U.S. Coast Guard Hazard class Trimaran High Endurance Cutter:
The Hazard class cutter was the first United States Coast Guard cutter design built with a Trimaran type hull and was considered among the best such designs in service before the coming of the Rifts. The class was also partial funded by the navy to act as test beds for several new systems which were under development.
These vessels were built in three times the numbers as the Hamilton class cutter of the late Twentieth and early Twenty-First century. In addition, another fifteen vessels of a revised and improved design were on order at the time of the Rifts. This was because of a much greater perceived need for large cutters in the United States Coast Guard and the vessels were designed to operate as frigates with the Navy during times of war.
Because anti-submarine warfare was considered an important role, having a large hanger was considered very important. Construction of the Hazard class was begun after the Navy began construction of the Fox class destroyer and before construction was begun on the Darcey class frigate. It is thought that at least a few Hazard class cutters may have survived the coming of the Rifts especially in out of the way locations such as the Alaskan Coast.
The trimaran hull type because the vessel would require less power for a given speed. The design was originally going to be propelled by a combination of diesels and gas turbines. This system was revised and fusion engines replaced the convention propulsion system during construction. They had been under development for some time and had just become reliable for marine use. The system increased the design speed by several knots (Estimates are around six knots) and gave the vessel almost unlimited endurance. Power is delivered through an electrical transfer system. Instead of using standard propellers, the class uses shrouded pump jets.
The hull was designed for quiet operations and both the hull and superstructure were designed to give the vessel a low radar cross signature. Like most military vessels built around this time, the Hazard class cutter had full environmental systems to prevent contamination.
Weapon systems were far more conservative than the hull design. There were a large number of three inch guns in reserve from retired and scrapped Naval and Coast Guard vessels. These included the Navy Oliver Hazard Perry class frigates and the Coast Guard Bear class medium endurance cutters. These guns were modernized and were fitted onto the front of Hazard class cutters. There was discussion of refitting the vessels with rail guns but this was not carried out. In most cases, the three inch guns were quite adequate.
Between the superstructure and the forward three inch cannon, the Hazard class cutters mounted a forty-eight cell missile vertical launching system. This system is a smaller version of what is carried on the Fox class destroyer and can fire both long range and medium range missiles. Most missiles carried were for air defense purposes but anti-submarine and anti-ship missiles were often carried as well. On the sides of the secondary hull, anti-submarine torpedo launchers were mounted.
Initially, these were the only weapons the vessels carried but old Mk 49 RAM launchers or Mk 54 Vulcan CIWS cannons were mounted on the fantail when one of these vessels was almost lost due to a missile strike from a terrorist organization. Later, these old point defense weapon systems were replaced with the “Sea Sabre” combination anti missile defense weapon systems. All vessels had been refitted by the arrival of the Rifts.
Unlike most larger combatant vessels, the Hazard class did not carry a fixed phased array radar system and instead carried a single rotating phased array system. In many ways the system is similar to the Sampson system carried on the British type 45 destroyers. The system was considered more compact than fixed phased array systems. It was also lighter and required less power. The system is still quite powerful and capable of guiding missiles to distant targets. In addition to radar systems, the vessel carried a powerful towed array and hull sonar.
The vessels have a relatively large hanger and were initially designed to embark two V-22 Osprey VTOL aircraft. The cutters were later modified to carry Kingfisher EV-84 Kingfisher VTOL aircraft which replaced the Osprey in most roles. In addition, the vessels were modified to carry flight capable power armors for patrolling and boarding other vessels. The vessels often carried either twelve Semper-Fi power armors with flight packs or PA-04A old model SAMAS power armors.
The vessels were designed to be operated by a smaller crew than older medium endurance cutters but have space for up to 40 troops for boarding parties. While these boarding troops were Coast Guard personnel, there was discussion of embarking marines or army personnel in their place. Because the vessels were often used for boarding and part of the boarding party might come from the crew, the cutters carried enough armor and weapons for the entire crew. Most of this was standard navy style body armor and weapons, much of it surplus.
Author Note: With respect to time line, these designs may or may not reflect our modern time line. The time line of these writeups diverged from our time line starting around 1999. Consider the universe that these designs are created for to be an alternate universe not bound by ours.
Model Type: WHEC-1350 class Trimaran High Endurance Cutter.
Vehicle Type: Ocean, Light Frigate (Trimaran).
Crew: 96; 8 officers, 10 Chief Petty officers, and 78 enlisted (Has a high degree of automation).
Troops: 6 to 12 Kingfisher Crew members, 16 Power Armor Pilots (USA-PA-04A SAMAS or flight capable APA-15 “Semper Fi” Power Armors), and up to 40 troops for boarding parties.
Robots, Power Armors, and Vehicles:
Power Armor Compliment:
12 |
USA-PA-04A SAMAS Power Armors (Optional APA-15 “Semper Fi” with flight packs.) |
Aircraft Compliment:
2 |
EV-84A Kingfisher Search and Rescue or EVS-84A Kingfisher Anti-Submarine Warfare. |
M.D.C. by Location:
[1] SPX-1A Rotating Active Phased Array Radar System: |
200. |
Bridge: |
450. |
[2] OTO-Melara Mk 75 Single Barrel 3 inch (76-mm)/62-cal DP Barrel (1, gun mount): |
60. |
OTO-Melara Mk 75 Single Barrel 3 inch (76-mm)/62-cal DP Gun Mount (1, forward): |
180. |
USA-M38 Heavy Defense Rail Guns (2): |
70 each. |
Mk 59-B Forty-Eight Cell Vertical Launcher System (1, forward): |
375. |
Mk 44 “Sea Sabre” Combination Anti-Missile Defense System (1, fantail): |
200. |
Mk 52 Quad 12.75 inch (324 mm) Medium Torpedo Launchers (2, sides): |
50 each. |
[2] Chaff / Decoy Launchers (2, superstructure): |
10 each. |
Hanger (aft): |
400. |
Outer Hull (per 40 foot / 12.2 meter area): |
80. |
[3] Primary Hull (main body): |
1,200. |
[4] Secondary Hulls (2, either side of primary hull): |
400 each. |
[1] Destroying the SPX-1A rotating phased array radar panel will destroy the vessel’s main fire control systems but the vessel has backup systems with a shorter range (Equal to robot vehicle sensors.)
[2] These are small and difficult targets to strike, requiring the attacker to make a “called shot,” but even then the attacker is -4 to strike.
[3] Destroying the main body causes the vessel to lose structural integrity, causing the vessel to sink. If the Secondary Hulls are still intact, the vessel will sink very slowly and will take a full twenty four hours to sink. This may give the vessel’s crew time to patch the damage to an extent that the vessel will float but all propulsion will be destroyed but the vessel may be repairable. There are enough life preservers and inflatable life boats to accommodate everyone on the vessel.
[4] Destruction of one secondary hull will reduce stability and negate bonuses due to quiet design and for piloting. It will also wreck the hanger on the side destroyed. Destruction of both secondary hulls will give the vessel a -20% penalty to piloting and give a bonus of +20% to be detected. Vessel’s speed is also reduced to 30 knots (34.5 mph / 55.6 kph).
Surface: 64.5 mph (56 knots/ 103.8 kph).
Range: Effectively unlimited due to fusion engines (needs to refuel every 20 years and requires maintenance as well). Vessel carries six months of supplies on board.
Statistical Data:
Draft: 16.5 feet (5.0 meters) including sonar dome.
Length: 304 feet (92.7 meters) waterline and 325 feet (99.1 meters) overall.
Width: 65 feet (19.8 meters).
Displacement: 2,950 tons standard and 3,450 tons fully loaded
Cargo: Can carry 100 tons (90.7 metric tons) of nonessential equipment and supplies. Each enlisted crew member has a small locker for personal items and uniforms. Vessel’s officers have more space for personal items. Most of the vessel’s spaces are taken up by extra ammo, armor, troops, weapons, and engines.
Power System: Two nuclear fusion reactors, average life span is 20 years. Usually only goes 10 years between refueling.
Market Cost: Not for Sale but if found on the black market would probably cost 300 to 400 million credits. Cost does not include embarked craft and power armors.
Weapon Systems:
One (1) OTO-Melara 3 inch (76-mm) 62-cal DP Mk 75 Naval Gun: The vessel mounts a rapid fire three inch gun mount forward of the superstructure and missile launchers. These mounts were reinforced before being mounted on the Hazard class cutters and come from older Perry and Bear class vessels. The main weaknesses of the gun are its relatively short range and the fact it cannot use rocket assisted projectiles. The gun was carried on many ship classes around the world until well into the Twenty First century but was relegated to Coast Guard for the most part by the coming of the Rifts. The guns can be used against other ships, ground targets, aircraft, and even missiles. Theses guns were among the smallest that could use a proximity fuse for their warheads.
Maximum Effective Range: 4.9 miles (4.3 nautical miles/8.0 km) for standard projectiles.
Mega-Damage: High Explosive: 1D4x10 M.D.C. with 10 foot (3 meters) blast radius per single shot and 3D4x10 M.D.C. with 20 foot (6.1 meters) blast radius for three round burst. High Explosive Armor Piercing: 1D6x10 M.D.C. with 4 foot (1.2 meters) blast radius per single shot and 3D6x10 M.D.C. with 8 foot (2.4 meter) blast radius for three round burst. Plasma: 2D4x10 M.D.C. with 12 foot (3.7 m) blast radius per single shot and 6D4x10 M.D.C. with 25 foot (7.6 meter) blast radius for three round burst.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the gunner (Three round bursts count as one attack.)
Payload: 200 rounds. Vessel normally carries usually carries 75 High Explosive, 75 High Explosive Armor Piercing, and 50 Plasma.
Two (2) USA-M38 Heavy Defense Rail Guns: Originally Bushmaster heavy machine-guns were mounted but they were later replaced with rail guns. These weapons are mounted with one on either side of the superstructure for defense against small boats and similar threats. Not considered effective against aircraft or missiles. The rail guns are more powerful than the rail guns carried on most power armors and have greater range. These are the same rail gun which are mounted on the Super Comanche Helicopter, Steel Tiger Attack VTOL, and Wolverine Amphibious Assault Vehicle but are mounted with the gunners behind a protective shield and the gunner’s have a greater payload.
Maximum Effective Range: 6,000 feet (1,828 meters).
Mega-Damage: 2D4x10 M.D.C. per burst of 20. Single shot inflicts 3D6 M.D.C.
Rate of Fire: Equal to number of combined hand to hand attacks of gunner (usually 4-6).
Payload: 4,000 rounds (200 bursts) each.
One (1) Mk 44 “Sea Sabre” Combination Anti-Missile Defense Systems: Replaces original Mk 15 Vulcan CIWS or Mk 49 RAM launchers. The weapon system is mounted on the fantail (rear) of the trimaran. This anti-missile defense system combines both a rapid fire rail gun and a short range missile launcher. While mounted in one system, both defense systems have separate tracking and fire control systems. The short range missile launchers can target up four targets and can fire a volley up to twice per melee. Quite powerful, the rail gun is capable of destroying any missile or inflicting serious damage on aircraft. The rail gun can fire on automatic at up to six targets per melee (Has +3 to strike missiles and +2 to strike aircraft). In its design, the rail gun is very similar to those carried on the Sea King cruiser and it is likely that the Sea King’s rail guns came from a prototype of this system. The system also can be used against other ships and ground targets. The system has a 360 degree rotation and can elevate up to 90 degrees to fire at targets directly overhead.
Maximum Effective Range: Rail Guns: 11,000 feet (2 miles / 3.2 km). Short Range Missiles: As per short range missile type (See revised bomb and missile tables for details.)
Mega-Damage: Rail Guns: 3D4x10 M.D. per burst of 40 rounds (Can only fire bursts). Short Range Missiles: As per short range missile type (See revised bomb and missile tables for details.)
Rate of Fire: Rail Guns: Six (6) attacks per melee round. Short Range Missiles: Two (2) attacks per melee round, can fire short range missiles one at a time or in volleys of two (2) or four (4) short range missiles.
Payload: Rail Guns: 8,000 rounds (200 burst) each. Short Range Missiles: Sixteen (16) short range missiles each.
One (1) Mk 59-B Vertical Launch Missile System: Launching cells are located forward behind the 76 mm cannon mount. The launcher is smaller and carries half as many missiles as the launcher on the American Francis Darcey and Raymond Fox class vessels. The system is similar to the vertical launch system employed on many ships in the late twentieth century to launch the SM-2 series missile but since the missiles are smaller they have a reload system that reloads from under the launcher and can reload within 15 seconds. The launcher has a total of forty-eight individual cells and is six missile cells longs by eight cells wide. The launcher can fire up to half its total payload per melee. The launcher can use a vast variety of missiles including surface skimming missiles and rocket propelled torpedoes (See revised Rifts torpedoes for details.) Each cell can carry one long range missile or two medium range missile. The reload for the cell must carry the same load as the main cell. Long range missiles are normally used against large targets and aircraft further out where the medium range missiles will normally be used to engage closer targets. About half of all long range missiles carried are fusion warheads and most missiles are normally smart missiles.
Maximum Effective Range: As per long or medium range missile type (See revised bomb and missile tables for details.)
Mega-Damage: As per long or medium range missile type (See revised bomb and missile tables for details.)
Rate of Fire: Can fire missiles one at a time or in volleys of two (2), four (4), eight (8), sixteen (16), or twenty-four (24) missiles for the whole launcher per melee round. Missile cells are automatically reloaded and are ready to fire next melee round.
Payload: Forty-eight (48) missile cells in launcher with reload systems for each cell [one (1) reload each cell.] One (1) long range missile or two (2) medium range missiles may be carried per cell but reload must be the same load out as well. The vessel will often carry sixteen (16) cells with two (2) medium range missiles each and the other cells loaded with one (1) long range missile each.
Two (2) Mk 52 Quad 12.75 inch (324 mm) Medium Torpedo Launchers: Mainly designed for anti-submarine warfare but can be used against surface targets. Interceptor torpedoes are also available for launchers / tubes to use against incoming torpedoes. There is one launcher on each side of the vessel with four tubes each. The tubes have an automatic reloading system and can be fired quickly. The vessel carries a total of forty torpedoes for reloads. For the most part torpedo warheads are equal to medium range missile warheads.
Maximum Effective Range: 20 miles (17.4 nautical miles / 32 km) for standard torpedoes.
Mega Damage: By Medium torpedo warhead type (See revised Rifts torpedoes for details.)
Rate of Fire: Can fire medium torpedoes one at a time or in volleys of two (2) or four (4) medium torpedoes per side, launcher can fire a maximum of two (2) volleys of torpedoes per melee each launcher.
Payload: Four (4) medium torpedoes each launcher for a grand total of eight (8) medium torpedoes. Has an additional forty (40) medium torpedoes for reloads.
Two (2) Chaff / Decoy Launchers: Located on the superstructure of the vessel, they are designed to confuse incoming missiles. Both launchers must be operated or effects will be reduced. Rifts Earth decoys systems are assumed to not be effective against Phase World / Three Galaxies missiles due to technological differences. Reduce effects by 20% against smart missiles (Add +20% to rolls for smart missiles) and reduce effects of launchers by 10% per launcher not used (Add +10% to rolls per launcher not used.) Only useful against missiles, not useful against torpedoes underwater.
Range: Around Vessel.
Mega Damage: None.
Enemy missile or missile volley detonates in chaff cloud - Missiles are all destroyed.
Enemy missile or missile volley loses track of real target and veers away in wrong direction (May lock onto another target.)
No effect, enemy missile or missile volley is still on target.
Payload: Twenty-four (24) each for a total of forty-eight (48) canisters.
Four (4) SLQ-52B Naiad Advanced Towed Torpedo Decoys: The vessel carries four advanced towed decoy drones. They are each a small automated vehicle that creates a false sonar image designed to mimic the vessels. The decoy is dragged behind the vessel using a cable. If decoys are not destroyed, they can be recovered and repaired. Rifts Earth decoys systems are assumed to not be effective against Phase World / Three Galaxies guidance and targeting systems due to technological differences.
M.D.C.: 20 each.
Range: Not Applicable although decoy is deployed approximately 1,000 feet (304.8 meters) from the vessel.
Effects: The decoy has an 80% chance of fooling ordinary non military sonars and non smart guided torpedoes, the decoy has a 50% chance of fooling military level sonars (like those of the Coalition) and non “smart” torpedoes, and the decoy has a 25% chance of fooling advanced military sonars (Like those of the New Navy and Triax) and “smart” torpedoes.
Rate of Fire: One can be deployed at a time and requires two (2) minutes to deploy (reel out) another decoy.
Payload: Four (4) towed decoys.
Special Systems:
The vessel has all systems standard on a robot vehicle plus the following special features:
SPX-1A Active Phased Array Radar System: Unlike systems carried by most larger naval vessels, the radar system is comprised of a single rotating array on top of the main mast. This active phase array system is smaller, lighter, and requires less power than a system of fixed panels. In addition, system can simultaneously track and identify up to 576 targets. The system controls missiles launched from the missile launchers and the system can track and guide each individual missile to an individual target for up to 144 targets. If a target is eliminated, missiles are automatically guided to a new target. The system can also control missiles launched from other linked vessels as well and can also act as fire control for gun mounts. Range: 400 miles (347.6 nautical miles / 644 km), subject to the radar horizon. Active phased array radar systems are harder to detect and jam due to being able to rapidly jump across frequencies. Bonuses: The system gives +10% to Read Sensory Instrument skill rolls, +2 on initiative, and +1 to strike.
SQS-84 Advanced Hull Sonar: Mounted under the bow of the vessel. This hull sonar system has both a passive and active system built in and sonar system can track up to 32 targets at one time. Range: 25 miles (21.7 nautical miles / 40.2 km). Bonuses: Sonar gives +10% bonus to Read Sensory Instruments and Weapon Systems skill rolls.
SQR-35 Advanced Towed Array Sonar System: The system is basically a long and very sensitive sonar system carried behind the vessel on a long cable. This towed array sonar system has both a passive and active system built in. Sonar system can track up to 64 targets at one time. Range: 100 miles (86.9 nautical miles / 160.9 km).
SLY-6 Advanced Integrated Electronic Warfare Suite: Combination of radar / radio detection system (ESM) and an active jamming (ECM) system. The system can detect another radar system at around 125% of the range of the transmitting radar and is usually subject to radar horizon. This includes the ability to detect radar guided weapons. Can be used for limited targeting. In jamming mode, causes -25% to detection but when it is active, other vehicles/ bases can detect that it is jamming, and some missiles will home in on jamming signals. Some missiles also have AESA type radars themselves and/or have backup infra-red sensors. Jamming also causes a -4 penalty to all radar guided weapons. Can be used to jam a wide area or for focused jamming against several targets.
Sonar Masking System: The ship uses air bubbles to form a barrier against sonar combined with general noise reduction features and an anechoic hull coating. Bubble masker protects both the hull and propellers against detection. Gives a -30% penalty to any Read Sensory Instrument skill rolls to detect this ship using sonar and bubble masker reduces ability to classify vessel.
Radar Defeating Profile & Radar Absorbing Materials: The vessel’s superstructure and hull are designed so that the radar profile of the vessel is reduced and the vessel is covered with radar absorbing materials. Because of this, attempts to detect the vessel using radar are made with a -30% penalty to any Read Sensory Instrument skill rolls when attempting to detect this vessel and craft will appear to be smaller on radar than it would otherwise. Go to General Detection Penalties for more information on penalties and bonuses to use with stealth.
+20% to Piloting Rolls.
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Image drawn and copyrighted by Mischa (E-Mail Mischa).
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Writeup by Kitsune (E-Mail Kitsune).
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