New Sovietskiy Modified Kamov Ka-27 Helix ASW / SAR Helicopter:
By the time the Soviet Union first collapses, the Ka-27 helicopter was a well tested design with the first prototype flying almost two decades earlier. It was similar in appearance to the earlier Ka-25 and shared a coaxial rotor design which eliminated the need for a tail rotor. These helicopters continued serving in the post Soviet navy of Russia. While primarily an anti-submarine warfare helicopter, there was also a search and rescue model. In addition, there was an Airborne Warfare model developed, the Ka-31. Finally, there were transport versions designated the Ka-29 and civilian models designated the Ka-32. The civilian design found its way into the hands of many nations including several western nations.
When Communists took back control of Russia, it was an obvious choice for military expansion. At the time, there were plans for more advanced designs to fill the role but something was needed to fill numbers. At around the same time, there had been a revolution in new composite and alloys far stronger than any previous materials. As a stopgap, older Ka-27 that remained in service were outfitted with the new materials to give them a new lease on life. At the same time, new production Ka-27 helicopters, using the new composites and alloys, were being built for the new resurgent Soviet navy. There were a number of improvements in the design at the same time including upgraded engines. In addition to the Soviet military, these helicopters were exported especially to the Indian military.
A second technological revolution soon followed the revolution in super strong materials. This was in fusion power technology including clean fusion aircraft engines. Finally, there was the ability to generate almost unlimited power. As with many other military designs, it was decided to develop a fusion turbine powered version of the Ka-27. As with the previous models of the Ka-27, this model was also exported. India was the chief customer due to its naval needs.
It was not until the introduction of the Yak-228, known in Western circles as the Minstrel, that the Ka-27 was replaced. The design of the Yak-228 is similar to the American V-22 Osprey. Over the next few decades, remaining Ka-27 were either put into reserve service or sold. Some were disarmed and sold to civilian customers, including even some Western nations. India also picked up numbers of these helicopters, not adopting the Yak-228 due to its larger size.
Surprising numbers of the Ka-27 remained in service just before the coming of the Rifts, both inside and outside of the new Soviet Union. The high strength composite and alloys made them almost immune to fatigue and corrosion. It is believed that virtually all of the refitted models had been retired, some conventionally powered models were still in service outside of the Soviet borders. While many of these helicopters were destroyed by the unleashed magical energies, many survived as well.
Unlike western helicopters filling a similar role, in Soviet service, the Ka-27 usually operated in pairs while serving in anti-submarine roles. One is usually loaded with sonar buoys and serves as the hunter while the other is loaded with torpedoes and attempts to make the kill. Crew can be anywhere from one to three operators and two to three specialists.
The original Ka-27 could carry either a dipping sonar or a magnetical anomaly detector. One of the improvements to the new version of the Ka-27 is that is mounts both sensor systems. In addition, the helicopter can carry thirty-six sonar buoys in the helicopter's climate controlled bay. Another improvements is a new sonar buoy processing system. The helicopter also mounts a short range radar system, a forward looking infrared system, and other standard systems.
Instead of sonar buoys, the bay can carry up to two long range torpedoes or four medium range torpedoes. While rarely carried, an option is also to carry two medium range torpedoes and eighteen sonar buoys. The bay is slightly increased in size and modified to carry a larger payload. The new torpedoes, even the heavy torpedoes, are also slightly smaller than the original Soviet torpedoes carried such as the UMGT-1 Orlan. High speed “Interceptor” torpedoes are often carried even though much shorter ranged. The bay is also modified so that it can carry two anti-ship missiles, usually sea skimming missiles, instead of torpedoes for anti-ship roles.
The search and rescue version of the Ka-27 replace the dipping sonar and magnetic anomaly detection with a winch. It also carries life rafts and containers with emergency medical supplies, food, and clothes. Racks for internal ordnance are not mounted. Civilian models of the helicopter are similar generally. A few versions have door gunners to give some form of defensive weaponry especially after the coming of the Rifts. Other versions include the Ka-29, an armed troop transport version that can carry up to sixteen troops, and the Ka-31, a radar picket version of the helicopter. These second two will be described elsewhere.
Model Type: | Kamov Ka-27PL-P | Conventional ASW Version |
Kamov Ka-27PS-P | Conventional Search and Rescue Version | |
Kamov Ka-27PL-N | Nuclear ASW Version | |
Kamov Ka-27PS-P | Nuclear Search and Rescue Version |
Crew: | Kamov Ka-27PL | One to three operations / two to three specialists |
Kamov Ka-27PS | One or two | |
Troops: | Kamov Ka-27PL | None (Can carry four instead of sonar buoys / ordnance) |
Kamov Ka-27PS | Twelve maximum |
M.D.C. by Location:
Forward Sensor Array | 25 | |
Side Doors (2) | 25 each | |
Bay Doors | 50 | |
[1] Main Rotors (2, one above the other): | 60 each (20 each Blade) | |
[1] Tail: | 35 | |
Landing Gear (4): | 10 each | |
Reinforced Cockpit: | 60 | |
[2] Main Body: | 150 |
[1] Destroying one of the main rotors will cause the helicopter to
fly at half speed, wobble and is -3 to parry, -2 to strike, and -30% on
piloting skill/maneuvers as long as the tail is intact. If the tail has
been destroyed, -6 to parry, -3 to strike, and -40% on piloting skill/maneuvers.
Smart pilots will land as soon as possible. Destroying both main rotors
will knock the helicopter out of the sky. Roll under the piloting skill
-30% for a successful crash landing.
[2] Destroying the main body knocks the helicopter out of the sky and
renders it completely useless.
Driving on Ground (Taxiing): Only possible for take offs and
landings as well as for parking and storage. Speed is 40 mph (64 kph) when
traveling and not on take off or landing.
Flying: Conventional: Hover to 168 mph (146 knots / 270
kph) with 127.4 mph (110.7 knots / 205 kph) cruise speed and has a ceiling
of 16,404 feet (5,000 meters). The helicopter has great maneuverability
and VTOL capabilities.
Nuclear: Hover to 186.4 mph (162.0 knots / 300 kph) with 149.1
mph (129.6 knots / 240 kph) cruise speed and has a ceiling of 19,685.0
feet (6,000 meters). The helicopter has great maneuverability and VTOL
Range: Conventional: The Ka-27 has a range of 609 miles
(529 nautical miles / 980 kilometers). Can operate for a maximum of 3.5
hours without needing to be refueled.
Nuclear: Effectively Unlimited but does overheat when operated
for long periods of time. The Ka-27 engines will overheat after 4 hours
of continuous operation when running at top speed and 8 hours when run
at under 93.2 knots (81 knots / 150 kph)
Statistical Data:
Height: 18.04 feet (5.5 meters)
Length: 47.07 feet (11.3 meters)
Rotor Span: 51.83 feet (15.8 meters)
Weight: 14,300 lbs (6,500 kg) empty and 24,200 lbs (11,100 kg)
fully loaded.
Power Source: Conventional: Two Isotov TV3-117VMAR turboshaft
each rated at 2,220 hp, Nuclear: Nuclear Fusion turboshafts, Should
have an average life-span of 8 years.
Cargo: 6,614 lbs (3,000 kg) in cargo / ordnance bay.
Black Market Cost: Conventional Version: 3 to 5 million
credits, Nuclear Version: 8 to 12 million credits.
All prices can be as much as double normal prices under some conditions.
Weapon Systems:
- One (1) Internal Bay: The helicopter has an internal bay
that is primarily designed to carry sonar buoys and torpedoes but can also
carry anti-ship cruise missiles. A total of thirty-six sonar buoys can
be carried (or eighteen can be carried if only four medium range torpedoes
are carried.) Otherwise, two heavy torpedoes or four medium torpedoes can
be carried. “Interceptor” torpedoes are often carried instead of conventional
torpedoes. Two long range anti-ships missiles can be carried instead of
heavy torpedoes. Usually, sea skimming missiles are carried.
Maximum Effective Range: Missiles: As per long range missile type (Surface skimming missiles have 25% less range than normal long range missile, go to revised bomb and missile tables for details.) Conventional Torpedoes: 20 miles (32 km) for medium range and 40 miles (64 km) for long range torpedoes.
Mega Damage: Varies by long range missile (See revised bomb and missile tables for details.) or torpedo (Use medium range or long range missile warhead damages as per torpedo size - See revised Rifts torpedoes for details.)
Rate of Fire: Missiles and Torpedoes can be fired one at a time.
Payload: Two (2) long range missiles or long range torpedoes. Four (4) medium torpedoes can be carried or two (2) medium torpedoes and eighteen (18) sonar buoys can be carried. Carrying no ordnance, thirty-six (36) sonar buoys can be carried. - One (1) Anti-Missile Chaff/Flare Dispenser: Use the same
effects as the TRIAX model. However, each time the system is engaged, the
system fires off one chaff and 1D4 flares. Rifts Earth decoys systems are
assumed to not operate against Phase World missiles due to technological
difference. Reduce effects by 20% against smart missiles (Add +20% to rolls
for smart missiles.)
Effect:- 01-50 Enemy missile or missile volley detonates in chaff cloud - Missiles
are all destroyed.
51-75 Enemy missile or missile volley loses track of real target and veers away in wrong direction (May lock onto another target.)
76-00 No effect, enemy missile or missile volley is still on target.
Duration: 1D4 melee rounds.
Payload: 20 chaff, 40 flares. Each time the system is engaged, the system fires off one chaff and 1D4 flares.
Special Equipment:
Consider the military versions of the helicopter to carry all standard
equipment that robot vehicles carry (not including loudspeaker and microphone)
plus the following extra systems:
- Osminog Radar System: Range of 112 miles (97 nautical miles / 180 km); Capable of tracking up to 12 targets simultaneously, this radar serves to provide early warning of incoming aircraft and missile attacks and to provide targeting for carried missiles. The radar also has terrain following features.
- M.A.D. Gear: Carried on ASW versions of the Ka-27. This is special equipment that has the ability to detect metal objects. M.A.D. stands for Magnetic Anomaly Detector. This is very effective at detecting submarines. Range: 1,312.3 feet (400 meters) to either side of aircraft.
- Dipping Sonar: Carried on ASW versions of the Ka-27. The sensor includes a passive sonar, active sonar, and an underwater communication unit. The active sonar and communication system can be detected by any vehicle using passive sonar if within their detection range. Sonar can track up to 12 simultaneously and identify up to 6 of them. The sonar equipment has a unit that can be lower into water while hovering or flying up to 30 mph (26 knots/ 48 km) per hour. Range: Passive Sonar: 3.1 miles (2.7 nautical miles / 5.0 kilometers) Active Sonar: 4.5 miles (3.9 nautical miles / 7.3 kilometers). Underwater Communication: 2 miles (1.7 nautical miles/ 3.2 kilometers.)
- E.S.M.: Radar Detector, Passively detects other radars being operated.
- FLIR: Forward Looking Infrared. Allows pilot and weapons officer to get visuals on targets at night.
- Laser Navigational System: Allow flight at low altitude without use of Radar. Gives a map of the Terrain.
[ Altarain TM, Bandito Arms TM, Brodkil TM, Chipwell Armaments TM, Coalition States TM, Cyber-Knight TM, Federation of Magic TM, Free Quebec TM, Golden Age Weaponsmiths TM, Horune TM, Iron Heart Armaments TM, Kankoran TM, Kittani TM, Kydian TM, Larsen’s Brigade TM, M.D.C. TM, Mechanoids TM, Mega-Damage TM, Megaversal Legion TM, Millennium Tree TM, Mutants in Orbit TM, Naruni Enterprises TM, Naut’Yll, New Navy TM, New Sovietskiy TM, NGR TM, Nog Heng TM, Northern Gun TM, Phase World TM, Psyscape TM, Rifter TM, SAMAS TM, S.D.C. TM, Shemarrian TM, Splugorth TM, Stormspire TM, Sunaj TM, Tolkeen TM, Triax TM, Wellington Industries TM, Wilk’s Laser Technologies TM, Xiticix TM, and Zaayr TM are trademarks owned by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc. ]
[ Beyond the Supernatural®, Heroes Unlimited®, Nightbane®, Ninjas & Superspies®, Palladium Fantasy®, and Rifts® are registered trademarks owned by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc. ]
Writeup by Kitsune (E-Mail Kitsune).
Copyright © 2012, Kitsune. All rights reserved.