German Panzerhaubitze 2100 Self Propelled Howitzer:

During the late Twentieth century the German Army ordered a new kind of self propelled howitzer, in order to replace their aging M109`s. This design featured superior mobility, a standard NBC protection fitted, high rate of fire, and fully integrated battlefield information management equipment. The PzH 2000, as it was called, was indeed a incredibly capable weapon system. The long 155 mm howitzer, designed and made by Rheinmetall had improved range and a high rate of fire, thanks to a fully automatic loading and laying system. The entire vehicle could execute a firing order in two minutes ; while on the move receive a firing order for a eight round burst with coordinates, come to a full stop, set up, fire the burst, and prepare to move again.
When the "Mega-Damage Revolution" as it is sometimes called swept the world, Germany, like most of the world found themselves in need of new armored designs taking advantage of the new materials. For the German's new tank, they introduced the Leopard III with a 140-mm cannon but support designs were needed as well. One of the key needs was for a new mobile artillery design. They decided to use the Panzerhaubitze 2000 as a basis as it had served for around three decades and was well liked by troops and officers alike. It would be less expensive to upgrade the PzH 2000 design than it would to design a whole new system. Thus, the PzH 2100 was developed with only relatively minor alterations.
Fuel cells systems had been developed to an incredible efficiency and it was decided that the new design would be equipped with a fuel cell power plant instead of a diesel engine. The new mobile artillery design had a much longer range than the original using the fuel cell power plant. The transmission was improved but top speed was not increased. The mobile artillery was armored with the new advanced composites and alloys and was able to withstand incredible punishment although not up to what a tank could withstand. The main weaponry was unchanged with the exception that it now use advanced ammunition types. The 155 mm used standard artillery rounds which were identical to those fired from other mobile artillery. These Howitzers carry a reasonable amount of ammunition, 60 rounds, so they are relatively independent, but even so are normally escorted by trucks or other vehicles that carry additional ordinance. Like the Pzh 2000, the PzH 2100 must plant before firing its howitzer (takes 1 minute to set up). On the PzH 2000, a 7.62-mm machine gun was mounted on the roof of the turret but was replaced with a liquid propellant machine-gun on the PzH 2100. These were not upgraded to rail guns like on the Leopard III due to there being seen as no real need and the expenses involved would have been high. The firefly defensive systems carried on the Leopard III are also carried on the PzH 2100.
The design was replaced in service by the PzH 2200 which replaced the original 155 cannon with an electro-thermal cannon of the same caliber. Many were retained in reserve units due the German Army's vast need for armor but some PzH 2100's were sold outside of Germany. Due to the use of high tech composites and alloys, the vehicles hold up incredibly well against the environment and most were still operation when the Rifts came and destroyed much of the world. There are still many PzH 2100 vehicles operational around the world and the New German Republic still retains some in their reserve forces although they have continued replacing them with PzH 2200 mobile artillery vehicles. Many crews outside of Germany have replaced the liquid propellant weapon with rail guns or with energy weapons. Those using energy weapons have to mount a energy battery due to the fuel cell system not providing enough power.
Model Type: NGR Panzerhaubitze 2100
Vehicle Type: Self Propelled Howitzer
Crew: Five (Driver, Gunner, two loaders and Commander).
M.D.C. by Location:
[1] Tractor Treads (2): | 50 each | |
Support Feet (4) | 20 each | |
Howitzer Turret: | 180 | |
Howitzer Barrel: | 80 | |
[2] 8 mm Liquid Propellant Gatling Gun (Turret Mounted): | 25 | |
[2] Firefly Chaff Launchers (2): | 25 each | |
[3] Main Body: | 320 |
[1] Depleting the M.D.C. of a tread will immobilize the Howitzer until
it is replaced. Replacing a tread will take 1D6x10 minutes by a trained
crew (2 replacements are carried on board) or three times as long by the
inexperienced. Changing the tread is only advisable when the vehicle is
not under attack.
[2] These are small and difficult targets to strike, requiring the
attacker to make a “called shot,” but even then the attacker is -4 to strike.
[3] If all the M.D.C. of the main body is depleted, the vehicle is
completely shut down and is unsalvageable.
Ground: Cruising speed on land is 37.3 mph (60 kph) on roads
and 31 mph (50 kph) off road maximum. The vehicle is designed to traverse
virtually all terrain and can climb at up to a 60% grade although at a
much slower speed (About 10% of maximum road speed). It can also climb
barriers and ford trenches. The vehicle can also handle side slopes of
up to 30%.
Maximum Range: 621 miles (1000 km)
Statistical Data:
Height: 9.8 feet (3 meters)
Width: 11.8 feet (3.58 meters)
Length: Main Body: 26 feet (7.91 meters) and With Gun Forward:
38 feet (11.67 meters).
Weight: 55.5 tons (50 metric tons) empty and 61 tons (55 metric
tons) combat loaded
Power Source: Fuel Cell System
Cargo Capacity: Minimal, enough for equipment with crew
Cost: 4 million credits to build. The mobile artillery usually
double to triple that to buy one today. If fitted, any extra weapons systems
will add to the cost of the tank.
Weapon Systems
- 155/52 caliber Howitzer: Very powerful and long range weapon that is capable
of 360 degree rotation. The PzH 2100 must plant before firing its howitzer
(takes 1 minute to set up). It fires standard artillery shells and is normally
fired indirectly on the target but can be fired as direct fire if necessary.
The cannon is loaded by a automatic shell loading device, which is fed
from a onboard magazine. The magazine is fully automated and keeps stock
of the amount and type of rounds still available. It can switch between
rounds at will. While the cannon is original, it uses modern Rifts artillery
rounds and can use both non rocket assisted and rocket assisted rounds.
Maximum Effective Range: 18.6 miles (30 km) for non rocket assisted and 24.9 miles (40 km) for rocket assisted projectiles.
Mega-Damage: By artillery round type (Go to Battlefield Artillery for Rifts for more information: Fragmentation 2D4x10, High Explosive 2D6x10, Armor Piercing 3D6x10, Plasma 4D6x10, and has a vast number of other type of rounds as well).
Rate of Fire: 8 rounds per minute (2 per melee) indefinitely (effectively until its ammunition runs out).
Special: Burst fire option: 5 rounds per melee, for 3 melees, after that the gun needs to cool down for 8 melees before it can fire again.
Payload: 60! rounds in a automated magazine. Can be loaded from exterior to retain rate of fire. Reloading 1 round costs 1 melee, or 15 minutes for the entire supply. - Top Mounted Heckler & Koch LPM-8-B Liquid Propellant Machine-gun:
The mobile artillery has a mount directly above the main turret. This mount
has a 360 degree swiveling fire-arc and is capable of tracking aerial targets
even directly overhead the Leopard. It can be fired manually, or from within
the turret with computer guidance. As such, it is a somewhat crude but
efficient CIWS for use against missiles and aircraft as well as ground
personnel. The weapon uses a special liquid propellant which delivers about
four times the force of nitro-cellulose propellant and the weapon fires
an 8 mm round. Unlike most liquid propellant weapons, these were not replaced
in German Military service but many purchasers have replcaed the weapon
with rails guns or lasers.
Maximum Effective Range: 3,000 feet (914 meters)
Mega-Damage:- Single Shot (Costs 1 attack): 1D6
Ten Round Burst on One Target (Costs 1 attack): 5D6
Ten Round Burst on 1D4 Target (Costs 1 attack): 1D6
Thirty Round Burst on One Target (Costs 1 attack): 1D6x10
Thirty Round Burst on 1D8 Target (Costs 1 attack): 2D6
Payload: 800 rounds - Firefly Chaff Launcher (2): Located on the sides of the turret
they are designed to confuse incoming missiles. The launchers do this by
launching both flares and active radar decoys. Chaff isn`t actually in
use any more, but the name sticks around. The decoys and the flare rockets
float down by parachute; Effects last for one minute (4 Melee rounds.)
Rifts Earth decoys systems are assumed to not operate on Phase World missiles due to technological difference. Reduce effects by 20% against smart missiles (Add +20% to rolls for smart missiles.)
Maximum Effective Range: Around tank only; Rough distance of 80 ft (24 m) around tank.
Mega Damage: None- 01-35 - Enemy missile or missile volley detonates in chaff cloud - Missiles are all destroyed..
36-60 - Enemy missile or missile volley loses track of real target and veers away in wrong direction (May lock onto another target.)
61-00 - No effect, enemy missile or missile volley is still on target.
- Datalink transmitters: A powerful battlefield management communications system. Allows the tank to use targeting data from scout vehicles for firing the Anti-Tank missiles or Sabot rounds, and to provide targeting data to other vehicles. Bonus varies on the quality of the data being provided, but all data would allow the tank to fire over obstacles if the scout vehicle is in the right position. The normal effective battlefield range is 20 miles (32 km).
- Signaal Sabre ESM/ECM system: Combines ESM and ECM into one powerful system. The system can detect another radar system at around 125% of the range of the transmitting radar and is usually subject to radar horizon. When jamming it causes -25% to detection but when it is active, other vehicles/ bases can detect that it is jamming, and some missiles will home in on jamming signals. Jamming also causes a -3 penalty to all radar guided weapons.
- Thermo-Imager: range of 2 miles (3.2 km). Finds the infra-red radiations of things that are warm. Also enables pilot to see in smoke, shadows and darkness.
- Two Periscopes: Have up to x100 magnification for commander and driver to view out of while maneuvering the vehicle.
- Nightvision Optics: Range: 2,000 ft (609 m). Uses light amplification to make a picture. Emits no light but will not work in absolute darkness. System can be dazzled (but not burned out, compensates within a single round) by sudden bright lights but does not physically blind the user.
- Laser Targeting/Rangefinder System 41,333 feet (12,400 meters).
- Tank is fully NBC (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical) protected, and all equipment is hardened against EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse).
[ Altarain TM, Bandito Arms TM, Brodkil TM, Chipwell Armaments TM, Coalition States TM, Cyber-Knight TM, Federation of Magic TM, Free Quebec TM, Golden Age Weaponsmiths TM, Horune TM, Iron Heart Armaments TM, Kankoran TM, Kittani TM, Kydian TM, Larsen’s Brigade TM, M.D.C. TM, Mechanoids TM, Mega-Damage TM, Megaversal Legion TM, Millennium Tree TM, Mutants in Orbit TM, Naruni Enterprises TM, Naut’Yll, New Navy TM, New Sovietskiy TM, NGR TM, Nog Heng TM, Northern Gun TM, Phase World TM, Psyscape TM, Rifter TM, SAMAS TM, S.D.C. TM, Shemarrian TM, Splugorth TM, Stormspire TM, Sunaj TM, Tolkeen TM, Triax TM, Wellington Industries TM, Wilk’s Laser Technologies TM, Xiticix TM, and Zaayr TM are trademarks owned by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc. ]
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Writeup by Mischa (E-Mail Mischa ). and Kitsune (E-Mail Kitsune).
Copyright © 1998 & 2003, Mischa & Kitsune. All rights reserved.