SIG P228 [Automatic Pistol]:

Essentially a compact version of the P226, the P228 has a even better grip shape, and is just as reliable and accurate as its larger brother. In 1994 the P228 did what its larger brother failed to do, namely, it was adopted by the US army. It is issued to officers and soldiers with small hands, most notably female soldiers who have some trouble with the rather larger grip of the Beretta M92. As with all SIG guns there is a decocking lever on the left side of the frame.
The P228 is only available in 9 mm, and has a thirteen round magazine.
Weight: 1.5 lbs (.7 kg)
Caliber: 9 mm
Barrel: 3.86 inch (9.65 cm)
Action: Double Action / Double Action Only
Range: 165 ft (50 m)
Payload: 13 + 1
Cost: $ 750
Made in: Switzerland
Special: Good Quality, high degree of reliability, and very accurate.
[ SIG, SIG P226, SIG P228, and Beretta M92 are copyright of their respective owners. ]
Writeup by Mischa (E-Mail Mischa ).
Copyright © 1999, Mischa. All rights reserved.