Babylon Five Weapons & Equipment:
Centauri Republic:
- Centauri Koltari:
- Centauri short sword of similar design to the Gladius, the short sword
favored by the Romans. This is the main weapon used in Centauri dueling.
Model: Not Applicable
S.D.C.: 300
Weight: 1.8 lbs (0.8 kg)
Cost: 500 credits for a basic sword. Ornate or swords with historic significance can cost 10 to 1000 times more depending on ornateness and/or significance.
Damage: 1D8+2
Bonuses: Top quality Koltari have +1 to strike, +1 to strike when thrown, +1 to Parry, and +2 to initiative.
- Centauri hand held energy weapons similar to Earth Alliance PPG. Weapon
is more advanced than the Earth Alliance PPG and does greater damage and
is longer ranged. Like most advanced energy weapon, the Tromo Gun is equipped
with a targeting laser
Model: Centauri Tromo PPG
S.D.C.: 150
Weight: 3.3 lbs (1.5 kg)
Cost: 800 credits for Centauri (x4 cost for non Centauri)
Cost of one fully charged Energy Cap: 10 credits (x4 cost for non Centauri)
Damage: Follows the same rules as the Earth Alliance PPG MK I:
- Damage:
Low setting does 4D6 S.D.C., half vs. soft armor, none vs. hard armor.
Standard setting does 8D6 S.D.C., half against hard armor.
High setting does 12D6 S.D.C.
Rate of Fire: Equal to shooters hand to hand.
- Low setting: 20 shots per cap
Standard setting: 14 shots per cap
High setting: 7 shots per cap
Earth Alliance:
- Earth Alliance PPG Mk I:

- This weapon is the standard light sidearm of all Earth Force personnel
stationed aboard starships and space stations. It is made by Auricon industries.
The Term PPG stands for Phased Plasma Gun. The weapon is a small handgun that fires bolts of plasma. Unlike most plasma weapons it is not a Mega Damage weapon, In fact the gun only does S.D.C. damage and is not very effective against armor. This was deliberately done in order to prevent critical damage being done to vital systems aboard spaceships, and to avoid the risk of piercing the hull which would lead to explosive decompression.
The PPG Mk I looks a bit like a snub nosed revolver with a fat barrel and a energy cap fitted where the hammer would be. Under the barrel is a targeting laser which is very useful in low light conditions. Because of its small size it is highly concealable.
All PPG`s have a serial number engraved on the nearly diamond-hard Mobedium core. Removing the number is impossible without destroying the weapon. The only PPG`s without serial number are the property of the special forces. Citizens of Earthforce are told if they should find one they should report it immediately to the nearest security station.
The PPG is reloaded with energy caps, these are about the size of the first joint of ones thumb. The cap holds Helium(for the plasma) in a polarized crystal matrix, and energy in a small molecular distortion battery. The caps can not be made to burn or explode. When depleted a cap is normally discarded, although it can be recharged at a armory. This takes 2 hours. A standard PPG comes with a quick draw holster which also holds two more energy caps. The holster is normally worn on the belt, but can easily be worn around the ankle etc. due to its design.
Model: Auricon EF-7 PPG
S.D.C.: 100
Weight: 1.2 lbs (0.7 kg)
Cost: 1000 credits
Cost of one fully charged Energy Cap: 15 credits
Damage: has three settings. Setting one does no damage to hard armor, half to soft armor (light flak jacket without ceramic plates etc.) and has a 40 % stun chance. Setting two does more damage and is more effective against armor, doing full damage versus soft armor and half to hard armor. Setting three does full damage to all kind of armor and is the most powerful. On the down side is the fact that there is a 5% cumulative chance of damaging the gun if more than 4 shots are fired consecutively on setting three. Should the gun fail it means that its internal mechanism has melted. It is irreparable, and the heat released does 1D4 S.D.C. to the shooters hand. This can be avoided by letting the gun cool for one round, or firing it on one of the lower settings.
- Damage: Low setting does 3D6 S.D.C., half vs. soft armor, none
vs. hard armor.
Standard setting does 6D6 S.D.C., half against hard armor.
High setting does 9D6 S.D.C.
Rate of Fire: Equal to shooters hand to hand.
Feed: Low setting: 15 shots per cap
Standard setting: 10 shots per cap
High setting: 5 shots per cap
Special notes: Concealable: Because of its small size the PPG is easy to conceal: +20% to conceal
Bonus to strike: Because of the light weight, small size and the targeting laser the PPG is +2 to strike on a aimed shot.

- Denn'bok (Minbari Fighting Pike):
- One of the traditional weapons of the Minbari is the Minbari Fighting
Pike, or denn'bok. The denn'bok is a collapsible quarterstaff composed
of mnemonic alloys that expand from a six-inch grip to a five foot polearm.
Only those trained in the ancient art of Denn'na carry these. Denn'na training
among the Warrior Caste is a must as it is among the Rangers; though few
of the Rangers carry this prestigious weapon. F'hursna Sech Durhan is considered
the modern master of this art and is currently training both Minbari and
deserving humans in the City of Sorrows on Minbar. Very few are produced
yearly as most pikes are passed from one generation to the other. Fighting
pikes rarely fall into the hands of non-Minbari, and many warrior caste
Minbari insure it stays that way. However, some pikes do end up on the
black market often fetching 5,000 credits and often more.
While most fighting pikes are simply metal polearms, a few have been constructed (or modified) to produce an electrical shock upon impact, extend razor-sharp blades, or have a chemical projection system (poison, acid, or flammables). The Minbari consider it highly dishonorable, even stigmatic, to own such a weapon. Minbari folklore tells of ancient warlords who created similar pikes for themselves. These "Dark Lords of Minbar" used dishonorable ways of fighting for their own personal gain and because of that were defeated. These tales go on to relate that many warlord's bodies were never recovered, but were spirited away in the night by their remaining followers. Tales of dark tombs in the deep equatorial deserts or on forgotten moons filled with the spoils of conquest still amaze Minbari children today.
Model: Not Applicable
S.D.C.: 400
Weight: 4 lbs (1.8 kg)
Cost: The Minbari do not sell the weapon, on the black market the pikes sell for 5,000 credits or more (Often sell for as much as 10x more than minimum)
Damage: 2D6 for moderate quality and 3D6 for top quality fighting pikes
Bonuses: top quality fighting pikes have +1 to strike, +2 to strike when thrown, +1 to Parry, and +2 to initiative
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[ Babylon 5 is copyrighted © Warner Brothers Television. ]
Technical information sourced partially from Babylon 5 Technical Manual!
Writeup by Kitsune (E-Mail Kitsune) and by Mischa (E-Mail Mischa).
Rifts Conversion Copyright © 1998, Kitsune & Mischa. All rights reserved.