Federation Shuttlepods (Star Trek):

This ship design should be used in the time frame of Star Trek: The Next Generation Episodes as well as in the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Star Trek: Voyager Episodes.
In the Federation, shuttlepods do multiple important jobs. These tiny vessels are used to carry passengers to ships, for light scouting of planets, and for transporting light cargo. In some cases, jamming will prevent the use of transporters which means that shuttles are the only choice. They are inexpensive to construct but their capabilities are limited and none carry any form of Warp propulsion. These ships are powered by small but powerful fusion reactors. Most models are not armed but a small number produced are armed. Shuttlepods do not carry powerful enough shields to be effective against weaponry. Crew quarters on the shuttlepods are limited and the pods are not designed to operate for long periods of time.
This design is written to be able to interact with modified phase world rules. See Revised Starship Rules for Phase World / Three Galaxies for more details. There is a lack of hard detail on this ship. Some materials have suggested accelerations that are simply beyond scope. I have taken a moderate level in writing up this starship for Phase World because otherwise the ship would either be far too powerful or far too weak for Phase World. Warp speeds are far slower than the FTL speeds for Phase World but they are very close to those from the original series and Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual. Also, a note on the mass of starships. The original sources indicated much smaller masses for starships than Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Technical Manual does and where possible, both masses are listed for the gamers to choose which one seems most appropriate.
Type 15 and Type 15A:
The Type-15 is intended as a light sub warp short range shuttle. This shuttle is ideal for transporting individuals and light cargo when the transporter is inoperative. When transporting passengers, the shuttlepod is ver cramped and can oly carry four passengers. The system manager is not required for most operations This type of shuttle is also good for reconnaissance missions in a planets atmosphere.
The Type-15A is similar to the Type-15 Shuttlepod but is slightly heavier and carries light phasers. In external appearance, they are virtually identical. Because of this, the Type-15A is used more often for reconnaissance missions. Since it is slightly better reinforced, it can withstand more damage that the standard Type-15.
Model Type: | Type-15 | Standard Version |
Type-15A | Armed Version |
Crew: 2 (Pilot and Systems Manager)
Passengers: 2 Maximum
M.D.C. By Location: | Type-15: | Type-15A: |
Light Phasers (2, Type-15A Only) | 30 | ||
Impulse Engine: | 50 | 60 | |
Reinforced Pilot and Passenger Cabin: | 100 | 100 | |
[1] Main Body: | 200 | 225 |
[1] Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will put the shuttle out of
commission. All internal systems will shut down, including life support
and internal gravity. The shuttle itself will be an unsalvageable floating
wreck if disabled in space. If in an atmosphere, the shuttle will crash.
Driving on the Ground: Not Possible (Shuttlepod can land on
the ground).
Sublight: Has a special sublight engine that allows the ship
to travel up to 2 percent of the speed of light. Shuttle can accelerate/decelerate
at the rate of 0.1 percent of light per melee.
Atmospheric Propulsion: Maximum cruise speed is Mach 8.5, the
shuttlepod can enter an atmosphere because it has anti-gravity systems.
Maximum Range: Effectively Unlimited by drive system but carries
only two days worth of emergency supplies for crew or passengers.
Statistical Data:
Length: 11.81 feet (3.6 meters).
Height: 5.25 feet (1.6 meters).
Width: 7.87 feet (2.4 meters).
Weight: Standard Model: 0.946 Tons (0.86 metric tons).
Armed Model: 1.067 Tons (0.97 metric tons)
Power System: Advanced Micro Fusion with 3 year life span.
Cargo: If not carrying passengers, the shuttle may carry up
to 500 lbs (226.8 kg) of cargo. Otherwise, the shuttlepod only has minimal
storage space, place for a rifle, handgun, small survival kit, signal
flares, and food rations.
Market Cost: Standard Model: 2.5 million to construct.
Unlike most Federation space vehicles, This version can be purchased for
7.5 million credits. Armed Model: 4 million to construct. Unlike
the standard model, the Federation does not sell this model.
Weapon Systems (Type-15A Only):
- Light Phaser Mounts (2): Two light defense phasers are mounted
on the front of the shuttlepod in the forward firing arc. They are approximately
equal to the laser cannons used by the C.A.F. and the Kreeghor militaries.
The cannons only fire individually if one of the cannons is destroyed.
Maximum Effective Range: 622 miles (1,000 km) in space and 6.2 miles (10 km) in an atmosphere.
Mega Damage: 2D4x10 for both cannons. If one cannon is destroyed, damage is reduced to 1D4x10.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the pilot (usually 4 or 5).
Payload: Effectively Unlimited.

Type 16 and Type-16A:
The Type-16 Series Shuttlepods looks similar to the Type-15 Series Shuttlepods but is slightly larger. The Type-16 Shuttlepods both have a longer range and have the ability to carry more cargo/passengers than the smaller Type-15. Even so, the Type-16 ends up filling most of the same roles. Like the Type-15, the standard Type-16 is not armed. Like the Type-15, the Type-16 can be operated by one crew member.
Like the Type-15A, the Type-16A is the armed version of the larger shuttlepod. In external appearance, the Type-16 and Type-16A are virtually identical. The Type-16A is slightly heavier due to reinforcement and is sligtly better protected.
Model Type: | Type-16 | Standard Version |
Type-16A | Armed Version |
Crew: 2 (Pilot and Systems Manager)
Passengers: 4 Maximum
M.D.C. By Location: | Type-16: | Type-16A: |
Light Phasers (2, Type-16A Only) | 30 | ||
Impulse Engine: | 70 | 80 | |
Reinforced Pilot and Passenger Cabin: | 120 | 120 | |
[1] Main Body: | 275 | 300 |
[1] Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will put the shuttle out of
commission. All internal systems will shut down, including life support
and internal gravity. The shuttle itself will be an unsalvageable floating
wreck if disabled in space. If in an atmosphere, the shuttle will crash.
Driving on the Ground: Not Possible (The shuttle can land on
the ground).
Sublight: Has a special sublight engine that allows the ship
to travel up to 2 percent of the speed of light. Shuttle can accelerate/decelerate
at the rate of 0.1 percent of light per melee.
Atmospheric Propulsion: Maximum cruise speed is Mach 8.5, the
shuttlepod can enter an atmosphere because it has anti-gravity systems.
Maximum Range: Effectively Unlimited by drive system but carries
only two days worth of emergency supplies for crew or passengers.
Statistical Data:
Length: 15.75 feet (4.8 meters)
Height: 5.25 feet (1.6 meters)
Width: 7.87 feet (2.4 meters)
Weight: Standard Model: 1.375 Tons (1.25 metric tons).
Model: 1.488 tons (1.35 metric tons)
Power System: Advanced Micro Fusion with 3 year life span.
Cargo: If not carrying passengers, the shuttle may carry up
to 1000 lbs (453.6 kg) of cargo. Otherwise, the shuttlepod only has minimal
storage space, place for a rifle, handgun, small survival kit, signal flares,
and food rations.
Market Cost: Standard Model: 4 million to construct.
Unlike most Federation space vehicles, This version can be purchased for
12 million credits. Armed Model: 5.5 million to construct. Unlike
the standard model, the Federation does not sell this model.
Weapon Systems (Type-16A Only):
- Light Phaser Mounts (2): Two light defense phasers are mounted
on the front of the shuttlepod in the forward firing arc. They are approximately
equal to the laser cannons used by the C.A.F. and the Kreeghor militaries.
The cannons only fire individually if one of the cannons is destroyed.
Maximum Effective Range: 622 miles (1,000 km) in space and 6.2 miles (10 km) in an atmosphere.
Mega Damage: 2D4x10 for both cannons. If one cannon is destroyed, damage is reduced to 1D4x10.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the pilot (usually 4 or 5).
Payload: Effectively Unlimited.

Type 18 and Type-18A:
The Type-18 Series Shuttlepods are a new model of shuttlepod and look far different than the Type 15 and Type 16 shuttlepods and look more like a standard shuttle built small. The Type 18 is designed as the replacement for the type 15 and type 16 shuttlepods. The egines of the shuttle are external instead of internal which frees up more internal space. Like the Type-15, the standard Type-18 is not armed. Like the Type-15, the Type-18 can be operated by one crew member.
Like the Type-15A, the Type-18A is the armed version of the newer shuttlepod. In external appearance, the Type-18 and Type-18A are virtually identical. The Type-18A is slightly heavier due to reinforcement and is slightly better protected.
Model Type: | Type-18 | Standard Version |
Type-18A | Armed Version |
Crew: 2 (Pilot and Systems Manager)
Passengers: 4 Maximum
M.D.C. By Location: | Type-18: | Type-18A: |
Light Phasers (2, Type-18A Only) | 30 | ||
Impulse Engines (2): | 50 each | 60 each | |
Reinforced Pilot and Passenger Cabin: | 140 | 140 | |
[1] Main Body: | 300 | 350 |
[1] Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will put the shuttle out of
commission. All internal systems will shut down, including life support
and internal gravity. The shuttle itself will be an unsalvageable floating
wreck if disabled in space. If in an atmosphere, the shuttle will crash.
Driving on the Ground: Not Possible (The shuttle can land on
the ground).
Sublight: Has a special sublight engine that allows the ship
to travel up to 10 percent of the speed of light. Shuttle can accelerate/decelerate
at the rate of 0.4 percent of light per melee.
Atmospheric Propulsion: Maximum cruise speed is Mach 10.2, the
shuttlepod can enter an atmosphere because it has anti-gravity systems.
Maximum Range: Effectively Unlimited by drive system but carries
only two days worth of emergency supplies for crew or passengers.
Statistical Data:
Length: 14.75 feet (4.5 meters)
Height: 5.91 feet (1.8 meters)
Width: 10.17 feet (3.1 meters)
Weight: Standard Model: 2.17 Tons (1.973 metric tons).
Model: 2.4 tons (2.173 metric tons)
Power System: Advanced Micro Fusion with 5 year life span.
Cargo: If not carrying passengers, the shuttle may carry up
to 1000 lbs (453.6 kg) of cargo. Otherwise, the shuttlepod only has minimal
storage space, place for a rifle, handgun, small survival kit, signal flares,
and food rations.
Market Cost: Standard Model: 6 million to construct.
Unlike most Federation space vehicles, This version can be purchased for
16 million credits. Armed Model: 7.5 million to construct. Unlike
the standard model, the Federation does not sell this model.
Weapon Systems (Type-18A Only):
- Light Phaser Mounts (2): Two light defense phasers are mounted
on the front of the shuttlepod in the forward firing arc. They are approximately
equal to the laser cannons used by the C.A.F. and the Kreeghor militaries.
The cannons only fire individually if one of the cannons is destroyed.
Maximum Effective Range: 622 miles (1,000 km) in space and 6.2 miles (10 km) in an atmosphere.
Mega Damage: 2D4x10 for both cannons. If one cannon is destroyed, damage is reduced to 1D4x10.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the pilot (usually 4 or 5).
Payload: Effectively Unlimited.

[ Brodkil TM, Bushido Industries TM, CAF TM, Catyr TM, CCW TM, Consortium of Civilized Worlds TM, Coyles TM, Free Worlds Council TM, Gene Splicers TM, K-Hex TM, Kankoran TM, Kittani TM, Kreeghor TM, Machine People TM, M.D.C. TM, Mega-Damage TM, Metzla TM, M’Kri Hardware TM, Monro TM, Mutants in Orbit TM, Naruni Enterprises TM, Noro TM, Paradise Federation TM, Phase World TM, Psylite TM, Rifter TM, SAMAS TM, S.D.C. TM, Seljuks TM, Splugorth TM, Sunaj TM, Trans-Galactic Empire TM, Tri-Galactic Military Service TM, United Worlds Warlock TM, U.W.W. TM, Wolfen TM, and Zembahk TM are trademarks owned by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc. ]
[ Beyond the Supernatural®, Heroes Unlimited®, Nightbane®, Ninjas & Superspies®, Palladium Fantasy®, and Rifts® are registered trademarks owned by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc. ]
[ Cardassian TM, Deep Space Nine TM, Jem'Hadar TM, Ketracel White TM, Klingon TM, Photon Torpedo TM, Quantum Torpedo TM, and United Federation of Planets TM are trademarks owned by Paramount Pictures. ]
[ Star Trek is copyright © Paramount Pictures. ]
I would like to recognize Henning Rogge as giving assistance with the revision of the Star Trek starships.
Writeup by Harold Nichols (sha_radun@yahoo.com) and by Kitsune (E-Mail Kitsune).
Rifts Conversion Copyright © 1998, 1999, & 2000, Harold Nichols & Kitsune. All rights reserved.