Norwegian Skjold class Surface Effect Patrol Boat:

While the United States experimented with surface effect craft, they never built or operated a fully militarized version. Only the Norwegian and Soviet / Russian Navy built combatant surface effect craft. Surface effect ships are much faster than most conventional craft due to having far less hull area in the water to create drag. Speed in excess of eighty knots have been achieved in some designs. They also have the advantage of being able to operate in extremely shallow water.
Surface effect ships differ greatly from air cushion designs because they use rigid sidewalls for stability and support instead of a flexible skirt to contain the lift air. The surface effect ship designs do however have flexible seals or “skirts” forward and aft along with internal lift fans.
The first Norwegian Skjold, or “Shield”, class patrol boat was commissioned at the very end of the Twentieth Century. Much smaller than the Soviet / Russian designs, the vessel was sometimes classified a “Light Corvette.” This first vessel was followed by an additional six vessels of the same basic design over the course of the next decade.
Considered something of a prototype design, the first boat of the class was originally built without many of the features carried on later boats and had to be rebuilt. This included the replacement of the original diesels with gas turbine engines. Instead of grey, as with most naval vessels, including those of the Royal Norwegian Navy, these boats were painted in camouflage schemes because they were designed to hide inside of bays and fiords.
For their size, these vessels were quite heavily armed. Weaponry included a forward mounted 76 mm Oto-Breta super rapid gun mount, eight Naval Strike Missiles (NSM) anti-ship missiles in a vertical launch system, and a twin Mistral surface to air missile mount. The gun mount generally was for meant for use against smaller targets while the anti-ship missiles were for use against larger targets. A common tactic against larger vessels would be for these boats would race towards the enemy vessel, fire off their anti-ship missiles, and race away before the could be engaged.
Developed using a large amount of composites in their design, these boats were designed to have a very low radar cross signature even compared to designs that were developed to minimize their radar signature. In calm waters, the Skjold could reach speeds up to sixty knots as designed. While meant mostly as coastal vessels, these vessels could still operate at speeds up to forty-five knots in rough water.
While relatively short ranged, the radar system mounted on the Skjold class was of an active phased array design. Against relatively large targets, the radar system gave the patrol vessel the ability to detect targets up to 180 kilometers. In addition, the system was designed to be able to track surface skimming targets.
During the service life of these vessels, various improvement were made to the electronics, including the radar system. However, these systems were retained throughout the life span of the boats. It was not considered cost effective to completely replace the electronic suite of these vessels, especially in later years.
As far as active defenses against air threats, these vessels might be considered a bit on the weak side. The twin Mistral missile mounts was not able to deal with large numbers of missiles and the 76 mm gun mount was also limited in this role. In many ways the best defense these vessels had against missiles was the “Soft Kill” decoy system. In addition these corvettes carried a full ECM suite.
Designed to be operated by a very small crew, the Skjold class was designed to be operated by a crew of up to sixteen with two to four officers. In addition, there were no real provisions to embark troops or any kind of small vehicles. Considered short range craft, there was also only limited supplies for the crew, enough for around one week of operations.
In common with other militaries, the revolution during the Twenty-Thirties in high strength composites and alloys meant that these patrol boats were now considered incredibly fragile. It has often been suggested that the military forces of the world became obsolete overnight. At the same time, it was a time of comparative peace. While Communists had taken over Russia, if anything there was cautious optimism after the corruption of the last few decades. The new Soviet military building programs were still over a decade away from fruition.
While the Norwegian Navy would have preferred to replace these vessels, the best they could get was to get them refitted using the new materials. At the time, it was almost impossible to get authorizing for building new boats from the Norwegian Parliament. Many other military forces had similar issues so the Norwegian Navy was far from alone in that respect.
Still, one might argue that the refitting was more akin to a complete rebuilding using the original frame but otherwise almost completely new boats. In effect, the entire hull was stripped from the frame and was entirely replaced. So as to retain a low radar cross signature, special composites had to be used. On the weapon front, the original weapon systems were retained but new and more powerful ordnance was fitted.
As they were originally refitted, the conventional gas turbines were retained. However, these gas turbines were replaced by fusion turbines in later refits. Fusion turbines were initially developed for the use on aircraft, especially fighters, but were soon adapted to a number of different uses including naval vessels. A major advantage of the fusion turbines was that they gave the craft effectively unlimited range without refueling. Still, they were more powerful than the original engines and increased top speed by several knots up to sixty four knots in calm water and even forty-eight knots in rough seas.
Eventually the new Soviet Union was seen as a threat once more. A number of other threats also caused tensions to increase. As a result, Norwegian Parliament was able to be persuaded to authorize the construction of additional surface effect vessels. Two new classes were authorized. One was a design of similar size to the Skjold class. The other was far larger and might be better described a heavy corvette design. A total of sixteen of the smaller design and four of the larger design were also authorized.
As far as their basic designs, the smaller vessels was largely based on the Skjold class and even carried a broadly similar weapon fit. However, it was designed with far more effective missile defenses. The larger design was a far more general purpose design than the smaller design. Compared to the Soviet Perekat class surface effect ship, the Norwegian design was far smaller.
Just before the coming of the Great Cataclysm, a second batch of surface effects designs were authorised. This included sixteen addition vessels of the smaller basic design and four more of the larger design. None of the new vessels had been laid down before the cataclysm. They would have been considerably modified from the original designs with one noteworthy change being the replacement of the 76 mm gun mounts with a heavy 65 mm rail gun mount on the smaller vessel and a 100 mm rail gun mount on the larger design.
By the coming of the Great Cataclysm, two of the Skjold class had been retired. They were used for parts to keep the remaining boats operational. Of the operational boats, two were kept as training boats and two remained in full active service. Prior to the cataclysm, the plan had been to retire the remaining boats when the second batch of new patrol boats was completed.
Most of the symbols of civilizations were destroyed with the Great Cataclysm. This includes most of the vessels of the world, both military and civilian. It is likely that most of the Skjold class patrol boats were destroyed as well but it is known that at least one survived. Unfortunately, it ended up in the hands of pirates in whom hands it has been terrorizing merchant traffic. As the boat is extremely hard to detect and is able to hide in jumbled fiords, it has so far eluded any attempt to stop it.
Author Note: With respect to time line, these designs may or may not reflect our modern time line. The time line of these writeups diverged from our time line starting around 1999. Consider the universe that these designs are created for to be an alternate universe not bound by ours.
Model Type: Skjold class Surface Effect Patrol Boat (Project 6081).
Class: Ocean, Surface Effect Ship (Light Corvette).
Crew: 16 (4 officers and 12 enlisted).
Robots, Power Armors, and Vehicles:
M.D.C. by Location:
[1] OTO-Melara Super Rapid 3 inch (76-mm)/62-cal DP Barrel (1, gun mount): |
60. |
OTO-Melara Super Rapid 3 inch (76-mm)/62-cal DP Gun Mount (1, forward): |
180. |
British Aerospace / Vickers BAV-20 Rail Gun Mounts (2, sides): |
45 each. |
Vertical Long Range Missile Launchers (8, fantail): |
80 each. |
Sinbad Twin Short Range Missile Launcher (1, superstructure): |
40. |
[1] “Soft Kill” Chaff / Decoy Launcher (1, bow): |
10. |
[2] Thales MRR-3D-NG Rotating Multi-Role Phased Array Radar: |
50. |
Bridge / Superstructure: |
120. |
[3] Propulsion Water-Jets (2, rear): |
60 each. |
[3] Skirts (2, forward and aft): |
50 each. |
[4] Main Body: |
360. |
[1] These are small and difficult targets to strike, requiring the attacker to make a “called shot,” but even then the attacker is -4 to strike.
[2] Destroying the Thales MRR-3D-NG rotating phased array radar panel will destroy the boat’s main fire control systems but the vessel has backup systems with a shorter range (Equal to robot vehicle sensors.)
[3] Destruction of a water-jet will reduce top speed by one quarter. Destruction of the skirt will reduce prevent the craft traveled on an air cushion and top speed is reduced to 11.5 mph (10 knots/ 18.5 kph).
[4] Destroying the main body destroys propulsion and power systems, disabling the boat. The boat is fitted with an advanced polymer armors that allow the boat to withstand up to -100 M.D.C. before losing structural integrity and sinking. There are enough life preservers and inflatable life boats to accommodate everyone on the boat.
On Water, Hull Borne: 11.5 mph (10 knots/ 18.5 kph).
On Water, On Air Cushion: Calm Seas: 73.7 mph (64 knots/ 118.6 kph). Rough Seas: 55.3 mph (48 knots / 89.0 kph).
Range: Effectively unlimited due to fusion engines (needs to refuel every 5 years and requires maintenance as well.) Boat carries one week of supplies on board.
Statistical Data:
Draft: Hull Borne: 8.20 feet (2.50 meters) and On Air Cushion: 3.28 feet (1.00 meters).
Width: 44.29 feet (13.50 meters).
Length: 155.83 feet (47.50 meters).
Displacement: 274 tons fully loaded.
Cargo: Can carry 5 tons (4.53 metric tons) of nonessential equipment and supplies. Each enlisted crew member has a small locker for personal items and uniforms. Boat’s officers have some more space for personal items. Most of the boat’s spaces are taken up by extra ammo, armor, troops, weapons, and engines.
Power System: Originally four gas turbines, converted to four nuclear fusion turbine reactors with an average life span of 5 years.
Black Market Price: 100 to 150 million credits on the black market for an intact model.
Weapon Systems:
One (1) OTO Melara 76mm/62 Super Rapid Naval Gun: The boat mounts a rapid fire three inch gun mount near the bow of vessel. The gun is very reliable and fires very rapidly (About 120 rounds per minute). The main weaknesses of the gun are its relatively short range and the fact it cannot use rocket assisted projectiles. The gun was carried on many ship classes around the world until well into the Twenty First century. The guns can be used against other ships, ground targets, aircraft, and even missiles. These guns were among the smallest that could use a proximity fuse for their warheads.
Maximum Effective Range: 4.9 miles (4.3 nautical miles/8.0 km) for standard projectiles.
Mega-Damage: High Explosive: 1D4x10 M.D.C. with 10 foot (3 meters) blast radius per single shot and 3D4x10 M.D.C. with 20 foot (6.1 meters) blast radius for three round burst. High Explosive Armor Piercing: 1D6x10 M.D.C. with 4 foot (1.2 meters) blast radius per single shot and 3D6x10 M.D.C. with 8 foot (2.4 meter) blast radius for three round burst. Plasma: 2D4x10 M.D.C. with 12 foot (3.7 m) blast radius per single shot and 6D4x10 M.D.C. with 25 foot (7.6 meter) blast radius for three round burst.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the gunner (Three round bursts count as one attack.)
Payload: 85 Rounds ready to fire. Vessel normally carries usually carries an additional 85 rounds.
Two (2) British Aerospace / Vickers BAV-20 Rail Gun: These replace 12.7 mm machine-guns. Manually operated, these weapons are designed to give the boat some measure of self defense against small craft without using the 76 mm naval gun mount. Otherwise, they lack any form of advanced fire control and are not considered effective with regard to intercepting missiles or aircraft. While not quite as powerful as the USA-M31 Rail Gun original developed for the American SAMAS power armor, it is still quite powerful and long ranged. In damage, the weapon is effectively equal to the C-40R rail gun carried on the SAMAS power armor although the British rail gun design is slightly heavier.
Weight: Rail Gun: 104 lbs (47.2 kg), One Ammo-Drum: 190 lbs (85.5 kg).
Maximum Effective Range: 4,000 feet (1200 meters).
Mega-Damage: A burst is 40 rounds and inflicts 1D4x10 M.D.,one round inflicts 1D4 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the gunner (usually 4 or 5).
Payload: each mount has a 3,000 round drum for 75 bursts.
Eight (8) Long Range Vertical Launch Tubes: On the deck near the fantail of the patrol boat are eight vertical launch tubes. The launchers were originally designed to fire the Naval Strike Missile (NSM) but later modified to fire standard long range missiles. The boat will usually race towards an enemy craft, fire off all of its missiles, and then race off as fast as possible before being engaged. While any long range missile type can be carried, usually special surface skimming missiles will be carried in launchers and are used against surface targets only.
Maximum Effective Range: As per long range missile type (Surface skimming missiles have 25% less range than normal long range missiles, see revised bomb and missile tables for details.)
Mega-Damage: As per long range missile type (See revised bomb and missile tables for details.)
Rate of Fire: Can fire long range missiles one at a time or in volleys of two (2), four (4), or eight (8) long range missiles with all launchers operating together.
Payload: One long range missile each launcher for a grand total of eight (8) long range missiles. Has no additional long range missiles in storage for reloads.
One (1) Sinbad Twin Short Range Missile Launcher: Mounted on the superstructure, the Sinbad launcher is the only active defensive system aboard the Skjold class. Was originally designed to fire the Mistral suface to air missile but adapted to fire standard short range missiles. Manually aimed, the launcher has two short range missiles ready to fire. Afterwards the launcher needs to be manually reloaded as well. Some consideration was given towards replacing the launcher with an autonomous system but the vessels were never refitted. These missile mounts main purpose is for inner anti-missile point defense and was originally designed to deal with helicopters. SAM type missiles are often carried.
Note: SAM style missiles are missiles that sacrifice payload for higher speeds, see Chris Curtis’ modified missile table for specifics.
Maximum Effective Range: Varies by short range missile type (See revised bomb and missile tables for details - SAM style missiles normally.)
Mega-Damage: Varies by short range missile type (See revised bomb and missile tables for details - SAM style missiles normally.)
Rate of Fire: can fire short range missiles one (1) at a time or in volleys of two (2) short range missiles. Requires two melee rounds to manually reload launcher.
Payload: Two (2) short range missiles ready to fire [Sixteen (16) additional short range missiles carried.]
One (1) Multi Ammunition “Softkill” System: Located on the bow of the boat, this system is designed to confuse incoming missiles. Rifts Earth decoys systems are assumed to not be effective against Phase World / Three Galaxies missiles due to technological differences. Reduce effects by 20% against smart missiles (Add +20% to rolls for smart missiles) and reduce effects of launchers by 10% per launcher not used (Add +10% to rolls per launcher not used.) Only useful against missiles, not useful against torpedoes underwater.
Range: Around Boat.
Mega Damage: None.
Enemy missile or missile volley detonates in chaff cloud - Missiles are all destroyed.
Enemy missile or missile volley loses track of real target and veers away in wrong direction (May lock onto another target.)
No effect, enemy missile or missile volley is still on target.
Payload: Six (6) canisters total, Carries twelve (12) additional canisters for reloads, reloading takes two melee rounds.
Special Systems:
The vessel has all systems standard on a robot vehicle plus the following special features::
Thales MRR-3D-NG Multi-Role Active Phased Array Radar: Long range air search and tracking radar system that has a single rotating phased array instead of four phased array panels. Quite capable and effective against jamming and surface clutter. System is designed to track up to 128 targets simultaneously and is capable of limited fire control. Range: 111.85 mile (97.1 nautical miles / 180 km), subject to the radar horizon.
Condor CS-3701+ Advanced Integrated Electronic Warfare Suite: Combination of radar / radio detection system (ESM) and an active jamming (ECM) system. The system can detect another radar system at around 125% of the range of the transmitting radar and is usually subject to radar horizon. This includes the ability to detect radar guided weapons. Can be used for limited targeting. In jamming mode, causes -25% to detection but when it is active, other vehicles/ bases can detect that it is jamming, and some missiles will home in on jamming signals. Some missiles also have AESA type radars themselves and/or have backup infra-red sensors. Jamming also causes a -4 penalty to all radar guided weapons. Can be used to jam a wide area or for focused jamming against several targets.
Radar Defeating Profile & Radar Absorbing Materials: The boat’s superstructure and hull are designed so that the radar profile of the boat is reduced and the boat is covered with radar absorbing materials. Because of this, attempts to detect the boat using radar are made with a -40% penalty to any Read Sensory Instrument skill rolls when attempting to detect this boat and craft will appear to be smaller on radar than it would otherwise. Go to General Detection Penalties for more information on penalties and bonuses to use with stealth.
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Image drawn and copyrighted by M Conrad.
Writeup by Kitsune (E-Mail Kitsune).
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