the
lever in the firing position). The hammer (NOT a striker) is entirely
encased by the slide, and upon loading the gun is automatically cocked,
with NO means of decocking it (it has two separate drop safeties though,
making it very safe for loaded carry).
The CP1 has no sharp edges, and is about as "Snag-proof" as any
combat gun can ever be. Because of its design it is a surprisingly
comfortable gun to shoot, and it feels very ergonomical. It is about
the size of a firestar, but because of its polymer frame it weighs
less than one. Accuracy is good, and as long as the gas cylinder is
kept clean, it is very reliable.
The CP1 has a extended magazine (shown) for thirteen rounds,
and a flat magazine for twelve rounds, with the thirteen round magazine
offering a slightly better grip.
Weight: 1.58 lbs (0.72 kg)
Caliber: 9 mm
Barrel: 4 inch (10 cm)
Action: Single Action
Range: 165 ft (50 m)
Payload: 13 + 1 / 10 + 1
Cost: $ 350
Made in: South Africa
Special: Good quality and finish. Very original and ergonomic design, utterly Snag-proof. Polymer frame.
[ Vektor and CP1 are copyright of their respective owners. ]
Writeup by Mischa (E-Mail Mischa ).
Thanks to Frank Pizer, who is a satisfied owner, for extra information
on the CP1. Questions regarding the handling and operation of the gun can be mailed to Mr. Pizer ( ).
Mr. Pizer does NOT sell guns of any kind, so do not ask him if you can buy a CP1 (or any other gun) from him!
Copyright © 1999, Mischa. All rights reserved.