New Sovietskiy Modified Mil Mi-24 Hind Attack Helicopter:

The Hind might be considered the design that never dies. It was the first attack helicopter which entered service in the Soviet air force and survived in large numbers up to the coming of the Rifts. The helicopters ability to carry huge amounts of ordnance and ability to carry troops made it a favorite of countries around the world. It is still operated after the coming of the Rifts and is considered extremely deadly, especially to ground troops.
When Communism retook control of Russia in 2027, there was an immediate call to greatly expand the military as protection against the evil capitalist of America and Europe. Vast numbers of Hind attack helicopters already existed but most were made obsolete with the coming of super strong materials in the beginning of the next decade. Instead of developing an all new design, it was decided that the helicopters would be upgraded using new materials. While leaders in the government saw this as a great solution, many military leaders had unspoken reservations about this due to wear and higher maintenance they would require. The old helicopters were brought in and reconditioned to the new standards. While not as capable as a new helicopter would be, they did make a good stopgap measure.
At the same time as the old Hind attack helicopters were being refitted, the manufacturer also began developing a version of the attack helicopter using all new alloys and composites. Beside this helicopter, the manufacture also developed an all new version of the Mi-28 Havoc. The new version was introduced to the government as an improved version designed to supplement already existing helicopters and were accepted quite readily. One advantage was that the new helicopters used many of the same upgrade parts as were used in refitted older Hind helicopters. The reality was that the new Hinds were used to replace many of the older Hind helicopters which were taken out of Soviet service. The number of Hind helicopters was also expanded but most of the expansion was in the number of Havoc attack helicopters. Some of the old Hinds were sold to Soviet allies while others were stripped to keep other old helicopters in service.
When fusion turbines were developed, the Hind still did not see the ends of its career. The Hind was again upgraded with fusion turbines replacing its conventional engines. This gave the helicopter virtually unlimited range as well as a higher top speed and the new helicopters were also readily accepted into Soviet service. Other upgrades included the replacement of the 23 mm cannons with powerful rail guns. The conventional cannons were also replaced in many of the conventionally powered helicopters but not in the older models. At the same time, many of the relatively new conventionally powered versions were sold to Soviet allies as well as all older versions being taken from service and either sold or scrapped. The new version of the Hind was considered ideal to keep up with the new T-255 tank with its extended range.
It was not until the Mi-223 Firebird attack VTOL was introduced that the Hind left first line service. The thrust based VTOL was designed as a replacement for the Hind but large numbers of the helicopter were in second line service in the Soviet Military up until the coming of the Rifts. All of these were nuclear powered versions and still were well maintained. All conventionally powered versions were sold to other nations including Southern and Central America.
After the coming of the Rifts, large numbers of these helicopters can still be found in service including many being used by mercenaries. The Warlords do not operate these helicopters in any large numbers but they are still used by the New Sovietskiy in large numbers. These helicopters can be found in virtually every continent in the world not including Australia but including Antarctica with the secret Soviet base. Triax as well as several companies in Poland produce repair parts for these helicopters and it is likely that these helicopters have still not seen the end of their days.
Early versions of the Hind mounted a 12.7 mm machine-guns on the chin but this was replaced by twin 23 mm auto-cannons in all upgraded versions of the helicopter. These weapon was initially carried on new manufacture helicopters but later was replaced by heavy rail guns. The old versions of the Hind have six hard points on the wings but the fusion powered versions of the Hind increase this to eight hard points. Hard points are designed to be able to carry addition auto-cannons or rail guns but more commonly mount rocket / mini-missile pods. Heavier missiles and bombs can also be carried. On conventionally powered versions, up to two fuel tanks can be mounted on the hard points to extend the range.
The feature makes the Hind different than most attack helicopters is that troops can be carried. Up to eight fully equipped soldiers can be carried or four patients on litters can be carried. The soldiers have the ability to fire small arms through their compartment windows. Instead of troops, additional ammunition can be carried and a fuel bladder can be carried on conventionally powered versions to extend the helicopters range. The crew is housed in tandem bubble canopies and are well protected from attack.
Model Type: | Mil Mi-24-M | Upgraded pre-M.D.C. Versions |
Mil Mi-24-P | New Material Versions | |
Mil Mi-24-R | Nuclear Powered Versions |
Crew: Three (Pilot, Gunner, and Flight Engineer)
Troop Payload: Eight soldiers in full gear (Six human sized Cyborgs)
M.D.C. By Location: | Upgraded Models: | New Construction: |
[1] 10 mm Railguns (2, Nose): | N.A. | 25 each | |
[1] 23 mm Gsh- 23L Machine-guns (2, Nose): | 20 each | 20 each | |
Ordnance Racks / Stub Wings on sides (2): | 35 each | 55 each | |
[2] 5 Blade Top Main Rotor: | 50 (10 each Blade) | 75 (15 each Blade) | |
[2] Tail: | 30 | 60 | |
Landing Gear (3): | 5 each | 15 each | |
Reinforced Cockpits (2): | 75 each | 125 each | |
Side Doors (2): | 30 each | 50 each | |
[3] Main Body: | 160 | 280 |
[1] indicated hit locations are small and/or difficult targets to hit.
An attacker must make a called shot and has a -3 penalty as well.
[2] Destroying the rear rotor or one of the main blades will cause
the helicopter to fly at half speed, wobble and is -6 to parry, -3 to strike,
and -40% on piloting skill/maneuvers. Smart pilots will land as soon as
possible. Destroying the main top rotor will knock the helicopter out of
the sky! Roll under the piloting skill -30% for a successful crash landing
(due to the reinforced nature of the Striker, crew takes only half damage
from an impact.
[3] Destroying the main body knocks the helicopter out of the sky and
renders it completely useless.
Driving on Ground (Taxiing): Only possible for take offs and
landings as well as for parking and storage. Speed is 40 mph (64 kph) when
traveling and not on take off or landing.
Flying: Conventional: Hover to 208 mph (180.7 knots /
335 kph) with 183 mph (159.2 knots / 295 kph) cruise speed and has a ceiling
of 14,763.8 feet (4500 meters). The helicopter has great maneuverability
and VTOL capabilities.
Nuclear: Hover to 230 mph (199.6 knots / 370 kph) with 201.9
mph (175.4 knots / 325 kph) cruise speed and has a ceiling of 19,685.0
feet (6,000 meters). The helicopter has great maneuverability and VTOL
Maximum Effective Range: Conventional: The Hind has a non combat range
(without any ordinance) of 621 miles (1000 km). If the helicopter is loaded
with ordnance, range is reduced to about 466 miles (750 km). The Hind may
carry up to two drop tanks to extend the range of Hind by 124.3 miles (200
km). As well, an internal fuel bladder may be carried, in expense of cargo
or passengers, to increase the Hinds range by 372.8 miles (600 km)
Nuclear: Effectively Unlimited but does overheat when operated
for long periods of time. The Mi-24 engines will overheat after 4 hours
of continuous operation when running at top speed and 8 hours when run
at under 150 knots (172.7 mph / 278 kph)
Statistical Data:
Height: 21.3 feet (6.5 meters)
Length: 70.5 feet (21.5 meters)
Width: 56.8 feet (17.5 meters)
Weight: 18,077.9 lbs (8,200 kg) empty and 24,691.7 lbs (11,200
kg) fully loaded.
Power Source: Conventional: 2 Klimov TV3-117 turboshafts
each rated at 2,220 hp, Nuclear: Nuclear Fusion, Should have an
average life-span of 8 years.
Cargo: 8 soldiers with full gear, 4 stretchers, or 2200 lbs
(1000 kg) of cargo internally. Does not include hard points.
Black Market Cost: Mil Mi-24-M (Converted Conventional):
1.5 to 2.5 million credits, Mil Mi-24-P ( New Material Conventional):
5 to 8 million credits, Mil Mi-24-R (Nuclear Version): 12 to 20
million credits.
All prices can be as much as double normal prices under some conditions.
Weapon Systems:
- Gun Mount: The cannons are mounted on the nose of the helicopter
under the chin and is controlled by the gunner. A 23-mm cannon is carried
in all M.D.C. conversion models of the helicopter and originally in many
of the convention new construction M.D.C. models. Fusion powered version
carried the heavy rail gun when designed and system was refitted to many
of the newer conventionally powered versions.
- Twin GSH-23 Auto-Cannon: Cannons fires a 23 mm rounds. This
weapon system is one of the standard weapon of Soviet aircraft before the
first fall of the Soviet Union. New ammunition types were designed for
the cannon to increase in damage and inflicts good damage. It was still
decided that the heavy rail gun would be more effective.
Maximum Effective Range: 4,000 feet (1,310 meters)
Mega Damage: Single Cannon: 4D6 per 10 round burst, 1D6x10 for a burst of 30 round, and 2D4 for each round. Both Cannons: 8D6 per 10 round burst from both cannons and 2D6x10 for a burst of 30 round from each cannon.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the gunners (usually 4 or 5).
Payload: 240 rounds each (24 short bursts and 6 long bursts) - Twin 10 millimeter GSR-10 Heavy Railguns: The Soviet military
was unable to make an effective liquid propellant weapon and instead developed,
some say stole, a rail gun design for their existing vehicles. Replaces
the 23 mm auto-cannons in most newer models. It is carried in many tanks
and other combat vehicles as well.
Maximum Effective Range: 4,920 feet (1,500 meters)
Mega Damage: Single Cannon: Single shot inflicts 2D4 and 20 round burst does 1D6x10+10. Both Cannons: 40 round burst (20 from each cannon) does 2D6x10+20
Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the gunners (usually 4 or 5).
Payload: 1200 rounds (60 single bursts / 30 double bursts).
- Twin GSH-23 Auto-Cannon: Cannons fires a 23 mm rounds. This
weapon system is one of the standard weapon of Soviet aircraft before the
first fall of the Soviet Union. New ammunition types were designed for
the cannon to increase in damage and inflicts good damage. It was still
decided that the heavy rail gun would be more effective.
- Hard Points (6 or 8): Conventional versions of the Mi-24
Hind has a total of six hard points and nuclear versions of the Hind have
eight hard points on what look like wings on the side of the helicopter.
The helicopter can carry either one long range missile, two medium range
missiles, or four short range missiles on each hard-point, or a Mini-Missile
box launcher containing 20 Mini-Missiles. The hard-points can also carry
bombs of comparable type to the missiles mentioned. The only restriction
is that each hard-point must carry all weapons of the same type. Finally,
the hard-points can also be fitted with either Railgun pods or standard
23 mm Autocannon pods in place of missiles or rockets; Each hard-point
can carry one such pod in place of it's missiles and rockets, and the others
can still carry missiles or rockets, or additional hard points can be used
for more Railgun/Gun pods.
- Bombs and Missiles: The only restriction is that a hard point
must carry all the same type of missiles or bombs. Both unguided and guided
bombs can be carried. In two pilot versions, short range missile racks
are controlled by either the pilot or the weapons officer.
Maximum Effective Range: Varies by missile type (See revised bomb and missile tables for details.)
Mega Damage: Varies by missile type (See revised bomb and missile tables for details.)
Rate of Fire: Missiles can be fired one at a time per hard point. Multiple hard points can be linked as one attack but must be the same range missiles.
Payload: 1 long range missile, 2 medium range missiles, 4 short range missiles per each hard point (4 long range missile, 8 medium range missiles, or 16 short range missiles maximum total - Mini-Missile Pod: Large capacity mini-missile pod. The mini
missile pods are normally carried for ground strafing, anti-troop, and
anti-emplacement attacks. Normal missile used are armor piercing, plasma,
or fragmentation mini-missiles. In two pilot versions, mini missile pods
are controlled by the pilot.
Maximum Effective Range: Varies with missile types, mini-missiles only (See revised bomb and missile tables for details.)
Mega-Damage: Varies with mini-missile types (See revised bomb and missile tables for details.)
Rate of Fire: Each pod can fire missiles one at a time or in volleys of 2, 4, 8, or 10 and can be linked with other mini missile pods for greater number of missiles (Counts as one attack no matter how many missiles in volley.)
Payload: Each pod carries 20 mini-missile (Maximum total 80 mini-missiles) - Standard 20 mm Railgun in hard point pod: Used only on Soviet
Frontal Aviation models of the Hind. These are the standard Soviet Air
to Air weapons mounted on virtually all fighters and Attack Helicopters
and with a secondary use for ground strafing and tank-busting. The cannon
is mounted in a bomb-shaped completely independent unit that can be attached
to the hard point of the Mi-24 and many other Soviet aircraft and helicopters.
The cannon mount is fixed to the hard points when used, in place of missiles
or rockets. They are 20 mm, but very high velocity even for rail guns,
using solid slugs, and have extreme range. They sacrifice some of their
hitting power (Compared with 1D6x10+10 for a 20 round burst from a 10 mm
Soviet railgun), however, for the range, which is still quite good by railgun
Maximum Effective Range: 6,560 feet (2,000 meters / 2 kilometers).
Mega Damage: 1D4x10 for a half-burst of 10 rounds, 2D4x10 for a full burst of 20 rounds. Rail guns can be tied together (and with the main rail gun) to be fired as a single burst which counts as one attack.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the pilot (usually 5 or 6).
Payload: 500 rounds (50 half-bursts/25 full bursts) per gun pod. Up to 6 to 8 gun pods and 3,000 to 4,000 rounds, total, though of course each gun pod is separate. - UPK-23-250 23 mm Autocannon in hard point pod: Sold along
with export variants; Even those that have railguns as their fixed cannon.
This weapon, in the rather unusual 23mm caliber, unique to the SSSR and
client states, was sold along with export models, though the Railgun was
not. This is essentially the UPK-23-250 pod with the GSh-231- 23-mm cannon,
simply firing Ramjet ammunition. The pods are fixed to the hard points
of the Mi-24 when used, in place of missiles or rockets, but are excellent
for strafing.
Maximum Effective Range: 5,000 feet (1,524 meters)
Mega-Damage: 2D4+2 per round, 1D6x10 for a half-burst of 25 rounds, and 2D6x10 for a full burst of 50 rounds. Cannons can be tied together (and with the main rail gun) to be fired as a single burst which counts as one attack.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the pilot (usually 5 or 6).
Payload: 250 rounds (10 half-bursts or 5 full bursts) per each pod; Up to 1,500 to 2000 rounds total for up to six or eight pods that can be carried (Maximum).
- Bombs and Missiles: The only restriction is that a hard point
must carry all the same type of missiles or bombs. Both unguided and guided
bombs can be carried. In two pilot versions, short range missile racks
are controlled by either the pilot or the weapons officer.
- Anti-Missile Chaff/Flare Dispenser (1): Use the same effects
as the TRIAX model. However, each time the system is engaged, the system
fires off one chaff and 1D4 flares. Rifts Earth decoys systems are assumed
to not operate against Phase World missiles due to technological difference.
Reduce effects by 20% against smart missiles (Add +20% to rolls for smart
Effect:- 01-50 Enemy missile or missile volley detonates in chaff cloud - Missiles
are all destroyed.
51-75 Enemy missile or missile volley loses track of real target and veers away in wrong direction (May lock onto another target.)
76-00 No effect, enemy missile or missile volley is still on target.
Duration: 1D4 melee rounds.
Payload: 20 chaff, 40 flares. Each time the system is engaged, the system fires off one chaff and 1D4 flares.
Special Equipment:
The equipment of the Mi-24 has been upgraded but many of the original
systems are still on the helicopter. Consider the helicopter to carry all
standard equipment that robot vehicles carry (not including loudspeaker
and microphone) plus the following extra systems:
- Internal Active Jamming Gear: Causes -25% to detection but when it is active, other vehicles/ bases can detect that it is jamming, and some missiles will home in on jamming signals. Jamming also causes a -4 penalty to all radar guided weapons.
- E.S.M.: Radar Detector, Passively detects other radars being operated.
- Radar System: Range of 30 miles (48 km); Capable of tracking up to 48 targets simultaneously, this radar serves to provide early warning of incoming aircraft and missile attacks and to provide targeting for both carried missiles and the gun. The radar also has terrain following features. The radar can be programmed to shut off immediately if it detects an aircraft firing a missile on a heading towards the Mi-24, in case the missile is a radar-homing HARM type.
- Full Infared viewing mode and FLIR system: Range of 4 miles (6.4 km), with IR searchlight (+3 to detecting targets with IR when in use, however, +3 to detecting the Mi-24 with IR equipment when in use, as well.)
[ Altarain TM, Bandito Arms TM, Brodkil TM, Chipwell Armaments TM, Coalition States TM, Cyber-Knight TM, Federation of Magic TM, Free Quebec TM, Golden Age Weaponsmiths TM, Horune TM, Iron Heart Armaments TM, Kankoran TM, Kittani TM, Kydian TM, Larsen’s Brigade TM, M.D.C. TM, Mechanoids TM, Mega-Damage TM, Megaversal Legion TM, Millennium Tree TM, Mutants in Orbit TM, Naruni Enterprises TM, Naut’Yll, New Navy TM, New Sovietskiy TM, NGR TM, Nog Heng TM, Northern Gun TM, Phase World TM, Psyscape TM, Rifter TM, SAMAS TM, S.D.C. TM, Shemarrian TM, Splugorth TM, Stormspire TM, Sunaj TM, Tolkeen TM, Triax TM, Wellington Industries TM, Wilk’s Laser Technologies TM, Xiticix TM, and Zaayr TM are trademarks owned by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc. ]
[ Beyond the Supernatural®, Heroes Unlimited®, Nightbane®, Ninjas & Superspies®, Palladium Fantasy®, and Rifts® are registered trademarks owned by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc. ]
Writeup by Kitsune (E-Mail Kitsune).
Copyright © 2003, Kitsune. All rights reserved.