Raising P.P.E. Through Ritual:
In most cases, magic users can use all of the magic energy they have themselves or tap 75% that of others. Using special Rituals, spell casters are able to use all the magic energy of others. Spell casters have various means to gain more magic energy than that. One of the best known is that of death magic, the killing of other beings and tapping the magic energy at the moment of death. Only the most selfish and evil beings will use this ritual on humans although some scrupulous or unprincipled beings will tap the death energies from animals. Another common means of gathering magic is through the use of sex. Below is listed the various means of gathering adition magic energy means by a variety of different means.
Normal Ritual: Much like the Rituals used in a Witches circle
or a Catholic Church service. Used by virtually all spell casters from
those of principled alignment to those of diabolic alignment.
Allows the tapping of 100% of the P.P.E. of others involved. Has no
special effect on a spell caster.
Ritual Sex Magic (Also Known as Tantric Magic): Simply put, the
use of sex in the ritual to gather magical energy. Sex is metaphorically
the act of making life so more life energy is produced. Does not need to
be specifically between a male and female or races that can interbreed.
Used by a wide variety of spell casters from the most good spell casters
to the most evil. The only exception are some Mage groups who are celibate.
This ritual allows a spell caster to tap up to 25% extra magic energy
(P.P.E.) from themselves and from others.
Ritual Pain Magic: Simply put, the use of pain in the ritual
to gather magical energy. This usually involves some form of torture. Pain
on others is generally used by Evil and extremely selfish individuals.
Pain magic is not always as evil as it sounds, some of the Principled,
Scrupulous, and Aberrant alignments inflict pain on themselves as a means
of gathering magic energy. Few unprincipled will use this means simply
because they do not have the discipline to inflict pain on themselves to
gather magical energies.
This ritual allows a spell caster to tap up to 25% extra magic energy
(P.P.E.) from themselves and from others.
Ritual Pain and Sex Magic: Simply put, the use of pain and sex
together in a ritual to gather magical energy. Unlike simple pain magic
or simple sex magic, this is rarely used by the spell caster on himself
/ herself although it theoretically could be. Instead the magic is done
other others and includes a mixture of sex and torture. This is mostly
done by evil beings although it will occasionally by used by those of Anarchist
Alignment. Most beings of Aberrant alignment consider this to be distasteful
and do not use this form gathering magical energy.
This ritual allows a spell caster to tap up to 50% extra magic energy
(P.P.E.) from themselves (Theoretically) and from others.
Ritual Death Magic: Simply put, the use of death in a ritual
to gather magical energy. Generally, this is restricted to the evil and
Anarchist Alignment. Beings of Aberrant Alignment will general only use
death rituals on their enemies and will not choose innocents. Some beings
of Unprincipled and Scrupulous alignment will use the ritual sacrifice
on animals in rituals. Finally, some spell casters of all alignments will
siphon magic energies from foes that they kill in battle.
This ritual allows spell casters to tap up to 100% extra magic energy
(P.P.E.) from being killed.
Ritual Death Magic combined with Sex Magic: Simply put, the act
of combining Death with Sex Magic to tap further magical energy. Generally
used by only by the most evil of beings. Those of Aberrant and Anarchist
Alignment will rarely use this form of magic gathering and Unprincipled
and above will never use this form of magic gathering.
This ritual allows spell casters to tap up to 150% extra magic energy
(P.P.E.) from being killed.
Ritual Death Magic combined with Pain Magic: Simply put, the
act of combining Death with Pain Magic / Torture to tap further magical
energy. Generally used by only by the most evil of beings although those
of Aberrant might use it against their enemies. Those of Anarchist Alignment
will rarely use this form of magic gathering and Unprincipled and above
will never use this form of magic gathering.
This ritual allows spell casters to tap up to 150% extra magic energy
(P.P.E.) from being killed.
Ritual Death Magic combined with Pain and Sex Magic: Simply put,
the act of combining Death with Pain/Torture and Sex to tap greater amounts
of magic energy. Generally used by only by the most evil of beings and
is considered the most evil way of gathering magical energy. Almost never
used by the of Aberrant and Anarchist alignment and never used by any being
of principled alignments or above.
This ritual allows spell casters to tap up to 200% extra magic energy
(P.P.E.) from being killed.
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Writeup by Kitsune (E-Mail Kitsune).
Copyright © 2001, Kitsune. All rights reserved.