AMT Automag V [Automatic Pistol]:

A large single action semi automatic weapon, this is the brainchild of Harry Sanford, creator of the original automag. One of the few semi automatic guns that fires the .50 AE cartridge, it is the most ergonomic and lightweight of all of those autoloaders. Its integral compensator ports in the barrel make it surprisingly light to shoot for such a powerful cartridge, altough it is still not a gun for the weak of hart.
It has a 5 shot magazine and is, like all of the AMT guns, made of stainless steel.
Weight: 3.2 lbs (1.42 kg)
Caliber: .50 AE
Barrel: 6.5 inch (16.7 cm)
Action: Single action
Range: 165 ft (50 m)
Payload: 5 + 1
Cost: $ 700
Made in: USA
Special: Only in stainless steel, adjustable sights, and compensator slits
in barrel and slide standard.
[ AMT and Automag V are copyright of their respective owners. ]
Writeup by Mischa (E-Mail Mischa ).
Copyright © 1999, Mischa. All rights reserved.