Norwegian Fridtjof Nansen class Guided Missile Frigate:
In the early part of the Twenty-First century, the Norwegian navy ordered a total of five Fridtjof Nansen class frigates from the Spanish shipbuilder Bazan. The first of the class was completed in 2006 with the last not commissioned until 2011. Each is named after famous Norwegian explorers. These frigates mounted the SPY-1F radar system and Aegis fire control system and were far more capable than Oslo class of frigates that they replaced in the Norwegian navy.
At 5,290 tons fully loaded, the Norwegian frigates could be considered virtually the size of an older destroyer. In common with most designs developed around the time, Fridtjof Nansen class frigate was designed with a reduced radar cross signature. Compared to the Oslo class of frigates, these frigates were considered far more habitable and comfortable. As designed, these frigates were a general purpose vessel designed to be able to operate in multiple roles. While one of the designated roles for these vessels was anti-submarine warfare, they only mount a hanger for a single helicopter. Of course the early Twenty-First century was a time of comparative peace and these frigates often operated in the anti-piracy role.
As developed, these vessels were designed with the ability to add additional weapon systems but had a relatively minimal weapon fit. This included a single self defense length eight cell Mk 41 vertical launch system carrying thirty-two RIM-162 Evolved Sea Sparrow Missiles (ESSM), an OTO Melara super rapid 76 mm gun, eight Naval Strike Missiles (NSM) in quad box launchers on either side of the superstructure, twin 324 mm torpedo tubes on each side of the vessel firing the Stingray torpedo, and depth charges. Potential upgrades for these frigates included additional Mk 41 missile cells and a close in weapon system mount.
In common with most other navies, the introduction of high strength alloys and composites in the mid Twenty-Thirties made these vessels effectively obsolete. While there was strong consideration given towards simply replacing these frigates, in the end it was decided to built the whole class using the new advanced materials. In the end, a more extensive rebuilding and refitted was decided on including the upgrading of both the weapon systems and propulsion system. Due to maintenance cycles, the final frigate was not completely refitted until 2048.
In order to increase the ability of these frigates to be able to defend themselves air attacks, much of the upgrade was concerned with this threat. An additional self defense length eight cell Mk 41vertical launch system augmented the original eight cell launcher. With a total of sixteen launch cells, up to sixty-four medium range missiles could be carried. Because there is insufficient depth available, the frigate was limited to self defense length Mk 41 launchers and could not carry any missiles longer than medium range missiles.
At the same time, it was decided that the frigate needed to mount a close in self defense system above the hanger to deal with any missile strikes that manage to leak through the medium range missiles. Early in the consideration, there was discussion about mounting a Gatling gun system such as the Goalkeeper 30 mm CIWS. However, in the end it was decided that while the Gatling cannon would be more effective against surface targets, the Mk 49 Rolling Airframe Missile (RAM) launcher would be far more effective against missile threats.
Otherwise, the other weapon systems were retained. With new ordnance types developed for them, they are considered more lethal than they ever were before. A number of new projectiles were developed for the 76 mm gun mount. These include both plasma and armor piercing ammunition types. Similarly, a number of new torpedo warheads were developed for the 324 mm torpedo tubes. Finally, the launchers for the Naval Strike Missiles were modified to fire modern long range missiles types although sea skimming type missiles are still usually carried.
As originally fitted, propulsion was a pair of Bazan Bravo 12V diesel engines for cruising and a single General Electric LM-2500 gas turbine as a “dash” engine. During the refits, the two diesel engines were completely removed with the gas turbine engine replaced by a single fusion turbine. Fusion turbines were originally developed for aircraft but were adapted for other uses including marine uses.
While there were some concerns with relying on a single engine, the engine was found to be extremely reliable in service. Far more powerful than the original gas turbine, this single fusion turbine increased top speed to twenty-nine knots, three knots greater than the original top speed of twenty-six knots. In addition, the fusion turbine gave the frigate virtually unlimited endurance. The original shafts were found to be unable to withstand the strain of the new fusion turbine. As a result, the original shafts were replaced by new shafts constructed from modern composites and alloys. The frigate did however retain variable pitch propellers.
As refitted, these frigates remained in service with the Norwegian navy for twenty more years. There were however few additional upgrades to these frigates. One major change over the years was that a number of power armors were often embarked aboard the vessels in addition to the helicopter. The Norwegian navy adopted the British Gypsy Moth Power Armor with an attached flight pack. As such, it was the most commonly embarked power armor.
Even though originally of conventional construction, the rebuilding with modern advanced composites and alloys meant that these frigates could be maintained for far longer than would otherwise be possible. It was not until around 2070 that these vessels were finally retired to mothball status. Over the years before the Great Cataclysm, there was some consideration given towards bringing them back into service but instead remained retired. Most experts would argue however that the frigates would most likely have been scrapped if not for the ongoing tensions in the later part of the Twenty-First century.
While it is almost certain that most of these ships were destroyed during the Great Cataclysm, at least one of the vessels is known to have survived. The Thor Heyerdahl was found stranded on a beach where it was discovered by a group of adventurers. They decided to recover the vessel and repair it. Badly damaged, it required a large amount of repair work including the replacement of both propellers. Still, they were able to get the vessel fully repaired and reconditioned. There is a joke among the crew who recovered the vessel that the god Thor decided to protect the vessel that carried his name.
Author Note: With respect to time line, these designs may or may not reflect our modern time line. The time line of these writeups diverged from our time line starting around 1999. Consider the universe that these designs are created for to be an alternate universe not bound by ours.
Model Type: Modified F85 Fridtjof Nansen class Frigate (Project 6088).
Class: Guided Missile Frigate.
Crew: 126 total; 8 officers, 12 chief petty officers, and 100 enlisted.
Troops: 6 Helicopter or VTOL pilots and crew, 10 pilots for power armors (Gypsy Moth power armors in Norwegian navy service), and can embark up to 4 additional personnel.
Robots, Power Armors, and Vehicles:
Power Armor Compliment:
10 |
Flying Power Armors (Gypsy Moth Power Armors with flight pack in Norwegian service.) |
Aircraft Compliment:
1 |
Helicopters or other VTOL Aircraft (NH110 Helicopter in Norwegian service.) |
M.D.C. by Location:
[1] OTO-Melara Super Rapid 3 inch (76-mm)/62-cal DP Barrel (1, gun mount): |
60. |
OTO-Melara Super Rapid 3 inch (76-mm)/62-cal DP Gun Mount (1, forward): |
180. |
Mk 41 Self Defense Length 16 Cell Vertical Launch System (1, forward): |
110. |
GDC Mk 49 Rolling Airframe Missile Launcher (1, above hanger): |
120. |
Quad Long Range Missile Box Launchers (2, amidships): |
120 each. |
Dual 12.75 inch (324 mm) Medium Torpedo Launchers (2, sides): |
35 each. |
[2] SPY-1F Phase Array Radar Panels (4, superstructure): |
180 each. |
[2] Reutech RSR 210N Surface / Air Radar (1, superstructure): |
50. |
[1] Sea Gnat Chaff / Decoy Launchers (4, superstructure): |
10 each. |
Hangar (aft): |
200. |
VTOL Pad (aft): |
150. |
Bridge: |
280. |
Outer Hull (per 40 foot / 12.2 meter area): |
50. |
[3] Main Body: |
900. |
[1] These are small and difficult targets to strike, requiring the attacker to make a “called shot,” but even then the attacker is -4 to strike.
[2] Destroying the SPY-1F Phase Array radar panels will destroy the ship’s main fire control systems but weapon have backup systems and panels can partially compensate for each other. The Reutech RSR 210N 2D Radar system has limited tracking and targeting ability.
[3] Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body destroys the ship’s structural integrity, causing it to sink. There are enough flotation devices and inflatable life rafts to accommodate everyone aboard.
Surface: 33.4 mph (29 knots/ 53.7 kph.) Has a retractable electrical thruster in the bow which can propel the boat up to 5.8 mph (5 knots / 9.3 kph).
Range: Effectively unlimited due to fusion engines (needs to refuel every 15 years and requires maintenance as well). Ship carries four months of supplies on board.
Statistical Data:
Draft: 19.0 feet (5.8 meters) hull and 25.1 feet (7.6 meters) including hull sonar.
Length: 401.6 feet (122.4 meters) waterline and 439.6 feet (134.0 meters) overall.
Width: 54.3 feet (16.8 meters).
Displacement: 4,800 tons standard and 5,600 tons fully loaded.
Cargo: Can carry 120 tons (108.9 metric tons) of nonessential equipment and supplies. Each enlisted crew member has a small locker for personal items and uniforms. Ship’s officers have more space for personal items. Most of the ship’s spaces are taken up by extra ammo, armor, troops, weapons, and engines.
Power System: Originally conventional diesel and gas turbine propulsion (CODOG), converted to a single nuclear fusion turbine reactor with an average life span of 15 years.
Black Market Price: Not for sale but if found on the black market would probably cost 225 million credits or more if intact and operational. Cost does not include embarked craft and power armors.
Weapon Systems:
One (1) OTO Melara 3 inch (76mm)/62 Super Rapid Naval Gun: The ship mounts a rapid fire three inch gun mount near the bow of vessel. The gun is very reliable and fires very rapidly (About 120 rounds per minute). The main weaknesses of the gun are its relatively short range and the fact it cannot use rocket assisted projectiles. The gun was carried on many ship classes around the world until well into the Twenty First century. The guns can be used against other ships, ground targets, aircraft, and even missiles. These guns were among the smallest that could use a proximity fuse for their warheads.
Maximum Effective Range: 4.9 miles (4.3 nautical miles/8.0 km) for standard projectiles.
Mega-Damage: High Explosive: 1D4x10 M.D.C. with 10 foot (3 meters) blast radius per single shot and 3D4x10 M.D.C. with 20 foot (6.1 meters) blast radius for three round burst. High Explosive Armor Piercing: 1D6x10 M.D.C. with 4 foot (1.2 meters) blast radius per single shot and 3D6x10 M.D.C. with 8 foot (2.4 meter) blast radius for three round burst. Plasma: 2D4x10 M.D.C. with 12 foot (3.7 m) blast radius per single shot and 6D4x10 M.D.C. with 25 foot (7.6 meter) blast radius for three round burst.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the gunner (Three round bursts count as one attack.)
Payload: 85 Rounds ready to fire. Ship normally carries usually carries an additional 240 rounds divided between 80 High Explosive, 80 High Explosive Armor Piercing, and 80 Plasma.
One (1) Mk 41 Self Defense Length 16 Cell Vertical Launch System: This forward launcher has sixteen cells for medium range missiles. Originally the ship only had eight cells. These launchers are the short launchers only able to fire medium range missiles. The launcher was originally designed for the RIM-162 Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile (ESSM) which could be quad packed. In later service, these launchers have been adapted to hold four medium range missiles per cell. Missiles are used primarily for defense against aircraft and missiles.
Maximum Effective Range: As per medium range missile type (See revised bomb and missile tables for details.)
Mega-Damage: As per medium range missile type (See revised bomb and missile tables for details.)
Rate of Fire: Can fire medium range missiles one at a time or in volleys of two (2), four (4), or eight (8) medium range missiles per melee round and can be fired at multiple targets at the same time.
Payload: Sixteen (16) missile cells in the VLS launcher (Can carry a total of 64 medium range missiles). Only medium range missiles can be carried with each cell able to carry four (4) medium range missiles. Ship carries no reloads.
Two (2) Quad Long Range Missile Box Launchers: These launchers are special box launchers amidships on the ship’s superstructure. These box were originally designed for the anti-ship and land strike Naval Strike Missile (NSM) developed by Norwegian company Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace (KDA). Later they were adapted for a larger variety of ordnance. Compared to the canisters for the RGM-84 Harpoon missile, the individual missile cells are slightly smaller. While the launchers are reusable, they are still inexpensive and are easily jettisoned if damages. Even though any long range missile type can be carried, usually special surface skimming missiles will be carried in launchers and are used against surface targets only.
Maximum Effective Range: As per long range missile type (Surface skimming missiles have 25% less range than normal long range missiles, see revised bomb and missile tables for details.)
Mega-Damage: As per long range missile type (See revised bomb and missile tables for details.)
Rate of Fire: Can fire long range missiles one at a time or in volleys of two (2), four (4), or eight (8) long range missiles with box launchers operating together.
Payload: Four (4) long range missile each box launcher for a grand total of eight (8) long range missiles (Has no missiles in storage for reloads.)
One (1) GDC Mk 49 Rolling Airframe Missile Launcher: This is a Pre-Rifts missile launcher originally designed to fire the RIM-116 Rolling Airframe Missile (RAM) but later modified to fire a wider variety of short range missiles. Has a total capacity for twenty-one short range missiles and designed to act as inner anti-missile point defense and is considered effective in dealing with incoming cruise missiles. Short Range Missiles are usually a mixture of 50% Armor Piercing and 50% Plasma. Launchers can lock onto multiple targets at the same. The systems missile launchers can target up four targets and can fire a volley up to twice per melee round.
Maximum Effective Range: As per short range missile type (See revised bomb and missile tables for details.)
Mega-Damage: As per short range missile type (See revised bomb and missile tables for details.)
Rate of Fire: Can fire short range missiles one at a time or in volleys of two (2) or four (4) short range missiles and can be used up to twice (2) per melee round.
Payload: Twenty-one (21) short range missiles each.
Two (2) Dual 12.75 inch (324 mm) Medium Torpedo Launchers: There is one twin launcher on each side of the ship. Each twin torpedo launcher has two torpedo tubes and tubes are 12.75 in (324 mm) wide. Torpedoes are normally used against submarines but can be targeted against surface targets as well. Interceptor torpedoes are also available for launchers / tubes to use against incoming torpedoes. Ship carries 20 reloads for torpedoes. For the most part torpedo warheads are equal to medium range missile warheads.
Maximum Effective Range: 20 miles (17.4 nautical miles / 32 km) for standard torpedoes.
Mega Damage: By medium torpedo warhead type (See revised Rifts torpedoes for details.)
Rate of Fire: Can fire medium torpedoes one at a time or in volleys of two (2) medium torpedoes per side. Reloading tubes requires two (2) full melee rounds.
Payload: Two (2) medium torpedoes each launcher for a grand total of four (4) medium torpedoes. Has an additional twenty (20) medium torpedoes for reloads.
Two (2) Depth Charge Launchers: Vessel has two depth charge launchers. When the depth charges reach a pre-determined depth, they explode. While the weapon is designed to be used against submarines and underwater targets, in many ways is obsoleted due to being inaccurate.
Maximum Effective Range: Can be fired up to 2,000 feet (610 meters) from vessel.
Mega-Damage: 2D4x10 M.D. with a 40 foot (12 meter) blast radius. Explosive canisters that detonate at a pre-determined depth.
Rate of Fire: Can fire depth charges one at a time or volleys of two (2) depth cahrge. A single depth charge or a pair can be launched three (3) times per melee round.
Payload: Twenty (20) depth charges per launcher.
Four (4) Sea Gnat Chaff / Decoy Launchers: Located on the superstructure of the ship, these are designed to launch chaff and decoy systems. Launchers can fire either missile decoys / chaff or torpedo decoys at one time. Torpedo decoys work by firing patterns of decoys in the water and are noisemakers that act to confuse and decoy torpedoes. With both decoy systems, Rifts Earth decoys systems are assumed to not be effective against Phase World / Three Galaxies ordnance due to technological differences.
Range: Around Ship.
Mega Damage: None.
Missile Decoys:
Enemy missile or missile volley detonates in chaff cloud - Missiles are all destroyed.
Enemy missile or missile volley loses track of real target and veers away in wrong direction (May lock onto another target.)
No effect, enemy missile or missile volley is still on target.
For missile decoys, reduce effects by 20% against smart missiles (Add +20% to rolls for smart missiles) and reduce effects of launchers by 10% per launcher not used (Add +10% to rolls per launcher not used.) Missile decoys are only useful against missiles, not useful against torpedoes underwater.
Torpedo Decoy / Noisemakers:
50% of decoying normal torpedoes and 20% of decoying smart torpedoes. Reduce effects by 5% for each decoy launcher not firing torpedo decoys. Torpedo decoys are only useful against torpedoes, not useful against missiles in flight.
Payload: Missile Decoys: Four (4) each for a total of sixteen (16) canisters. Thirty-two (32) reload canisters are carried. Torpedo Decoy / Noisemakers: Two (2) decoys / noisemakers each for a total of eight (8) decoys / noisemakers. Sixteen (16) additional decoy / noisemakers are carried. Reloading launchers requires two melee rounds.
Special Systems:
The ship has all systems standard on a robot vehicle plus the following special features:
Lockheed Martin AN/SPY-1F+ 3-D Multifunction Phased Array Radar: Powerful and flexible pre-rifts radar system that is comprised of four panels that each emit radar waves. Less advanced than the phased radar system fitted on the Coalition ships and later U.S. Naval vessel but still powerful. Able to simultaneously track and identify up to 192 targets. In addition, the system controls missiles launched from the missile launchers and the system track and guide each individual missile to a individual target for up to 64 targets. If a target is eliminated, missiles are automatically guided to a new target. In addition, the system can also control missiles launched from other linked vessels as well and can also act as fire control for gun mounts. Range: 201.4 miles (175 nautical miles / 324.1 km), subject to the radar horizon.
Reutech RSR 210N 2D Ground / Air Search Radar: Relatively short range radar but still reasonably effective. Radar system can track up to 64 targets simultaneously. Range: 31.1 miles (27 nautical miles / 50 km).
Thales Underwater Systems TMS-2633 (MRS 2000) Spherion Hull Mounted Sonar System: Mounted under the bow of the ship. This hull sonar system has both a passive and active system built in. Sonar system can track up to 16 targets at one time. Range: 6.9 miles (6 nautical miles / 11.1 km).
Thales Underwater Systems CAPTAS 6 Towed Array Sonar: The system is basically a long and very sensitive sonar system carried behind the ship on a long cable. This towed array sonar is a passive only sensor system. Sonar system can track up to 32 targets at one time. Range: 93.2 miles (80.1 nautical miles /150 km).
Condor CS-3701+ Advanced Integrated Electronic Warfare Suite: Combination of radar / radio detection system (ESM) and an active jamming (ECM) system. The system can detect another radar system at around 125% of the range of the transmitting radar and is usually subject to radar horizon. This includes the ability to detect radar guided weapons. Can be used for limited targeting. In jamming mode, causes -25% to detection but when it is active, other vehicles/ bases can detect that it is jamming, and some missiles will home in on jamming signals. Some missiles also have AESA type radars themselves and/or have backup infra-red sensors. Jamming also causes a -4 penalty to all radar guided weapons. Can be used to jam a wide area or for focused jamming against several targets.
Sonar Masking System: The ship uses air bubbles to form a barrier against sonar as well as a shrouded propellor and sound absorbing materials. Bubble masker protects both the hull and the propeller against detection. Gives a -20% penalty to any Read Sensory Instrument skill rolls to detect this ship using sonar and reduces ability to classify vessel.
Radar Defeating Profile & Radar Absorbing Materials: The ship’s superstructure is designed so that the radar profile of the ship is reduced and the ship is covered with radar absorbing materials. Because of this, attempts to detect the ship using radar are made with a -10% penalty to any Read Sensory Instrument skill rolls when attempting to detect this ship and vessel will appear to be smaller on radar than it would otherwise. Go to General Detection Penalties for more information on penalties and bonuses to use with stealth.
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Image drawn and copyrighted by Mischa (E-Mail Mischa) with slight revisions by Kitsune (E-Mail Kitsune).
Mischa has no art home page at present but many other items on my site.
Writeup by Kitsune (E-Mail Kitsune).
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