Earthforce Warlock class Destroyer (Babylon Five):

After the fiasco of the invasion of Akdor in the Shilassen Triumvirate, it became clear to the leaders of Earthforce that a new kind of ship was needed. The existing Nova battlecruisers and Omega Destroyers were lacking in the ability to support major troop deployments. After some deliberation it was decided that the new ship would still be a Destroyer type, but that it would contain many improvements concerning troop housing, fighter and shuttle deployment, and in logistics handling. Also its ability to provide heavy support fire for ground troops would be much better than that of the previous classes of Earthforce ships.
And so the design work began on what became known as "The Warlock Project"
Under president Clark the project moved ahead fast, yet at the end of 2261 the first prototype of the class was nowhere near its final construction. Much work still needed to be done before its weaponry and armor could be fitted. And special weapons and armor these promised to be. Thanks to a little known alliance with a race known only as "the Shadows" and some of their minions, the EA had gotten its hands on things like Bio-Organic armor and heavy Fusion cannons. There was even talk of a Gravitic drive, but that system failed to be delivered. With these systems the Warlocks would be almost unstoppable. As it was, these systems were not integrated into the Warlock design. Captain Sheridan of Babylon 5 had mounted a offensive against the forces loyal to President Clark, and in a last-ditch effort to stop Sheridan's fleet, the advanced systems were placed on and in a group of Omega Class destroyers, creating the infamous "Advanced" destroyer. In the final battle for the Earth Alliance all of these vessels were destroyed, and the Shadows minions (the Drahk) hastily departed Earth space, taking the last pieces of Bio-Tech with them. Or so everyone thinks....
The Warlock Class Destroyers as they finally appeared from the shipyards of Earth still look immensely impressive: well over 1.2 miles long, and bristling with weapons, they are still the very best that the Earth Alliance has ever had.
The Warlocks look like throwbacks to pre-Omega times, because they lack a rotating section, and their main body is a single structure into which launch bays and sensors have been integrated. The entire top of this structure is a sleek joining of armor plates, on which weapon emplacements are located. On the sides there are more irregularities. In the front third of the ship there are several cargo and ordnance airlocks, which can be used to quickly load and unload cargo and things like troopships, although at present it is unclear exactly how much material these spaces can hold. Aft of these are specialized missile launchers, holding huge missiles intended for strategic bombardment.
The normal fighter and shuttle bays have a different pattern than with the Omega. The forward bay, located under the nose of the ship, is used exclusively for launching fighters, and is sealed when not in use.vFighters are recoveredvthrough a hangar on the right aft side of the main hull, and shuttles are both launched andvrecovered using this bay. The flight deck of the Warlock actually runs the entire length of the ship, and is of a huge volume. On the left aft side of the hull there is a protrusion which marks the engineering and maintenance section for all the shuttles and fighters.
The engine section holds four upgraded Ion Fusion engines in a armored housing that gives rather better protection than the housing of a Omega Destroyer. A late addition to this design are two Gravimetric engines. These are placed on the top and the bottom of the drive section, and are of a Minbari design, which has been adapted and build by EA engineers. This system was obtained through the EA entering the Interstellar Alliance. It is also this system that explains the lack of a rotating section: the Warlock design is the first EA ship to have true artificial gravity, although this is only .2 or .3 G`s as opposed to the 1 G that a rotating section can supply.
Inside of the ship there are huge spaces available to house troops. The normal compliment of Marines is five thousand. In this configuration there is ample space onboard for training chambers, and the Marines and the normal crew of the ship have a lot of room. Totally different are the conditions onboard when the ship carries the maximum amount of troops that it can transport into a battle zone. In that scenario about thirty thousand troops are carried, and space is at a absolute premium, with most of the troops relegated to their bunks, coming out of them in shifts to use the few remaining exercise rooms, and to eat.
Even so, the Warlock design has room for a small hydroponics section, which can supply the regular crew and Marine compliment with a (limited) supply of fresh fruit. This space is also important for psychological reasons, since a Warlock has a substantial greater range than previous warships. This means that even during a trip of two years (the maximum duration of a Warlock) crew and Marines still have access to a garden, something to associate with a planet.
The weapons of the Warlock are conventional in nature, although there are a lot of them. The largest weapons on the ship are two Particle Beam cannons. These are located under the nose of the ship, and are the heaviest weapon ever mounted on a Earthforce ship. Previously these weapons were only mounted in the G.O.D. satellites that make up Earths defense. The power drain of these weapons is enormous, and each cannon requires a recharge time of fifteen seconds between firings. On the plus side, their range is great, and they are so powerful that a unshielded opponent can be cut in half with a single burst. Secondary weapon systems are eight heavy Pulse Cannon turrets, equal to those on the Nova class ships. Five of these are mounted on the top of the ship, and another three are mounted on the bottom. Also carried are three heavy railgun turrets, one on the nose of the ship, and two on the bottom facing rearward. Mounted on the top and the bottom of the recovery bay and on the other side on top and the bottom of the maintenance section are four medium pulse cannons like those mounted on the Omega class. These turret mounted weapons have a excellent firing arc.
The ships lighter weaponry consists of nine light pulse cannons. One of these is mounted on the forward boom. Two are located on the rim of the top, and another two on the bottom rim of the shuttle/recovery bay, a pattern mirrored on the other side of the ship, where the maintenance shops protrude slightly.
For even more weapons the ship carries twenty four (!) particle beam guns. Eight turrets line the upper part of the ship. A further eight turrets are located in fours around the midship cargo airlocks, and four more are mounted on the front part of the engine section. The last four are located on the aft part of the engine section.
Rounding this off are two missile launchers on the sides of the ship. Each launcher holds six large missile silos and seven smaller ones. There are no direct reloads for the large launchers, but the small launchers each have ten reloads. Of course more ordnance can be carried in the cargo hold of the ship, but it takes a lengthy EVA operation to reload the launchers: this is never done in combat. Of note should be the fact that the large missiles have multiple warheads with a *nuclear* payload. The smaller missiles (still long range missiles) can be equipped with a variety of warheads, *including* nuclear ones!
The ship’s armor looks unlike that of previous EA ships. It is a Crystalline/Plasteel armor mesh, and deflects large amounts of energy away. This would seem to be a copy of the Armor on the IA Victory class Destroyers, but is less effective and is in reality a development of the EA itself. It has been made possible due to the study of Shadow Bio-armor, pieces of Minbari Crystalline armor, and the study of the armor the Dilgar used.
As has been indicated, improvements have been made in the area of drive systems. Not only are there four Ion Fusion engines, there are also two Gravimetric engines. The Combined use of these engines yields a acceleration normally only achieved by Earthforce fighters: well over ten G`s. On their own either drive system can accelerate the ship with about five G maximum. The advantage of the Gravimetric systems is that they actually provide artificial gravity, and dampen the felt acceleration inside of the ship, so that even at full thrust the crew can perform its duties in a normal fashion. Another advantage of the gravimetric engines is that they require no reaction mass. This is one of the major contributions to the extended range that the Warlock ships have. In normal operations both drive systems are run at low power, so as not to overwork either system. It should also be remembered that the Gravitic drive is a *new* system. It might yet suffer from small problems in its functioning.
Because of the improved drive systems, and a improved Hyperspace navigation system, the Warlock design can achieve almost twice the speed in hyperspace of previous EA designs.
The Warlock class carries forty eight fighters, all SA-26 Thunderbolt Starfuries. Furthermore it carries a standard sixteen atmospheric shuttles, and eight intra system shuttles. For assault missions there is room for three dozen assault shuttles, although all but six of these will be carried in the cargo bay or externally, and must be boarded through docking them at airlocks.
Sources have indicated that the Earth Alliance is planning to build well over a hundred of these mighty ships. Considering the price of these ships that might be a overly optimistic view, for each of these ships costs as much as the infamous "Advanced Destroyers" did, well over fifty billion credits per ship.
Contrary to popular belief there is no single Destroyer with the name "Warlock", as this was the project name. At least one of the commissioned ships has the name "Damocles". Other, rumored, names sound more ominous and include designations like "Sorcerer", "Necromancer" and "Enchantress".
Listed is the formula to allow player and game masters to calculate the Destroyers velocity and distance traveled:
- Velocity = Acceleration x Time + Initial Velocity
Distance Traveled = Acceleration x ½ x Time ² + Initial Velocity x Time
1 G = 32 feet (9.8 m) per second ²
Model: Earthforce Warlock Class Destroyer
Class: Battleship / Assault Carrier
Crew: 1,200 (60 Officers and 1,140 Enlisted)
Troops: Standard; 5,000, Maximum; 30,000
Vehicle Compliment:
48 | SA-26 Thunderbolt Star Fighters | |
16 | Standard Atmospheric Shuttles | |
8 | Intrasystem Shuttles |
M.D.C. by Location:
Heavy Particle Beam Cannons (2, forward ): | 4,000 each | |
Heavy Pulse Cannons (16, 10 on top, 6 on bottom in double turrets): | 1,300 each | |
Heavy Railguns (6, two on top, four on bottom in double turrets): | 1,100 each | |
Double Turrets (11, 6 on top, 5 on bottom): | 2,600 each | |
Medium Pulse Cannons (4, aft): | 900 each | |
Light Pulse Cannons (9): | 750 each | |
Particle Guns (24): | 250 each | |
Missile Launchers (2): | 3,000 each | |
Launch Bay (1, front): | 10,000 | |
Recovery Bay (1, right side): | 10,000 | |
[1] Bridge: | 25,000 | |
[1] Auxiliary Bridge: | 25,000 | |
[2] Main Sensor cluster (1, front): | 9,000 | |
[3] Main Body: | 160,000 | |
[4] Engineering Section: | 46,000 | |
[5] Ion Fusion Engines (4): | 14,000 each | |
[5] Gravitic Engines (2): | 11,000 each | |
[6] Interceptor Grids (6): | 5,000 a side |
[1] In reality this is how much damage needs to be done for a weapon to hit the bridge
through the ship’s armor. This
ship also has an auxiliary bridge. Even if both bridges are taken out, the ship can still be piloted
from engineering but
ship is -3 to dodge and all weapon systems will be at local control. Weapon hits near the bridge
that do not penetrate
the ships integrity can injure crew members on or near the bridge.
[2] The Main sensor cluster is located below the Launch Bay. Destroying it means that the
ship loses all sensor
bonuses vs. ECM. The ship will have -30% to read sensory rolls, all sensor ranges are half ranged,
and all long range
weapons have a -1 to strike. Hyperspace speed will be reduced to 15 LY/Hour maximum.
[3] Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will put the Destroyer out of commission. All
internal systems will shut down,
including life support, but *excluding* artificial gravity. The ship will be a unsalvageable wreck.
The hull of the ship
has the ability to repair itself (sadly its internal systems do not) The hull regenerates damage at
2D4 x 100 M.D.C. per
minute. The hull cannot regenerate more than a third of its total M.D.C.
[4] Destroying the engineering section means that ship FTL propulsion systems are
destroyed and maximum sublight
acceleration is reduced to ten percent of normal (using navigational thrusters).
[5] The Destruction of one Ion engine reduces the ships maximum acceleration by one
eight. The destruction of two
Ion Engines reduces the ships maximum acceleration by one quarter. Destroying three Ion
Engines will reduce the ships
maximum acceleration by three eights. Destroying all four Ion Engines means that the maximum
sublight acceleration is
reduced to half. Destroying one Gravitic engine means that sublight acceleration is reduced by a
quarter. Destroying both
Gravitic engines reduces maximum sublight acceleration by half, and destroys the ships artificial
gravity system.
Destroying all engines means that the ship can accelerate at five percent of normal (using
navigational thrusters).
[6] The Interceptor Grid gives only partial defense against energy weapons and as the
system absorbs more damage
this percentage of damage will be reduced. The system will absorb up to 5,000 M.D.C. per side.
Initially, the system will
absorb 80% of damage from plasma weapons and pulse cannons (Actually another style of plasma
cannon - does not work at
this higher efficiency on other weapon systems that fire in pulses). This is because it is much easier
to disperse plasma
than an actual energy beam. The system does not absorb damage from rail guns, other projectile
weapons, and from
missiles. Initially, the ships will also absorb 40% of other styles of energy weapons as well (This
includes non plasma
style pulse weapons as well). For every 500 M.D.C. that the system absorbs, the system will be
reduced in effectiveness
by 10% for subsequent strikes (Example:If an Interceptor Grid absorbs 1000 M.D.C., the
Interceptor Grid will only
absorb 60% of plasma damage and 20% of the damage for any other energy weapon when struck
next.) The defense grid
recovers at the rate of 150 M.D.C. per minute. The missile decoy portion of the system is described
separately below.
SPECIAL: The ship’s armor is a copy of the new Earth/Minbari armor used on the Victory class destroyer and deflects 40% of all incoming energy away, not counting purely kinetic energy weapons. Subtract 40% of all damage done to the ships hit locations by energy weapons and explosions! Kinetic energy weapons do full damage.
Driving on the Ground: Not Possible.
Space Propulsion: The starship does not have an effective top speed but is limited
by acceleration.
The Warlock Destroyer can reach a top acceleration of 10 G but due to high fuel consumption
and extra strain
on the engines, the ship will normally travel at 1 G for any extended trips. Top acceleration is only
for emergencies and combat maneuvers.
Because the Warlock Destroyer IS shielded from the effects of radiation and hypervelocity
atomic particles ,
the destroyer can be operated at speeds of up to 40 percent of light.
Atmospheric Propulsion: The Warlock destroyer cannot operate within an
atmosphere. If the ship enters an
atmosphere, it will crash.
Stardrive: Uses 4 "Lockheed Mitchell Corp." HSI-10C Vortex generators to enter
hyperspace, they allow the
ship to reach a maximum of 25 light-years per hour. This means that the Earth Destroyer can
cover the three galaxies in
roughly 6 months (will NOT need to refuel periodically). The ship enters hyperspace by means of
a jumpgate.
This ship can use a already made jumpgate or can form its own jumpgate.
The Warlock has enough power to open a jumpgate every ten minutes (40 rounds). The gate
then takes one round to open,
two rounds to traverse, and another to close.
Maximum Range: Conditionally unlimited, while the fusion reactors give power
for over a decade of service,
the ships Ion Engines are limited by the ships reaction mass. It is not recommended to fly the ship
on Gravitic drives
alone, because they are a new system and might prove unstable over longer periods of time.
Therefore it is recommended
to always refuel the ship when possible. The ship can be refueled at ground based facilities, space
stations, and other
star ships as long as they have the special facilities. The ship can also be refueled by fuel shuttles.
The Destroyer carries seven months of reaction mass for travel at 0.5 G of acceleration
using only Ion engines.
Double the consumption of fuel for 1.0 G of acceleration and double the consumption again for
every 1.0 G of acceleration
beyond 1 G. This means the ship will burn the fuel 32 times faster at maximum acceleration than
at 0.5 G of acceleration,
using only Ion Engines! There is no fuel consumption for the Gravimetric engines, other than the
fact that they drain
large amounts of power. The ships fusion reactors can cope with that easily though. The ship will
often accelerate
for a period of time and then shut down the engine and travel using the ships velocity. Should the
ship use more than half
of its reaction mass when accelerating, the ship will be unable to decelerate fully using only Ion
engines. Therefore the
ship will normally only use a third or less of its fuel on accelerating so it does not run into a
problem. If the ship
runs out of fuel then it can be refueled by another vehicle traveling faster than it, or it must
decelerate using
gravitic drives only, which is currently discouraged for safety reasons. If the ship has a large
amount of flight
operations, the ship is limited to about five months endurance at cruising speed from the fighters
using the ships
reaction mass.
Statistical Data
Height: 1,700 feet (550 meters)
Length: 6643.4 feet (1,993 meters)
Width: 1131.1 feet (344.5 meters)
Weight: 66.8 million tons (60.6 million metric tons)
Power System: 4 Tokamak Corp. 650 Fusion Reactors (12 year duration). 2
Tokamak Corp. Ultima 2000 ADV
gravimetric Fusion Reactors (15 year duration) However, it is recommended that the drive and
power system have routine
maintenance every 5 years. Also, the ship only carries about a seven month supply of reaction
mass for the ion engines.
(Note: the Gravitic drives don`t need any!)
Cargo: 500,000 tons
Cost: 50 billion credits to construct . Any race in the three galaxies would pay
several times that amount
for a fully functional Warlock due to the Shadow technology that is incorporated into it.
Weapon Systems
- Heavy Particle Beam Cannons (2): These cannons are the same cannons
in Earths G.O.D. satellite system, and are simply huge particle beam cannons. Due to power
distribution and shielding problems these weapons have never before been mounted on a mobile
Even with the huge Fusion reactors of the Warlock it takes a full fifteen seconds for a cannon
to recharge between firings. Thus the cannons are usually fired staggered, one each round.
The cannons are mounted forward, under the nose of the ship, ahead and above of the launch bay. They have a 40 degree arc of fire. Author Note: The source on this weapon system lists the revised weapons range as 1,000,000 km. It has been reduced to fit more within Palladium frameworks
Mega Damage: 3D6x1000 per Particle Beam blast. (6D6X1000 for both cannons.)
Maximum Effective Range: 87 miles (140 km) in an atmosphere and miles 87,000 miles (140,000 km) in space.
Rate of Fire: Once every other melee per cannon (Beam lasts one entire round).
Payload: Effectively Unlimited. - Heavy Pulse Cannons (18): These cannons fire rapid fire bursts
of super charged Plasma. While not nearly as powerful as the Particle Beam
Cannons both their rapid fire and good firing arcs make up for this fact.
The improved power systems on the Warlock give these cannons a better recharge time than
the otherwise similar systems on the Nova Class ships. Pulse
cannons are mounted in pairs and each pair has a 360 degree rotation and
180 degree arc of fire. These weapons have standard penalties to hit small
targets such as fighters and cannons each fire individually or in pairs.
Author Note: The source on this weapon system lists the revised weapons range
as 1,000,000 km. It has been reduces to fit more with Palladium frameworks
Mega Damage: 1D6x100 per cannon (2D6x100)
Maximum Effective Range: 11 miles (18 km) in an atmosphere and 11,190 miles (18,000 km) in space.
Rate of Fire: Three Times per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited. - Heavy Rail Guns (6): Originally meant to be heavy pulse cannons too, three
double turrets were converted to carry heavy rail guns. Some say that this was a answer to
the fact that the IA Victory class Destroyer carries armor that dissipates directed energy, but is
vulnerable to kinetic energy. Others point out that Railguns are ideal for planetary bombardment,
as they are more accurate than pulse cannons under certain circumstances. Basically these are
electromagnetic railguns. Each railgun fires a single shard of M.D.C. material at a
significant fraction of light speed.
Rail guns are mounted in pairs and each pair has a 360 degree rotation and 180 degree arc of fire. These weapons have standard penalties to hit small targets such as fighters and cannons each fire individually or in pairs.
Mega Damage: 1D4x100 per cannon (2D4x100)
Maximum Effective Range: 10 miles (16 km) in an atmosphere and 10,000 miles (16,040 km) in space.
Rate of Fire: Two Times per melee
Payload: 200 rounds per Rail gun, for a total of 1200 rounds. - Medium Pulse Cannons (4): These cannons fire rapid fire bursts
of super charged Plasma. They are the same weapons as mounted on the Omega
Class Destroyers. Mounted in turrets on the recovery bay and the opposite
maintenance section, these weapons have 180 degree arcs of fire in all directions.
These weapons have standard penalties to hit small
targets such as fighters and cannons each fire individually.
Author Note: The source on this weapon system lists the revised weapons range
as 1,000,000 km. It has been reduces to fit more with Palladium frameworks
Mega Damage: 1D4x100 per cannon
Maximum Effective Range: 11 miles (18 km) in an atmosphere and 11,190 miles (18,000 km) in space.
Rate of Fire: Three Times per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited. - Light Pulse Cannons (9): These cannons fire rapid fire bursts
of super charged Plasma. While not nearly as powerful as the heavy or the medium
pulse cannons both their rapid fire and good firing arcs make up for this fact.
Pulse cannons are mounted in single mounts and each cannon has a 360 degree rotation and
180 degree arc of fire. These weapons do not have standard penalties to hit small
targets such as fighters.
Author Note: The source on this weapon system lists the revised weapons range
as 1,000,000 km. It has been reduces to fit more with Palladium frameworks
Mega Damage: 6D6x10 per cannon
Maximum Effective Range: 7 miles (11 km) in an atmosphere and 7,000 miles (11,260 km) in space.
Rate of Fire: Four Times per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited. - Particle Guns (24): These guns are
an updated and more powerful version of those mounted on the Omega class
destroyer and have a higher power output than the earlier mounts. Like
the originals, these guns fire bursts of atomic particles at close
to the speed of light. They are very effective against fighters but are
not as effective against larger ships. All particle guns are located in
the weapon pods along the ships hull. Each mount has a 360 degree rotation
and 180 degree arc of fire.
Mega Damage: 4D6x10 per cannon
Maximum Effective Range: 6.2 miles (10 km) in an atmosphere and 621.8 miles (1,000 km) in space.
Rate of Fire: Equal to gunners hand to hand (Usually 4 or 5).
Payload: Effectively Unlimited. - Twelve (12) Heavy Missile Silos: Each silo holds one heavy missile, and six
silos are mounted in each launcher on the ships side. Each Heavy missile carries a multiple
warhead of eight heavy nuclear weapons, and four dozen (48) decoys with exactly the same
sensor image as a warhead (including for sensors from advanced races like the Minbari).
These missiles are meant for strategic bombardment of planetary targets, but can be used against
and space stations too. When the Main engine burns out, or upon a predetermined point in its
flight the missile releases its warheads. Each warhead is essentially a Thermonuclear Missile
tipped with a choice of Nuclear warheads, and has the standard range and bonuses to strike for
missiles of that type. Heavy Missiles are assumed to accelerate at 30 Gs greater
than the starships speed when used in space. Since star ships will no longer engage
at rock throwing distances, whether weapons can be shot down is calculated
from the speed of target, launcher, and missile. When drives go dead,
missiles will continue to travel in a straight line unless set to self destruct but have very low
odds of hitting star ships (Great for hitting bases and planets because
target does not move and missiles when dead is at -25% to be detected.),
Each of these missiles can be targeted at a separate target.
Maximum Effective Range: Heavy Missile: 10,000 miles in space (will usually release LRM`s before hitting a atmosphere)
Nuclear Missile X-heavy (Powered range is 8 x normal in space (Go to Nuclear bomb and missile tables for details.)
Mega-Damage & Properties: Varies with warhead type (Go to Revised bomb and missile tables for details.)
Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of 1, 2,3, 4, 5, etc. up to 12 per melee attack.
Payload: 12 missiles in total. Ship can carry up to 48 more missiles in its cargo hold, but reloading the system takes 15 minutes per missile and must be done by EVA (Extra Vehicular Activity) - Two (2) Long Range Missile Batteries: Each Consists of seven launch tubes
mounted in
one of the two large launchers on the ships side.
Reloading is done through internal magazines. These launcher are both used to launch anti-ship
strikes, strikes on planetary surfaces and to launch against starfighters. Missiles are assumed to
accelerate at 2 times normal mach speed in Gs greater than the starships speed when used in
Since star ships will no longer engage at rock throwing distances, whether weapons can be shot
is calculated from the speed of target, launcher, and missile. When drive goes dead,
missile will continue to travel in a straight line unless set to self destruct but has very low
odds of hitting star ships (Great for hitting bases and planets because
target does not move and missile, when unpowered, is at -25% to be detected.) Long range
missiles are all considered smart missiles. Each of these launchers can be targeted and fired at
multiple targets.
Maximum Effective Range: varies with missile type, long range missiles (Powered range is 8 x normal in space (Go to revised bomb and missile tables for details.)
Mega-Damage & Properties: Varies with warhead type (Go to revised bomb and missile tables for details.) Heavy fusion is 2D4X100 M.D.C. (Nuclear *might* be available!)
Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, or 16 per melee attack.
Payload: 10 reloads per launch tube for a total payload of 154 long range missiles. Ship can carry up to 1000 more missiles in its cargo hold, but reloading the system takes 1 hour per ten missiles and must be done by EVA (Extra Vehicular Activity) - Missile Decoy System: These systems launches clouds of chaff
and electromagnetic decoys around the ship. This system is the final part
of the interceptor grid. The decoy cloud will remain around the ship for
a period of time unless the ship accelerates, decelerates, or changes course
which will take ship out of the chaff cloud within one melee. The system
is a series of decoy launchers that are placed around the ship. Even if
the main interceptor system is not functional, this system will still operate.
Mega-Damage: any vehicle flying through take 2D6 M.D.C.
Effects:- Has a 50% chance of confusing or deflecting missiles from most younger races. This system does not work on missiles from Centauri, Minbari, or other Race with similar or more advance missile systems.
- Disguises ships radar signature. This gives a -2 penalty to strike. (Does not work on Centauri, Minbari, and races that are as advanced or more advanced than the Centauri and Minbari)
Maximum Effective Range: Ship and 1,000 feet (305 m) radius around ship
Rate of Fire: Once (1) Per Melee.
Payload: 100
Special Equipment:
- Refractive Hull: The hull of the Warlock is made out of a Crystalline/Plasteel Armor mesh. This looks like a copy of the armor on the Victory class destroyer, but is in reality a Earthforce invention made possible through the study of Shadow Bio armor and parts of Minbari Crystalline Armor found in old Earth/Minbari war battle zones. The hull deflects 40% of all incoming energy away, not counting purely kinetic energy weapons. Subtract 40% of all damage done to the ships hit locations by energy weapons and explosions! Kinetic energy weapons do full damage.
- Sensors: The sensors onboard the ship have been specially designed to counteract the Minbari ECM and that of the other younger races. When used to target ships with this type of ECM the targeting penalties are reduced by about two thirds. On Minbari ships specifically, they can target the ships beyond visual range but are at -6 to strike at that range, at visual ranges the ship will have a -3 to strike, and the ship systems would be able to target missiles on Minbari ships 30% of the time with a 70% chance of being able to achieve lock once engaged and the individual factors have been calculated for. The sensors are not effective at all against the ECM used by Vorlons, Shadows, and other members of the races known as the First Ones. Because the ECM used by the Drahk is partially based on Shadow technology, the sensors are not as effective as against Minbari ECM but more effective than the ECM would be against the Shadows. Against the Drahk, penalties are reduced by 1/3 (-12 to strike beyond visual range, -6 to strike at visual ranges, and 20%/40% of missile locks). The Sensors are also less effective against the ECM in Phase World, Macross 2, and Robotech. This is because the various ECM systems are based on different technologies and cannot be accounted for. Penalties from these systems would be reduced by 1/3.
[ Brodkil TM, Bushido Industries TM, CAF TM, Catyr TM, CCW TM, Consortium of Civilized Worlds TM, Coyles TM, Free Worlds Council TM, Gene Splicers TM, K-Hex TM, Kankoran TM, Kittani TM, Kreeghor TM, Machine People TM, M.D.C. TM, Mega-Damage TM, Metzla TM, M’Kri Hardware TM, Monro TM, Mutants in Orbit TM, Naruni Enterprises TM, Noro TM, Paradise Federation TM, Phase World TM, Psylite TM, Rifter TM, SAMAS TM, S.D.C. TM, Seljuks TM, Splugorth TM, Sunaj TM, Trans-Galactic Empire TM, Tri-Galactic Military Service TM, United Worlds Warlock TM, U.W.W. TM, Wolfen TM, and Zembahk TM are trademarks owned by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc. ]
[ Beyond the Supernatural®, Heroes Unlimited®, Nightbane®, Ninjas & Superspies®, Palladium Fantasy®, and Rifts® are registered trademarks owned by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc. ]
[ Anla-Shok TM, Brakiri TM, Delenn TM, Dilgar TM, Drahk TM, Drazi TM, Earthforce TM, G'Kar TM, Londo Mollari TM, Minbari TM, Narn TM, Pak'ma'ra TM, Psi-Corp, Starfury TM, Valen TM, Vir Cotto TM, Vorlon TM, Vree TM, and Z'ha'dum TM are trademarks owned by Warner Brothers Television. ]
[ Babylon 5 is copyrighted © Warner Brothers Television. ]
Technical information sourced partially from Babylon 5 Technical Manual and The Warlock Project!
CGI of starship created by Omar Chaudry. Picture taken from Guidos Galaxy.
Writeup by Mischa (E-Mail Mischa) and by Kitsune (E-Mail Kitsune).
Rifts Conversion Copyright © 1999, 2000, & 2013, Mischa & Kitsune. All rights reserved.