Minbari Flyer (Babylon Five):

These ships are very common ships used by the Minbari, They are used by the military as scouts and communication ships. The ships are also used as shuttles and light transports by Civilians and Diplomats. Even though they are shuttles, They are incredibly maneuverable. The military versions of this ship are shuttles, the military versions are heavier armed than most of the younger races fighters and could even probably beat some of the less advanced races smaller capital ships such as the Drazi Sun-hawk. These shuttles have destroyed a pretty large number of Earth Force fighters in the Earth Minbari war. Like the Minbari fighter, the shuttle is very capable in an atmosphere as well as in space.
The flyer is incredibly maneuverable because it uses a gravity based propulsion system and the flyer also has a powerful inertial dampener. The controls are more standard hand controls than the Minbari fighter which cause the flyer to be less maneuverable than the Minbari fighter is. Also unlike the fighter, the flyer has an internal artificial gravity. Because of inertial dampener, the fighter can make maneuvers that would turn the pilot into jelly without it. The ship is not quite large enough to have a jump engine and instead uses jump gates to travel from system to system but is designed for long distance travel.
The hull of the flyer is constructed out of a Crystalline material that is much stronger than materials used to make Earth Force fighters, shuttles, and ships. The Minbari have not mastered shield generators on a ship the size of the flyer but even without shields, the ship is still very tough and can withstand multiple hits from most weapon systems.
Civilian versions of this ship are unarmed but military versions have two powerful neutron cannons. These weapons are very powerful and equal to capital ship secondary weaponry but can still be targeted on starfighters.
Notes of game conversion:
For purposes of game balance, there are two different versions of the starship. One is designed with accelerations in terms of gravities (G) which can better interact better with other Babylon 5 ships such as Earth Force and the Narn military. The other is written to operate within the Three Galaxies and operated with Consortium and Kreeghor vessels.
Phase world version uses my revised phase world starship rules and can hold their own against most C.A.F and Kreeghor fighters. This version is recommended if you with to put them into Phase World as among equals. See Revised Starship Rules for Phase World / Three Galaxies for more details.
Moderate version uses Gs of acceleration but does not have reduced weapon ranges except for missiles. This version is useful for Mutants In Orbit, Phase World if used as a lower tech race, used with my Earth Force ships conversions for B-5, and as a possible crash on Rifts Earth. Listed is the formula to allow player and game masters to calculate the fighters velocity and distance traveled.
Velocity = Acceleration x Time + Initial Velocity
Distance Traveled = Acceleration x ½ x Time ² + Initial Velocity x Time
1 G = 32 feet (9.8 m) per second ²
Model: Minbari Flyer
Vehicle Type: Scout / Light Transport
Crew: Three (can be piloted by one easily)
Passengers: 5 in a passenger compartment.
M.D.C. by Location
Neutron Cannons (2): |
800 each |
[1] Main Body: |
7,500 |
Reinforced Crew Compartment: |
1,500 |
[1] Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will shut the ship down completely, rendering it useless and causing the Flyer to crash if in flight in an atmosphere.
Driving on the Ground: Not Possible.
Phase World Version: Using the Gravity drive allows the ship to travel up to 40 percent of the speed of light. The ship can accelerate/decelerate at a rate of 1.2 percent of light per melee round.
Moderate Version: The Flyer does not have an effective top speed but is limited by acceleration. Flyer can reach a top acceleration of 12 G.
Atmospheric Propulsion: Maximum normal speed is mach 10. Can enter atmosphere and leave.
Stardrive: The Minbari Flyer does not have a jump drive but can use already formed jump points. If in Hyperspace, The Flyer can reach a maximum of 40 light-years per hour. This means that a Minbari Flyer can cover the Galaxy in about 14 weeks. The ship enters hyperspace by means of a jumpgate.
Maximum Range: Unlimited by all drive systems but Minbari Flyer only carries two months worth of supplies on board
Statistical Data:
Height: 44.3 feet (13.5 meters)
Length: 164 feet (50 meters)
Wing Span: 95.1 feet (29 meters)
Weight: 220 tons (200 metric tons)
Power System: Quantum Singularity/Fusion power system (10 year duration)
Cargo: 25 tons.
Cost: 250 million to construct. The Minbari do not sell this ship to other races.
Weapon Systems
Two (2) Neutron Cannon (Military Version Only): These are special particle beams that fire forward of the ship. The are mounted in the wings of the starship. The weapons can fired in short bursts or a long beam. The weapons do not have penalties to hit fighters and small targets. Long beams have +4 to strike in addition to other bonuses. The weapon does more damage to organic targets because of the nature of the beam.
Maximum Effective Range: 28 miles (45 km) in an atmosphere and 28,000 miles (45,000 km) in space.
Mega Damage: 1D4x100 per neutron cannon blast. Both neutron cannons firing a 3 pulse burst does 6D4x100 and costs one attack. Long beam from both cannons does 2D4x100. Weapon does double damage to organic targets.
Rate of Fire: Equal to gunners hand to hand (Usually 4 or 5).
Payload: Effectively Unlimited.
Special Equipment:
ECM: The Minbari Flyer, like all Minbari ships is fitted with advanced ECM. This ECM prevented targeting systems from Earth Alliance ships from being able to lock on during the Minbari war against the Humans. This ECM prevents targeting systems from ships of the younger races with the exception of the Centauri from being able to lock on. An attacker would be at -10 to strike the ship and only if within visual range (approximately 500 miles). Missiles would have a 90% chance of being unable to achieve a lock on target as well. Rifts Earth and Mutants in Orbit would be treated to be at the level of technology of most of the younger races. While not as advanced as the Minbari, the Centauri are more advance than other younger races. The Minbari Flyer would have a very small signature but could be detected on sensors. The Centauri would have penalties of -4 to strike beyond visual range. Missiles would also be more effective, at first engagement missiles would have a 60% chance of being unable to achieve a lock, the jamming could be fully adjusted for and the missile could achieve lock normally. Phase World, Macross 2, and Robotech sensors would be treated to be at the level of technology of the Minbari and Centauri. Battlestar Galactica, Star Trek, and Star Wars would also be treated to be at this level of technology. The sensors of the races of the First Ones would not suffer any penalties and would be able to strike normally. This included the Drahk Raider as well.
Sentient Computer: The Minbari Flyer has a artificial intelligence computer controlling it. This computer should be considered to be a moderate artificial intelligence in terms of Rifts. This computer is designed to take over if the pilot is unconscious or injured. This computer can pilot the ship at 91%, has 7 attacks per round, and has +5 to strike, +7 to dodge, and +1 to initiative (these include all bonuses).
COMBAT BONUSES: The Minbari Flyer is incredibly maneuverable and very accurate. Use the Phase World Starfighter combat (Elite or Basic) skill.
[ Brodkil TM, Bushido Industries TM, CAF TM, Catyr TM, CCW TM, Consortium of Civilized Worlds TM, Coyles TM, Free Worlds Council TM, Gene Splicers TM, K-Hex TM, Kankoran TM, Kittani TM, Kreeghor TM, Machine People TM, M.D.C. TM, Mega-Damage TM, Metzla TM, M’Kri Hardware TM, Monro TM, Mutants in Orbit TM, Naruni Enterprises TM, Noro TM, Paradise Federation TM, Phase World TM, Psylite TM, Rifter TM, SAMAS TM, S.D.C. TM, Seljuks TM, Splugorth TM, Sunaj TM, Trans-Galactic Empire TM, Tri-Galactic Military Service TM, United Worlds Warlock TM, U.W.W. TM, Wolfen TM, and Zembahk TM are trademarks owned by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc. ]
[ Beyond the Supernatural®, Heroes Unlimited®, Nightbane®, Ninjas & Superspies®, Palladium Fantasy®, and Rifts® are registered trademarks owned by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc. ]
[ Anla-Shok TM, Brakiri TM, Delenn TM, Dilgar TM, Drahk TM, Drazi TM, Earthforce TM, G'Kar TM, Londo Mollari TM, Minbari TM, Narn TM, Pak'ma'ra TM, Psi-Corp, Starfury TM, Valen TM, Vir Cotto TM, Vorlon TM, Vree TM, and Z'ha'dum TM are trademarks owned by Warner Brothers Television. ]
[ Babylon 5 is copyrighted © Warner Brothers Television. ]
Technical information sourced partially from Babylon 5 Technical Manual!
CGI of Ship by Craig P. Condu . More of his CGI pictures of B-5 Ships at Epsilon Jumpgate.
Writeup by by Kitsune (E-Mail Kitsune).
Rifts Conversion Copyright © 1998 & 2013, Kitsune. All rights reserved.