Techno-Wizard Converted Submarine “HMS Ophelia” (Oberon class):
HMS Ophelia was the last Oberon class submarine completed for the British Royal Navy. Completed during the Nineteen-Sixties, they were considered by many to be the best conventional submarine designs of their time. Compared to many submarine designs of the same time period, the Oberon class was considered extremely quiet. Operated by the British, Australian, Canadian, Brazilian, and Chilean navies, some actually until the Twenty-First century. HMS Ophelia herself served until the Nineteen-Nineties. A sizeable number of Oberon class submarine were preserved after being retired from military service.
Even though naval museums were largely forgotten over the years of peace in the middle decades of the Twenty-First Century, HMS Ophelia had a wealthy benefactor. She was the daughter of a former captain of the vessel and paid for the old submarines to be housed in a large building which protected the boat from the environment. As a result, HMS Ophelia was in amazing condition when the world was destroyed by the coming of the Great Cataclysm.
How or why HMS Ophelia survived the devastation is unknown. A group of techno-wizard found the submarine a little worse for wear but still intact. Already having experience with other Pre-Rifts submarines, they decided that they would both restore her and get her ready for service once more. Using the spell of “Mend the Broken,” they were able to restore the submarine to a condition like it had been before the coming of the Great Cataclysm.
There was debate whether it would be best to use enchantments to strengthen the hull or best to replace with modern materials. In the end it was decided that it would be simply too expensive in terms of mystical energies to enchant the hull so the original outer casing was removed and replaced with advanced modern materials. At the same time, select areas of the structure of the submarine were reinforced with modern materials. While still on the fragile size compared to a modern submarine, it is quite a bit tougher than it once was.
Originally the Oberon class submarine were designed to be able to dive up to around two hundred meters. With reinforcements, HMS Ophelia was able to safely dive to just over three hundred meters when first tested and several times has dived to even below that. Another advantage of the modern materials is that the submarine is far less subject to the effects of corrosion than it once was.
As built, HMS Ophelia was a diesel electric submarine. While on the surface and at periscope depth, the submarine used a pair of diesel engines to power a set of electric motors. They also charged the batteries which the submarine used underwater. When the submarine had been made into a museum vessel, both the electric motors and diesel engines had been modified so that visitors could look at them internally. Of course this also made them inoperable as well and “Mend the Broken” could not be used to restore them.
After careful examination, the techno-wizards decided that virtually the entire engineering section would need to be rebuilt. Instead of having diesel engines, the boat would simply have a pair of techno-wizard electric motors. More powerful than the original electric motors, they could drive the boat at speeds up to twenty knots underwater. Because the electric motors are powered by the spell of “Called Lightning,” batteries were no longer required as well. The enchantment gives a range of one thousand nautical miles between needing to be recharged. Even though this is far less than the original range of the submarine, the ease of recharging the spells gives the HMS Ophelia almost indefinite range.
While relatively quiet compared to submarine designs of the same time frame, the Oberon class was still far noisier than modern submarine classes. In order to solve this problem, the submarine had the enchantment of “Globe of Silence” added. With the enchantment active, the submarine is almost impossible to detect. Each activation of the enchantment is limited to ten minutes however. One major limitation of the enchantment is that the submarine’s own hull sonar is effectively useless when the enchantment is active.
Often when people discuss submarines, they talk about the number of torpedo tubes or the number of missile launchers that a submarine carries aboard. However, the sonar systems are far more important than any weapon system. The original Type 2051 and 2007 hull and flank sonars were decent systems for their time but are far less effective than modern sonars. Even so, they were retained although the systems were updated as much as possible. However, a towed array sonar system was added, recovered from a wrecked submarine of a far more modern design than HMS Ophelia. The towed array sonar has far greater range as well as being able to operate when the “Globe of Silence” enchantment is active.
As original fitted, the Oberon class had six forward 21 inch bow torpedo tubes and two aft 21 inch torpedo tubes. While the forward tubes could fire full sized torpedoes, the aft torpedo tubes were limited to shorter torpedoes. In addition, there was only limited space for reloads for the rear tubes. By the time that HMS Ophelia was decommissioned, the rear tubes were no longer used.
Otherwise the submarine could carry up to twenty full sized torpedoes for the forward tubes. These were modified to fire modern torpedoes and the submarine can also fire missiles in special canisters from the forward torpedo tubes. Missiles for the forward torpedoes are only rarely carried however. A special robotic loading system reduces the need for personnel to reload the tubes although the rate of fire is still slow compared to modern automated torpedo systems.
Even though modern torpedoes could be fired from the forward tubes, the rear tubes were simply too small for modern torpedoes. As a result, each of the rear torpedo tubes was fitted with a liner so that medium range torpedoes could be fired from the tubes. Eight medium range torpedoes are carried for each tube for a total of sixteen medium range torpedoes. Usually interceptor torpedoes are carried exclusively for the rear tubes. As with the forward torpedo tubes, there is a robotic reloading system.
On the deck forward of the main sail and back over the electric engines, the main deck is modified and a retractable Gatling telekinetic machine-gun is mounted in each position. When not in use, they are flush with the deck as to not disrupt the streamlining of the submarine. However, they are able to be used both on the surface and while underwater.
When the original diesel engines were removed, a relatively large open volume was left. It was decided to mount long range missiles in a vertical launch system in the place of the original engines. A total of eighteen long range missiles are carried in three rows of six missiles each. They can be launched both while the submarine is on the surface and while it is underwater. While the missiles can be used to engage aircraft, they are considered most effective against surface and ground targets.
As a techno-wizard submarine, HMS Ophelia requires a far smaller crew than the submarine required originally. This is due to the fact that the engines themselves require less manning and the replacement electronics are more efficient that the original system. In addition, the robotic torpedo loader allows further reduction in personnel. Instead of requiring just over seventy personnel, the submarine can be run by only around thirty. Of course some of these need to be techno-wizards or at least other spell casters to keep the submarine operating.
When the HMS Ophelia was built, diesel electric submarines had relatively limited endurance underwater. It would have been completely impractical to fit the submarine with the air scrubbers fitted to modern submarines. Through techno-wizardry however there is a solution. That is through the enchantment of “Sustain.” The boat can stays for days underwater before the enchantment needs to be reactivated. Otherwise, there was an effort made to make the boat itself more habitable while retaining the basic style of the original submarine. Beyond the crew, there is berthing for up to twenty additional personnel. These can include marines and there is a special airlock for their use while the submarine is underwater.
In addition to the previously listed enchantments, the submarine has a number of other techno-wizard additions. One of these is that the there is a protective force field which can be activated up to three times per day. There are special “See the Invisible” mystic optics. Finally, there are a number of conventional techno-wizard enchantments including “Shadow Meld,” “Invisibility: Superior,” and “Impervious to Energy.” There is a techno-wizard battery to provide the vessel with additional mystical energy. This battery can only recharge on its own while on a Ley Line or Nexus Point although can also be used by spell casters to store their own mystical energy.
Author Note: HMS Ophelia is not based on a specific Oberon class submarine although some aspects are based on other submarines.
Model Type: T.W. Converted Oberon class Submarine.
Vehicle Type: Ocean, Magical Attack Submarine.
Crew: 32 (4 officers) with usually at least two techno-wizard or other spell casting types (three or four is preferred.)
Troops: None standard although has space for twenty additional passengers although extremely cramped if embarked.
Robots, Power Armors, and Vehicles:
8 |
Mystic / Underwater Power Armors (Possible - Not often carried.) |
M.D.C. by Location:
Retractable Telekinetic Gatling Cannons (2, forward and aft): |
125 each. |
21 inch (533 mm) Heavy Torpedo Tubes (6, bow of submarine): |
60 each. |
12.75 inch (324 mm) Medium Torpedo (2, stern of submarine): |
60 each. |
Vertical Long Range Missile Launchers (18, behind sail): |
80 each. |
Main Sail / Bridge: |
425. |
Towed Array Housing (aft): |
100. |
[1] Bow Planes (2): |
125 each. |
[2] Propellers (2): |
100 each. |
[3] Main Body: |
1,250. |
[4] “Armor of Ithan” Force Field (three times per day): |
500. |
[1] Destroying the submarine’s bow planes will reduce the submarine’s ability to change depths but will not eliminate it. It also makes it difficult for the submarine’s crew to control the submarine giving a penalty of -25% to all underwater piloting rolls.
[2] Destroying both of the submarine’s propellers causes serious problem. The submarine will no longer be able to use forward momentum and the bow planes to keep the submarine level. It is recommended that ballast tanks are immediately blown so the submarine comes to the surface. Destruction of one propeller reduces the submarine’s top speed by one third.
[3] Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body destroys the submarine’s structural integrity, causing it to sink. If the submarine is underwater, the entire crew will die unless protected by environmental armors that can withstand the pressure that the submarine is under. If on the surface, there are enough flotation devices and inflatable life rafts to accommodate everyone aboard.
[4] As per the spell “Armor of Ithan” - Magic, fire, lightning, and cold all inflict one-half damage. Each activation lasts for 30 minutes (120 melee rounds.)
Surface: 16.11 mph (14 knots /25.93 kph).
Underwater: 23.02 mph (20 knots / 37.04 kph).
Maximum Depth: 1,312.3 feet (400 meters) - Usually does not operate below 984.3 feet (300 meters.)
Range: 1,000 nautical miles (1,151.5 miles / 1,853.2 km) for each full recharge (requires four castings of “Call Lightning” for 60 P.P.E. due to size of engines.) Life support is “Sustain” spell and has effectively virtually unlimited duration (Requires 24 P.P.E. or 48 I.S.P. and has a duration of six days per activation.) The submarine carries about six months worth of supplies on board (“Sustain” provides all food requirements.)
Statistical Data:
Draft: 18 feet (5.5 meters).
Length: 295.2 feet (90.0 meters).
Width: 26.5 feet (8.1 meters)
Displacement: 2,050 tons surfaced and 2,410 tons submerged.
Cargo: Submarine is very cramped, 20 tons (18.14 metric tons) of nonessential equipment and supplies. Each enlisted crew member has a small locker for personal items and uniforms. Boat’s officers have more space for personal items although still cramped. Most of the boat’s spaces are take up by extra torpedoes, weapons, and engines.
Power System: Was originally diesel-electric propulsion. Converted to pure Techno-Wizard electrical propulsion (Powered by “Call Lightning” spell.)
Black Market Cost: Not for sale. Such a vessel, if available for sale, would probably cost 250 or more million credits. Cost does not include any embarked craft and power armors.
Two (2) Retractable Telekinetic Gatling Cannons: Mounts have been enchanted by a series of spells so the cannons act as a more powerful version of the standard Telekinetic Machine gun. Each mount is retractable inside of the boats hull for when the submarine is diving although can be used underwater against torpedoes and other targets. This increases the weapons damage and instead of being reloaded, the cannons must be recharged each by the spell Telekinesis and 100 P.P.E. once per month. The cannons inflict full damage to targets that are impervious to energy. Additional optics and fire control have been added to enable the system to track and target aircraft and missiles.
Maximum Effective Range: 4,000 feet (1,220 meters).
Mega-Damage: 12D6 each.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the gunner (usually 4 or 5).
Payload: Unlimited, although the spells (100 P.P.E. each cannon) on each must be renewed every month whether the cannon have been used or not.
Six (6) 21 inch (533 mm) Heavy Torpedo Tubes: On the bow of the submarine are six torpedo tubes. Old style torpedo tubes although modern torpedoes are fired instead of old type torpedoes. A special robotic arm system has been mounted to be able to automatically reload the torpedo tubes although can still be manually reloaded. For warheads, heavy torpedoes should be treated as having long range missiles warheads. Along with standard torpedoes, launcher can also fire missiles in special canisters, rocket boosted anti-submarine torpedoes, and even mines. There are also special techno-wizard torpedoes available. A total of twenty heavy torpedoes are carried for reloads. Mines and missiles are rarely carried.
Maximum Effective Range: 40 miles (34.8 nautical miles / 64 km) for torpedoes.
Mega-Damage: By heavy torpedo warhead type (See revised Rifts torpedoes for details.) Can also fire missiles (Long range or cruise missiles) in special canisters as well (See revised bomb and missile tables for details.)
Rate of Fire: Can fire heavy torpedoes one at a time or in volleys of two (2), three (3), four (4), or six (6) heavy torpedoes. Reloading tubes takes two full melee rounds.
Payload: Six (6) heavy torpedoes total. Has twenty (20) additional heavy torpedoes for reloads.
Two (2) 12.75 inch (324 mm) Medium Torpedo Tubes: These tubes are mounted in the aft part of the submarine where the original short 21 inch torpedo tubes are fitted with a liner so that they can fire medium torpedoes. Most common torpedoes carried are interceptor type torpedoes although standard torpedoes can be fired as well. As with the forward torpedo tubes, a special robotic arm system has been mounted to be able to automatically reload the torpedo tubes although can still be manually reloaded. For warheads, medium torpedoes should be treated as have medium range missile warheads. A total of eight medium torpedoes are carried for reloads.
Maximum Effective Range: Interceptor Torpedoes: 4,000 feet (1,220 meters). Conventional Torpedoes: 20 miles (17.4 nautical miles / 32 km).
Mega-Damage: By medium torpedo warhead type (See revised Rifts torpedoes for details.)
Rate of Fire: Can fire medium torpedoes one at a time or in volleys of two (2) medium torpedoes. Reloading tubes takes two full melee rounds.
Payload: Two (2) medium torpedoes. Has eight (8) medium torpedoes for reloads.
Eighteen (18) Vertical Launch Long Range Missile Launchers: In the place of the original diesel engines, the submarine mounts three rows of six long range missiles. These are just behind the main sail and launch upward. Missiles are launched in special canisters that enable the missiles to be used in depths down to around 150 feet (45.7 meters.) While primarily designed to engage surface and shore targets, can also engage aircraft. Most missiles normally carried are fusion warheads as well as being smart guidance type missiles.
Maximum Effective Range: As per long range missile type (See revised bomb and missile tables for details.)
Mega-Damage: As per long range missile type (See revised bomb and missile tables for details.)
Rate of Fire: Can fire long range missiles one at a time or in volleys of two (2), four (4), or six (6) long range missiles and can be fired at multiple targets at the same time.
Payload: Eighteen (18) long range missiles total. Submarine carries no reloads.
Magical “Globe of Silence” Submarine Silencing Feature: Unlike on the Nautilus class submarine, this enchantment is not always active but instead needs to be activated when needed. The enchantment is an application of a modified version of the spell “Globe of Silence.” The hull, propellers, and all exterior features are protected by this spell which extends outward by 1 foot (0.3 meters). This blocks all interior noises (including the launching of torpedoes) as well. This renders the submarine completely undetectable using active sonars and can only be detected by passive sonar by trying to find an area which there are no sounds (close to impossible, 5% chance with an incredible sonar operator). Torpedoes fired against the submarine have penalties of -10 to strike the submarine and lose all bonuses. The hull sonar of the submarine does not extend out from the silencing system but the towed array sonar does. Without the “Globe of Silence”, the submarine has no penalties to detect about five knots. Below five knots, there is a -20% penalty to be detected.
Duration: Ten (10) minutes per activation.
P.P.E. Cost: 40 each activation.
Noisemakers: The submarine carries noisemakers in order to decoy torpedoes. They are most effective against normal torpedoes and less effective against “smart” torpedoes. Considered in many ways to be the last line of defense against incoming torpedoes and similar systems are carried on most submarines. The noisemakers are launched from the middle of the submarine. Considered effective useless when “Globe of Silence” is active by most captains / crews.
Effects: 50% of decoying normal torpedoes and 20% of decoying smart torpedoes.
Rate of Fire: Two (2) noisemakers at a time (Can be reloaded in one melee round).
Payload: Twenty (20) noisemakers.
Techno-Wizard Modifications: The vessel has the following Techno-Wizard modifications built into the submarine. These require P.P.E. or I.S.P. from the boat’s crew or the boat itself. The P.P.E. and I.S.P. values listed inside of the parenthesis are if using higher P.P.E. costs for larger vehicles.
Special Features:
Impervious to Energy (8th level)
20 P.P.E. or 40 I.S.P. (40 P.P.E. or 80 I.S.P.)
Invisibility-Superior (8th level)
20 P.P.E. or 40 I.S.P. (40 P.P.E. or 80 I.S.P.)
Shadow Meld (8th level)
10 P.P.E. or 20 I.S.P. (20 P.P.E. or 40 I.S.P.)
Sustain (8th level)
12 P.P.E. or 24 I.S.P. (24 P.P.E. or 48 I.S.P.)
Sensory / Special Equipment:
Radar (Standard): Same as robot type Maxi-Radar. Radar can identify 96 targets and track 48 targets with the ability to track targets as low as 500 feet (152.4 meters.) Retracts when not in use. Range: 50 miles (43.4 nautical miles / 80.5 km).
Modified Type 2007 / 2051 Hull Sonar: These hull sonars are fitted on the bow and flanks of the submarine and are of relatively long range. This hull sonar systems have both a passive and active system built in. Sonar systems can track up to 16 targets at one time. Range: 18.4 miles (16 nautical miles / 29.6 km). Note that it does not extend outside of the “Globe of Silence” sphere when active and is effectively useless when field is active.
BAE Systems Type 4070B Advanced Towed Array Sonar: Advanced Pre-Rifts sonar system considered the virtual equal of the special purpose SURTASS system developed by the U.S. Navy. The system is basically a long and very sensitive sonar system carried behind the submarine on a long cable. With an active and passive system built in, this sonar system can track up to 72 targets at one time. Range: 200 miles (173.7 nautical miles / 321.9 km). Note that the towed array does extended outside of the “Globe of Silence” sphere around the submarine when it is active and is unaffected as a result.
Magical “See the Invisible” Optics: The submarine has several special optical systems with see the invisible on them including the periscopes. Same as spell and used at will. Can see forces, objects, and creatures which can turn invisible, or are invisible. Can also see vaporous beings and astral bodies. Range: 2,000 feet (610 meters).
Rascal UAT-8 Advanced E.S.M. Suite: Radar and radio detection suite. This includes the ability to detect radar guided weapons. Can be used for limited targeting. The system uses an antenna mounted in the sail which is extended in a similar manner to a periscope. The antenna is both very hard to detect visually and is designed with a reduced radar signature. The system can detect another radar system at around 125% of the range of the transmitting radar and is usually subject to radar horizon.
Quieted Propulsion: While not up to modern standards, the submarine was a relatively quiet design for when it was developed and additional efforts were made to further reduce the submarine’s noise. It lacks a number of modern features such as having a pump jet or being covered by a sonar absorbing rubber material. When the submarine is traveling at less than 5.8 mph (5 knots / 9.3 kph), it is at -20% to be detected.
P.P.E. Battery: The boat has a special P.P.E. battery, unlike similar systems in Phase World / Three Galaxies, it does not generate magical energy but stores magical energy. The system will store up to 500 P.P.E. and can be stored by crew members and absorbs P.P.E. from Ley Lines and Nexus Points. It will absorb P.P.E. at the rate of 20 per hour on ley lines and 40 per hour on nexus points.
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Writeup by Kitsune (E-Mail Kitsune).
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