New Sovietskiy Tu-160L-4 Blackjack-D Bomber:

"Home Plate Leader, this is Sentinel Two, I am detecting four large targets approaching at over Mach One. They show no IFF," the radar plane flying airborne warming off the carrier Midway.
Midway's combat information center immediately called up the combat patrol. "Puking Dog Leader, Puking Dog Eight, investigate unknown contact bearing 72 degrees."
The two F-35 fighters immediately went to full power while keeping their radar systems off so that they could approach the large aircraft without being detected. Besides, they had continual information coming from the airborne warning aircraft.
As they came within visual range, the pilots could make out details. The four aircraft seemed to be a bomber similar to the B-1 Bomber. The only thing they could be is the new Soviet Blackjack-D bomber. He sent a tight beam radio signal to the airborne radar aircraft. "Sentinel Two, I have a visual of four bombers. They appear to be Soviet Blackjack Bombers." The fighters received no response but did not expect one. The CAG usually left his pilots to plan they own course of action.
The fighters pulled behind two of the heavy bombers and began to slowly approach the tail for the heavy bombers. As soon as bombers were within the outer defense perimeter, the commander decided to warn the bombers off. He activated his fire control radar and locked onto the bomber he was tailing. He also transmitted in the clear "Tag, you are it." Within a few seconds, the bombers peeled off and went to afterburner. The pilots of the F-35 Fighters went to full afterburner as well but could not keep up with the bombers and found themselves falling behind as the Soviet aircraft accelerated over Mach two.
With the return of Communist rule to Russia in 2027, there was an immediate call to increase military forces including strategic bombing assets. What was seen as one of the greatest needs was heavy bombers. As well, the United States had used Strategic bombers for tactical roles to great effect in the decades which Russia experimented with capitalism. The B-1 bomber was so effective that the United States began production on an improved version of the bomber. Its speed and stealth combined allowed it to survive in combat environments which the B-52 and B-2 Bombers could not survive. The B-1 bomber was used to great effect against India during the war between the two nations.
The Soviet/Russian Tu-160 Bomber is very similar to the American B-1 bomber and was seen as the perfect basis for a new aircraft. During capitalist rule, Russia had claimed to be developing more advanced bombers, none of these programs ever went very far. Some military researchers doubt that the programs were ever actually started. Due to this, the Tu-160 bomber was the best design to start with for a new advanced bomber. Virtually the entire Tu-160 bomber force were not operational but two were used as testbeds for new systems carried in the new bomber. At the same time, an advanced version of the Tu-22 Backfire bomber was developed. The use of already existing designs allowed for the rapid design of new aircraft and several fighters were developed in the same fashion.
The design of the Tu-160L-4 has a number of important changes when compared to the older Blackjack Bomber. One important change is the new and more powerful engines. These engines are also far more fuel efficient and have the ability to cruise above Mach speeds. It would be another decade until fusion engines would be ready for service but many military advisors think that the engines used in the improved Blackjack bomber are either stolen from the West or were developed with French aid. The fuselage and wings are modified for improved stealth along with improved protection using high strength composites. The Tu-160L-4 could not be considered a true stealth bomber in the sense that the B-2 and improved B-1 but still has a greatly reduced radar cross signature. To improve maneuverability, canards were added to the design. The original Tu-160 bomber was designed to carry only heavy missiles but was modified to carry bombs as well as missiles. The original version of the Blackjack only carried missiles in tandem weapon bays but the improved version also has the ability to carry ordnance under the wings in recessed hard points. Electronics have been improved in a similar fashion to the Tu-22. A special version of the Blackjack was design with a powerful jamming system replacing the ordnance in the weapon bays. It is far more powerful than the Jamming system carried on the Backfire.
While not produced in the large numbers that the improved Backfire bomber was, the improved Tu-160 became the main bomber in the Soviet strategic forces. Unlike the Backfire, it was never exported by the new Soviet Union. It was greatly feared by Soviet enemies and was used against China in the engagements between the two nations. In one incident, a bomber crashed virtually intact and the Chinese copied it to become their own strategic bomber. Unlike the Soviets, the Chinese did export the bomber and it was used by the Argentinean military in a nuclear strike against a British task force which the whole British fleet was considered lost.
While conventionally powered, it was retained far longer than the Backfire bomber. The Soviet designs had problems developing an advanced heavy bomber design to replace the Blackjack. Towed decoys were mounted on most bombers to give them more self defense. Still, all of the Soviet Blackjack bombers were moth balled before the coming of the Rifts. They were still considered too valuable to scrap and one role for the bombers was for follow up strikes against an enemy if a large number of their more advanced bombers were destroyed.
Model Numbers: | Tu-160L-4 | Blackjack-D |
Tu-160LP-4 | Blackjack-J | |
Vehicle Type: | Tu-160L-4 | Quad Engine Supersonic Strategic Bomber |
Tu-160LP-4 | Quad Engine Supersonic Long Range ECM Jamming Aircraft | |
Crew: | Tu-160L-4 | Four (Pilot, Copilot, EWO/gunner, Navigator) |
Tu-160LP-4 | Four (Pilot, Copilot, EWO/gunner, Navigator) |
M.D.C. by Location:
Ordnance Bays (2): | 200 each | |
Recessed Missile Hard Points (10): | 20 each | |
[1] Wings (2): | 250 each | |
[2] Elevators (2): | 120 each | |
[2] Rudders: | 120 each | |
[3] Canards (2): | 50 each | |
Cockpit: | 180 | |
[4] Engines (4): | 100 | |
Landing Gear (3): | 10 each | |
[5] Main Body: | 550 |
[1] Destroying a wing will cause the plane to crash
[2] Destruction of rudder or one elevator will still allow the fighter
to be controlled by the varying of power levels and changing the direction
of the engines but fighter has a penalty of -10 to dodge, and a -30% penalty
to all piloting rolls. Destruction of both of the elevators will leave
the plane uncontrollable and pilot must eject to survive.
[3] Destroying one or both Canards will result in reducing bonuses
to dodge by 2
[4] The destruction of one engine will reduce the bombers top speed
by one quarter and give the pilot a -2 penalty to dodge as well as giving
a 5% penalty to piloting. The destruction of additional engines will give
cumulative penalties. Destruction of all four engines will cause the aircraft
to crash. Pilot may attempt a emergency landing or bomber crew can choose
to eject.
[5] Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will shut the aircraft down
completely, rendering it useless and causing it to crash if in flight.
Driving on Ground (Taxiing): Only possible for take offs and
landings as well as for parking and storage. Speed is 40 mph (64 kph) when
traveling and not on take off or landing.
Flying: The Tu-160L-4 can reach a top speed of Mach 2.8 (2076
mph/ 1802.8 knots / 3341.1 kph because of the bomber's super cruise engines,
and it can run at this level for extended periods (assume up to 30 minutes
in game terms). The bomber's normal cruise is about Mach 1.1 (815.6 mph/1,312.6
kph) but this varies with situation.
Maximum altitude is 67257.2 feet (20,500 m).
Maximum Effective Range: 8903.35 nautical miles (10,252.6 statute miles / 16,500
km) with an ordnance load. The bomber can carry additional fuel in place
of internal ordnance or additional fuel can be carried on external hard
points. Bomber has approximately 20% better range when the aircraft is
carrying no ordnance. The Blackjack can be refueled in the air.
Statistical Data:
Height: 44 feet (13.1 meters)
Wingspan: 182 feet 9 inches (55.7 meters) with wings at minimum
sweep and 116 feet 9.5 inches (35.6 meters) with wings at maximum sweep.
Length: 176 feet 6 inches (54.1 meters)
Weight: 257,940.8 pounds (117,000 kg) empty and 606,270 pounds
(275,000 kg) fully loaded
Power System: Conventional, Four Kuznetsov NK-2212 high efficiency
super cruise turbofans, uses aviation fuel
Cargo: Minimal (Storage for small equipment), does not include
hard points. Ordnance bays, of emptied of ordnance can carry up to 88,184
lbs (40,000.0 kg) of cargo between them. Tu-160LP-4 Blackjack Jamming Version
has ECM equipment in it bay.
Market Price: 100 million credit for Tu-160L-4 Blackjack Long
Range Bomber, 150 million credits for Tu-160LP-4 Blackjack Backfire Jamming
Weapon Systems:
- Ordinance Bays (2): The Blackjack has two large bays in the
main body that carry a wide variety of different ordnance types. Ordnance
types include missiles, torpedoes, naval mines, and bombs. Missile and
bombs sizes may be mixed between different types of ordnance but an ordnance
drop or launch must include the same type and size of ordnance. Ordnance
may be carried at the rate of four short range missile, four light bombs,
two medium range missile, or two medium bombs for one long range missile
or heavy bomb. One Cruise missile or extra heavy bomb may also be carried
instead of two long range missiles or heavy bombs. Both guided and unguided
ordnance may be carried. Launching of ordnance is controlled by the weapons
officer but the pilot and copilot has emergency controls. When the Ordnance
bay is opened, the bomber is far move easily detected by radar from underneath.
Ordinance in bays is replaced by jamming equipment in Tu-160LP-4 Blackjack
Backfire Jamming Version.
Maximum Effective Range: Varies by missile type for missile and varies by altitude bomb is dropped at (See revised bomb and missile tables for details.)
Mega Damage: Varies by missile or bomb type (See revised bomb and missile tables for details.)
Rate of Fire: Ordnance is dropped or fired one at a time or in volleys of two, five, ten, or twenty but must be the same size (light, medium, or heavy) and style of ordnance (all missiles or bombs in a volley.)
Payload: 96 short range missile or light bombs, 48 medium range missiles or medium bombs, 24 long range missile or heavy bomb, or 12 cruise missile or extra heavy bombs each bay. Ordnance can be mixed and naval mines may be carried as well as missiles and bombs. - External Hard Points (10): The Tu-160L-4 has a total of ten
external hard points with five each wing. Hard points are mounted under
wing roots. Each of these hard points can carry one cruise missile or an
equivalent load of other ordinance. Bombs and missiles can be carried Each
hard point can carry one extra heavy bomb or cruise missile. The hard point
can also carry a variety of different ordnance on a hard point. Two long
range missiles or heavy bombs, four medium range missiles or medium bombs,
or eight short range missiles or light bombs may be substituted on a hard
point for a cruise missile. Both guided and unguided ordnance may be carried.
Launching of ordnance is controlled by the weapons officer but the pilot
has emergency controls. Ordnance reduces bomber's stealth. Missiles and
bombs only reduce the fighter’s stealth from the bottom and reduce stealth
by 5% per hard point carry ordnance. Missile pods reduce stealth from the
sides as well and reduce stealth by 10% per hard point.
Maximum Effective Range: Varies by missile type for missile and varies by altitude bombs are dropped at (See revised bomb and missile tables for details.)
Mega Damage: Varies by missile or bomb type (See revised bomb and missile tables for details.)
Rate of Fire: Missiles can be fired and bombs can be dropped one at a time per hard point. Multiple hard points can be linked as one attack but must be the same size (light, medium, or heavy) and style of ordnance (all missiles or bombs in a volley.)
Payload: 8 short range missile or light bombs, 4 medium range missiles or medium bombs, 2 long range missiles or heavy bombs, or 1 cruise missile or extra heavy bomb (all ordnance on a hard point must be the same size and type of ordnance) can be carried on each hard point. - Anti-Missile Chaff/Flare Dispenser (1): Use the same effects
as the TRIAX model. However, each time the system is engaged, the system
fires off one chaff and 1D4 flares. Rifts Earth decoys systems are assumed
to not operate against Phase World missiles due to technological difference.
Reduce effects by 20% against smart missiles (Add +20% to rolls for smart
Effect:- 01-50 Enemy missile or missile volley detonates in chaff cloud - Missiles
are all destroyed.
51-75 Enemy missile or missile volley loses track of real target and veers away in wrong direction (May lock onto another target.)
76-00 No effect, enemy missile or missile volley is still on target.
Payload: 20 chaff, 40 flares. Each time the system is engaged, the system fires off one chaff and 1D4 flares. - Towed Decoys (8): The Tu-160 mounts two dispensers for towed
decoys in the fuselage. Each dispenser has four towed decoys. The decoys
are not as advanced as those carried on American aircraft built at the
same time. These drones are dragged about 328 feet (100 meters) behind
the aircraft on a thin cable. Each is a specially designed radar lure that
creates a radar image to mimic the aircraft. If decoys are not destroyed,
they can be recovered and repaired. Rifts Earth decoy systems are assumed
to not operate against Phase World weapons due to technological difference.
M.D.C.: 5
Effects: The decoy has an 65% chance of fooling ordinary non military radars and non smart guided missiles, the decoy has a 35% chance of fooling military level radars (like those of the Coalition), and the decoy has a 10% chance of fooling advanced military radars (Like those of the New Navy and TRIAX) and smart missiles.
Maximum Effective Range: Not Applicable although decoy is deployed 328 feet (100 meters) from the aircraft
Rate of Fire: One can be deployed at a time and requires 15 seconds to deploy (Reel Out) another decoy
Payload: 8 Decoys (4 each)
Special Equipment:
- Obzor-R Radar: Medium range radar capable of tracking both air targets and ground targets. The radar system also has terrain following capacity. Range: 300 miles (260 nautical miles/480 km)
- E.S.M.: Radar Detector, Passively detects other radars being operated.
- FLIR: Forward Looking Infrared. Allows pilot and weapons officer to get visuals on targets at night.
- Stealth Feature: The Blackjack had stealth features that give it a -50% chance of being detected. When bomb-bay doors are opened there are no penalties for detection. Stealth is not reduced from the top and sides but each hard point with ordnance reduces stealth by 5% from the bottom for missiles and bombs. Go to General Detection Penalties for more information on penalties and bonuses to use with stealth.
- Internal Active Jamming Gear: Causes -25% to detection but when active can be detected and some missiles home in on jamming signals. Also causes -4 penalty to all radar guided weapons.
- Jamming Suite ( Tu-160LP-4): Replaces all ordnance in bomb bays. The system creates a jamming field in a 60 mile (96.6 km) radius in all directions around the aircraft. It jams all radars, radios, and all equipment that uses RF waves. This also includes jamming all friendly forces and all equipment in Aircraft that is mounting the system and operating it. The system cause all radar system to have a 75% reduction in range. In addition, radar systems will have a -25% penalty to detect all targets within their reduced range. Jamming also causes a -6 penalty to all radar guided weapons within the area but some radar guided missiles can home on jamming signals.
- +1 to Strike with unguided ordinance.
+1 to dodge
+2 to dodge while traveling over 250 Mph
[ Altarain TM, Bandito Arms TM, Brodkil TM, Chipwell Armaments TM, Coalition States TM, Cyber-Knight TM, Federation of Magic TM, Free Quebec TM, Golden Age Weaponsmiths TM, Horune TM, Iron Heart Armaments TM, Kankoran TM, Kittani TM, Kydian TM, Larsen’s Brigade TM, M.D.C. TM, Mechanoids TM, Mega-Damage TM, Megaversal Legion TM, Millennium Tree TM, Mutants in Orbit TM, Naruni Enterprises TM, Naut’Yll, New Navy TM, New Sovietskiy TM, NGR TM, Nog Heng TM, Northern Gun TM, Phase World TM, Psyscape TM, Rifter TM, SAMAS TM, S.D.C. TM, Shemarrian TM, Splugorth TM, Stormspire TM, Sunaj TM, Tolkeen TM, Triax TM, Wellington Industries TM, Wilk’s Laser Technologies TM, Xiticix TM, and Zaayr TM are trademarks owned by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc. ]
[ Beyond the Supernatural®, Heroes Unlimited®, Nightbane®, Ninjas & Superspies®, Palladium Fantasy®, and Rifts® are registered trademarks owned by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc. ]
Writeup by Kitsune (E-Mail Kitsune).
Copyright © 2003, Kitsune. All rights reserved.