
Name: Vixen.
True Name: Jenny Phelps.
Alignment: Unprincipled (Good / Selfish).
Hit Points: 46. S.D.C.: 68.
Attributes: I.Q.: 15, M.E.: 9, M.A.: 9, P.S.: 17 (+2) [20 (+5) for bionic arm], P.P.: 22 (+4) [18 (+2) for bionic arm], P.E.: 15, P.B.: 18 (40%), SPD: 21.
Weight: 131 lbs (59.5 kg). Height: 5 ft 11 in (1.8 meters).
Age: 25 years. Race: Human. Sex: Female. P.P.E.: 4.
Through time, Vixen first developed a dislike for the Coalition and then developed into almost a hatred. She is wary of most supernatural creatures, D-Bees, and non humans but she can work with them. While she is wary of magic using individuals, the is least wary of Techno-Wizards. In any case, she can work with even those she does not quite trust. She is comfortable around psychics because she is one herself even though she is a relatively weak psychic compared to many.
She is a skilled mercenary both in her own fighting abilities and in general military tactics. Vixen is not well read but has always been very intuitive with both tactics and strategy. Even as a common soldier, her suggestions to those senior to herself were often excellent. In many ways, this may have actually created problems with those senior to herself even though she never was pushy with her suggestions.
Since becoming a commander, Vixen has shown a natural flare for command although is far quieter than many commanders. As with many of the best commanders, she prefers to compel whenever possible. Compared to some officers, she is more sympatric to the common troops although she realizes that losses are inevitable. A general loyalty to those around her is a part of her personality.
As far as injuries, she is able to live with her pretty severe injuries and still keeps in good shape. Still, she ha no interest in becoming a full conversion cyborg as some might have done. She kind of has mixed feelings about her bionic arm. It is useful but just does not have the feelings of her original arm. Her other implants are more naturally part of herself.
O.C.C.: Headhunter/ Mercenary. Level: Sixth (6).
Combat Skill: Hand to Hand; Expert and Boxing.
Attacks per Melee: Six (6).
Bonuses, Combat: Critical Strike: Natural 18,19, or 20, Knock Out: Natural 20. Bonuses: Damage: +2 (+5 for bionic arm), Strike: +6 (+4 for bionic arm), Parry: +10 (+8 for bionic arm), Dodge: +11, Roll (With Punch / Fall / Impact): +5, Pull Punch: +2, Initiative: +6.
Power Armor Combat, Elite - X-10 Predator: Attacks per Melee: Nine (9). Bonuses: Strike: +2 (+8), Parry: +2 (+12), Dodge: +2 / +5 (+13 / +16), Roll (with punch, fall, or impact): +3 (+8), Pull Punch: +0 (+2), Initiative: +6.
Power Armor Combat, Basic: Attacks per Melee: Eight (8). Bonuses: Strike: +1 (+7), Parry: +1 (+11), Dodge: +1 / +3 (+12 / +14), Roll (with punch, fall, or impact): +2 (+7), Pull Punch: +0 (+2), Initiative: +6.
Saving Throws: Lethal Poison [14] +0, Non-Lethal Poison [16] +0, Harmful Drugs [15] +0, Insanity [12] +0, Psionics [12] +0, Magic [12/16] +2, and Horror Factor [Varies] +0.
Psionics (Minor): 32 I.S.P. +1D6 I.S.P. per level of experience.
Sensitive: Mind Block (4), Total Recall (2).
Vixen’s Cybernetics:
Infra/Ultra Eyes: Gives ability to see into the infrared and ultraviolet colors. Eyes are a lavender blue.
Universal Headjack & Ear Implant: Has a special connector / jack built into the skull at the base of the head.
Special Features:
Special Augmentation: Built in long range wide band radio transmitter / receiver - can transmit a whisper and voices of other people up to 6 feet (1.8m) away. Has a range of 20 miles (32 km) and with an additional antenna range is increased to 100 miles (160 km).
Amplified Hearing: Sound amplifiers give ability to hear almost inaudible sounds and recognize specific sounds and voices at 35%+5% per lvl. Also gives +1 to parry, +2 to dodge, and +6 to initiative.
Ultra-Ear: Can hear into the ultrasonic ranges. Can hear sound that cannot normally be heard. Ability can be turned on or off at will.
Sound Filtration System: Protects ears from potentially damaging sounds by filtering or blocking the sound.
Optic Nerve Implant: Connects head jack to optic nerve implant. Gives ability to see video transmissions.
Cybernetic Gun-Link: Link between gun and user’s vision. Specially modified weapons required for system. Sensors in weapon determine exactly where aimed. Data transmitted via hookup in the palm and displayed in field of vision as dot or small crosshair. Also displays how many rounds / blasts remain in weapon magazine and able to mentally issue commands to eject magazine from weapon. Bonuses: +3 to strike on aimed shots and +2 to strike on bursts.
Lung Toxic Filter: Lung implant designed to filter out most toxic gases before they get to the lungs. It has an 80% chance to work against nerve gases and toxic gases.
Molecular Analyzer: Sensor used for testing and analyzing impurities in the air. Transmits to an ear implant.
Biocomp Self-monitoring system: Gives medical information on the person implanted in - pulse, blood pressure, body temperature, blood sugar, respiratory rate, trouble breathing, and presence of foreign elements in blood (including poisons and drugs).
Bionic Left Arm: Metallic silver in color - P.S. 20 P.P. 18. M.D.C.: 10 M.D.C. for hand / 40 M.D.C. for arm.
Has a sensor hand: Has a built in heat detector, motion detector, radiation detector, radar detector, gyro-compass, clock calender - sensor hand transmits to the ear implant.
Bionic Arm Weapons & Equipment:
Arm Computer: Built into the upper part of her bionic left arm is a Triax designed computer.
Particle Beam Forearm Blaster: Heavy particle beam weapon connects on top of arm - linked to Cybernetic Gun Link. Weight of weapon gives penalty of -1 to strike, parry, & dodge in hand to hand combat. Mega Damage: 6D6+6 Rate of Fire: Aim, burst, & wild. Effective Range: 1000 feet (305 m). Payload: 10 single blasts per short E-Clip, 15 blasts per long E-Clip.
Retractable Vibro-Claws (Large): Three blades in each arm. Mega-Damage: 1D6. Range: Hand to hand.
Wrist Needle & Drug Dispenser: Has a retractable needle to inject drugs into target. Effects: Varies by drug (Antibiotics: Reduces infection. Paralysis: Takes 1D4 melee, lasts 2D6 minutes. Poison: Takes 1D4 melee, inflicts 6D6 S.D.C./H.P. Tranquilizer: Takes 1D4 melee, lasts 4D6 minutes. Truth Serum: Takes 2D6 minutes, lasts 4D6 minutes.) Payload: 4 doses of 5 different chemicals (20 total, 4 doses of Antibiotic, 4 doses of Paralysis, 8 doses of Tranquilizer/Sleep, and 4 doses of Truth Serum).
Finger Video Camera: Tiny video camera in tip of little finger. Transmits via head jack and optic nerve implant. Very useful to see around corners without being exposed to fire. If used to fire around corners, has no bonuses except if weapon has laser targeting. Has additional feature of telescopic augmentation (x10).
Finger mounted Micro Automatic Lock Pick: Retracts within finger when not in use - ring finger. Lock pick works by throwing all pins at the same time and never damages a lock. Works on all types of locks (Tumbler, spool, regular, or mushroom).
Ion Finger Blaster: Tiny mega-damage ion weapon contained in middle finger. Mega-Damage: 1D6. Effective Range: 200 feet (61 m). Rate of Fire: Up to 3 per melee. Payload: 5 blasts per micro E-Cell. New micro E-cell can be exchanged in one round and recharges in 30 minutes in recharger. Can also use small E-Clip giving 10 additional blasts.
Mini Dartgun Finger: Inside of tip of index finger is a dartgun propelled by compressed air and is silent. Fires drugged darts, poisoned darts, or tiny tracer device. Tracking device has a range of ten miles (16 km). Uses both magnets and tiny spikes (like a burr) to attach to target. All drugs get saving throws. Effects: varies by dart (Antibiotics: Reduces infection. Paralysis: Takes 1D4 melee, lasts 2D6 minutes. Poison: Takes 1D4 melee, inflicts 6D6 S.D.C./H.P. Tranquilizer: Takes 1D4 melee, lasts 4D6 minutes. Truth Serum: Takes 2D6 minutes, lasts 4D6 minutes. Tracers: See above). Effective Range: 30 feet (9.1 m). Rate of Fire: One (counts as one attack). Payload: One, takes one melee to reload dartgun (Carries 2 tracers and 4 Tranquilizers).
Neural Stunner Finger: Effectively acts like a neural mace although capacitor has limited number of charges. Mounted in thumb and shielded so user is not effected by charge. Effects: Unconsciousness, -8 to strike, parry and dodge for 2D4 melees if save is made (16 or higher), must save each time hit. Ineffective vs full environmental body armor, power armors, or supernatural creatures but effective vs non fully environmental armors. Payload: 20 stuns per micro E-Cell. New micro E-cell can be exchanged in one round and recharges in 30 minutes in recharger. Can also use small E-Clip giving 60 additional charges.
Energy Clip Arm Port: A special connector unit is built into the arm, enabling the use of additional E-clips to power bionic energy weapons. Multiple weapons can be powered by one E-Clip but energy use must be carefully tracked.
O.C.C. Skills: Communication: Radio; Basic (+15%) 85%, Radio; Scrambler (+10%) 70%, Espionage: Detect Ambush (+10%) 65%, Detect Concealment (+10%) 60%, Tracking (+10%) 60%, Physical: Hand to Hand; Expert
Pilot: Pilot Hover Craft (+5%) 80%, Pilot Jet Pack (+12%) 74%, Pilot Robots and Power Armors (+5%) 76%, Pilot Tank & APC (+10%) 66%, Pilot Related: Read Sensory Instruments (+10%) 65%, Weapon Systems (+10%) 75%, Technical: Languages: American 98%, Dragon (+10%) 85%, Euro (+10%) 85%, Spanish (+10%) 85%, Lore: Demon and Monster (+10%) 60%, W.P.; Ancient: W.P. Knife (+1 [+7] strike /+2 [+12] parry /+1 [+7] throw), W.P.; Modern: W.P. Automatic Rifle (+4 aimed/+2 burst), W.P. Energy Pistol (+4 aimed/+2 burst), W.P. Energy Rifle (+4 aimed/+2 burst), W.P. Heavy Weapons (+4 aimed/+2 burst), W.P. Submachine Gun (+4 aimed/+2 burst) .
O.C.C. Related Skills: Espionage: Disguise (Gained at Third Level) 32%, Intelligence (Gained at Sixth Level) 40%, Military: Demolitions + 15% 90%, Pilot: Robot Combat (Elite - X-10 Predator), Robot Combat (Basic), Rogue: Streetwise 40%, Technical: Computer Operation (Gained at Third Level) 55%, Literacy: Euro 55%.
Secondary Skills: Espionage: Escape Artist 55%, Medical: Paramedics 65%, Physical: Boxing, Gymnastics, Running, Technical: Literacy: American 55%.
Skills From Gymnastics Sense of Balance 75%, Walk Tight Rope & High Wire 75%, Climb Rope 80%,Climbing 50%, Back Flip 95%, Prowl 55%.
Vixen is surprisingly tall for a women and muscular in a whipcord fashion, quite muscular for working out One item that people notice right away is her unusual blueish purple eyes from being bio-system cybernetics. She often highlights them with dark blue often almost purple highlights. Her hair is black which hangs straight down. Usually she wears her hair down to the middle of her back although sometimes she will wear it in a pony tail down her back. Other than eye shadows, she often wears very dark lip stick even in some cases black. On her non-cybernetic arm she similarly has her nails often painted black or another extremely dark color. Vixen’s bionic left arm is a metallic grey / almost silver in color.
In some cases, Vixen likes to wear black leather but her normal duty dress is a simple dark grey jumpsuit with black striping. Body armor is a similar dark grey although she has her Coalition body armor modified so it does not have the skull type helmet and a more conventional helmet style.
Weapons, Magical:
Flaming Sword:
Techno-wizardry item. Uses 15 I.S.P. or Fire Bolt spell (7 P.P.E.) or Circle of Flame spell (10 P.P.E.) to activate. Damage: 4D6. Range: Hand to Hand Duration: One (1) minute per level.
Weapons, Normal:
Two (2) Knives: Damage: 1D6 S.D.C. (+Strength). Range: Hand to Hand or Thrown. Weight: 1 lbs (0.5 kg).
Two (2) 1911 Style Pump Pistol Cartridge Automatic Pistols: Weight: 6 lbs (2.7 kg) each.
Pistol uses the same cartridges as the TX-5 Pump Pistol but is instead in a single action 1911 Automatic Configuration. Mega-Damage: 4D6 (5D6 for K-Hex round). Rate of Fire: Standard. Range: 800 feet (224 m). Payload: 5 rounds in magazine +1 in chamber. Has 2 extra magazines for each pistol.
Two (2) NG-45LP “Long Pistols”: Weight: 5 lbs (2.25 kg) each.
Particle beam pistol. Mega-Damage: 5D6. Rate of Fire: Single blast. Effective Range: 1,200 feet (365 m). Payload: 8 blasts.
Four (4) Wilk’s-Remi 104 Derringers: Weight: 10 ounces (.27 kg) each.
Derringer is designed to be able to be plugged into a standard E-Clip recharger. One is concealed in each sleeve and one is concealed in each boot. Mega-Damage: 2D4. Rate of Fire: Two simultaneous blasts. Effective Range: 300 feet (91.5 m). Payload: 4 blasts.
Bushmaster Arm Pistol / Submachine Gun: Weight: Empty: 5.25 lbs (2.38 kg). Loaded: 6.25 lbs (2.84 kg).
Bullpup weapon which fires NATO 5.56 x 45 ammunition. Shares a number of components with the M-16 including magazines. Weapoin is modified to fire single shot and three round bursts. She has four 30 round magazines of normal rounds and four 30 round magazine of silver rounds. Caliber: 5.56x45 mm NATO (5D6 / 5D6+10 for Hollow Points.) Mode of Fire: Semi-automatic or three round burst. Effective Range: 900 feet (275 m). Magazine: 5, 10, 20, 30, or 99 rounds (She prefers 30 round magazines.)
Coalition C-12 Laser Rifle: Weight: 7 lbs (3 kg).
Mega Damage: 2D6 or 4D6. S.D.C. Setting: 6D6 S.D.C. Rate of Fire: Aimed, Burst or Wild. Effective Range: 2,000 feet (610 m). Payload: 20 blasts short E-Clip, 30 blasts long E-Clip, 30 more blasts in E-Clip Canister (6 S.D.C. Shots equals 1 M.D.C. shot). Bonus: +1 on Aimed Shots.
JA-12 Laser Rifle: Weight: 14 lbs (6.4 kg).
Mega-Damage: Laser, 4D6 for single blast and 1D6x10+10 for 3 simultaneous blasts. Grenade, 3D6 to 10 ft (3 m) radius or by special effect. Rate of Fire: Laser, single blast or three blast burst. Grenade, single shot. Effective Range: Laser, 4,000 feet (1220 m). Grenade, 2,000 feet (610 m). Payload: 10 blasts short E-Clip, 30 blasts long E-Clip, has built in energy Canister (Cannot be removed but can be recharged) that holds an additional 30 energy blasts, and has a 4 shot pump magazine for grenade launcher. Bonus: +1 on aimed blasts with laser only.
K-30 Kittani Ion Pulse Rifle: Weight: 7 lbs (3 kg).
Mega-Damage: 4D6+6 for single blast and 1D6x10+6 for 3 simultaneous blasts (At -2 to strike). Rate of Fire: Single blast or three blast burst. Effective Range: 3,000 feet (910 m). Payload: 30 blasts each long E-clip.
Heavy & Other:
Ten (10) Coalition Plasma Hand Grenades:
Mega Damage: 5D6 and effects a 12 ft (3.6 m) diameter area.
Eight (8) Heavy Fusion Blocks:
Mega-Damage: 4D6 x 10 with a 10 ft (3 m) blast radius - Has a 30 second delay built in.
WI-GL4 Revolving Grenade Launcher: Weight: 20 lbs (9.1 kg).
Needs strength of 20 or has a -1 to strike. Mega-Damage: 4D6 for Fragmentation with a blast area of 12 feet (3.6 m) and 1D4x10 for Armor Piercing with a blast area of 3 feet (0.9 m). Launcher can also fire smoke, illumination, and chemical rounds. Rate of Fire: Single Shot. Effective Range: 1,000 feet (305 m). Payload: 24 Round Magazine. Loaded with armor piercing ammunition.
WI-GL21 Automatic Grenade Launcher: Weight: 130 lbs (58 kg).
Needs strength of 22 and is -1 to strike. Cannot be used with belt / used with magazines. Used only with predator armor. Mega-Damage: 4D6 for Fragmentation with a blast area of 12 feet (3.6 m) and 1D4x10 for Armor Piercing with a blast area of 3 feet (0.9 m), burst of 10 rounds does 2D6x10 for Fragmentation with a blast area of 40 feet (12 m) and 3D6x10 for Armor Piercing with a blast area of 8 feet (2.4 m) Rate of Fire: Single shot or ten round burst. Launcher can also fire smoke, illumination, and chemical rounds. Effective Range: 3,000 feet (914 m). Payload: 40 Round Magazine. Has 8 extra magazines of armor piercing ammunition.
Ammunition (Used by Multiple weapons): 6 Short E-Clips, 20 Long E-Clips, 4 Canister E-Clips
Rifle Grenades: 12 Explosive Grenades (3D6), 8 Sleep Gas Canisters, 8 Tear Gas Grenades, 4 Smoke Grenades
*All Ranged weapons are modified to use cybernetic gun link
Armor of Note:
Light M.D.C. Body Suit: M.D.C. (Main Body): 30. Weight: 4 lbs (2 kg). Penalties: No Prowl Penalty.
It can be concealed under clothing. Full body suit copy of Altarain Warrior Woman armor. Dark grey in color.
Two (2) Coalition CA-4 Armors: M.D.C. (Main Body): 100. Weight: 20 lbs (9.1kg). Penalties: -20% Prowl Penalty.
Copies in dark grey, one suit is normally kept in the APC.
N–F50A Superheavy Force Field: Weight: 15 lbs (6.8 kg).
Can be worn over light body suit. M.D.C.: 160 (Shield regenerates 1 M.D.C. per melee unless overloaded [cannot be activated for 12 hours]). Duration: 6 hours per E-Clip.
Equipment, Normal:
Triax X-10A Predator Power Armor:
Painted in dark grey. See full power armor description for full stats, M.D.C., weapons, modifications, and other information. Heavily armored power armor with built-in laser in right hand and twin mini missile launchers on right shoulder. Strength equal to P.S. 40 and weighs about 1000 lbs (450 kg.)
Speed: Running: 50 mph (80 kph). Leaping: 15 ft (4.6 m) high / across without thrusters, 100 ft (30.5 m) high / 200 ft (61 m) across with thrusters. Flying: 290 mph (464 mph) - maximum altitude 500 ft (152 m).
Weapons: Laser Pulse Cannon: Mega-Damage: 2D4 single pulse, 1D4x10 for 4 simultaneous pulse [counts as 1 attack], Range: 4,000 feet (1,200 m), Payload: Effectively Unlimited. Dual Shoulder Mini-Missile Launcher: Mega-Damage: By missile type. Range: By missile type. Rate of Fire: One or two. Payload: Two mini-missiles. Punch - 1D6+1, Claw Punch - 2D4, Claw Power Punch - 3D6, Claw Crush - 1D6+1.
Bonuses / Penalties: Has -1 to dodge penalty, +2 to strike with long range weapons.
M.D.C.: Main Body: 380. Head: 90. Wings(2): 50. Pulse Cannon: 100. Main Jets (2): 80. Maneuvering Jets (2): 30. Missile Launcher: 20. Headlight: 1. Left Forearm: 80. Shoulders & Upper arms (2): 150. Legs (2): 130. N-50A Superheavy Naruni Force Field: 160 [Shield regenerates 1 M.D.C. per melee unless overloaded - cannot be activated for 12 hours].
Coalition Mark V APC:
Rebuild with all weapons, Repainted in Drab Grey. See full vehicle description for full stats, M.D.C., weapons, modifications, and other information. Main Body: 350 M.D.C.
Clothing: Biker style clothing, weapon and ammo bandoleer, “Vixens Pride” dress uniform, multiple sets of working uniforms, multiple styles of camouflage clothing, black dress worth 5,000 credits, and multiple other sets of clothing
Other Equipment: Makeup and personal items, comb and brush, various mercenary ID cards, hatchet, flea and tick repellent collar, infrared distancing binoculars, Robot Medical Kit and IRMSS, PPD-V Player, Portable Language Translator [Languages: American, Techno-Can, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, Euro, German, Dragonese, Goblin, Faerie,], knapsack, backpack, saddlebags, two (2) canteens, notebook, NG-S2 Basic Survival Pack (Two Person tent, sleeping bag, flashlight with pocket knife, compass, short range radio, mini first aid kit, hunting & fishing kit, saw-wires (3), fire starter, 12 signal flares, 200 ft [61 m] climbing cord, soap, canteen, 5 weeks food rations).
Valuables: 42,063,500 Credits, 6000 credits of black market Items including the Vixen CD (5000), One dragon coin with gems (50,000 credits).
Character Background:
She is the first born daughter of an illiterate and impoverished farmer and his wife. The family lived in the Coalition State of Iron Heart. Besides her, there were two other children. She had both a younger brother and a younger sister. Conditions were very poor and she was willing to attempt anything to forge a life for herself. She tried to join the Coalition army when she was fifteen but was unable to fool the recruiters into allowing her to join. This was the first element that started her not liking the Coalition.
A few months later, she was able to find a mercenary company from Europe that had been brought in by Triax Industries to train Coalition troops in the use of newly purchased equipment. She was able to convince the leader to let her join the company and this began her life as a mercenary. In her training, she was taught to read and write as well as military skills. When the equipment familiarization of the Coalition soldiers was complete, the Company moved back to Europe. The company fought against the Gargoyles, the Brodkil, and fought in skirmishes between the lesser nations that are not directly part of the New German Republic. She was much smarter than her background let the leader of the mercenary company believe and while she was in the Mercenary company, she made the rank of Sergeant and would have likely become an officer soon if she had stayed.
The company ran into bad luck fighting a group of monsters and three quarters of the company was killed. Vixen herself was badly injured and had her left arm replaced by a bionic arm. Other injuries required extensive surgery and it was over eight months before she was ready to work again. By this time, the mercenary company had split up. Eventually, the leader of the company was able to form a new mercenary company but Vixen had already moved back to North America by this time.
Back in North America, Vixen thought about working for the Coalition or joining another Mercenary Company but decided to try her hand as an independent adventurer first. She ended up in a motley group which included a Human Operator, Elven Ley Line Walker among its number. The group ended up several time working with a Lizard Mage and what appeared to be his shifter apprentice whom he called Lilly. It was only later that the group found out that Lilly was some kind of half demon. Several times, the group ended up having to fight against the Coalition and this started her on a greater dislike for the Coalition.
After earning enough credits to support her family in more luxury, she decided to travel to her home. Several of her companions decided to join her including the operator who she had become lovers with by this time. The town had been attacked by bandits who took the younger people of the village to be sold to the Splugorth Slavers. Her younger brother managed to escape and tell her what happened in the village. He told her that her younger sister had been captured by the bandits and her parents were killed in the raid. She also found out that the Coalition State of Iron Heart did not send any forces to protect the village because it was rumored that the people in the village were harboring D-Bees. This event firmly set her hatred for the Coalition. Vixen and her companions set out to rescue her sister and were able to pull her from the hands of the Slavers just before they left for Atlantis. Vixen’s sister had been maltreated by the bandits and the slavers and required a long time to recover.
After being in a mercenary company herself and having adventured for several years, Vixen decided to see if she could form a mercenary company. Rachet, the operator who was her lover was starting a manufacturing facilities where they had found an old Pre-Rifts manufacturing complex. This complex, which is to the west of Tolkeen, also became the base for her mercenary company know as Vixen’s Pride. The weapon and vehicle factories gave her immense support and her mercenary company was able to expand rapidly.
After a few years of being leader of the Mercenary Company, Vixen and Ratchet decided to start a family. Due to injuries that had taken place when she served in Europe, she had to be very careful when pregnant and had to have constant medical care. She eventually conceived a daughter which they agreed on the name “Antonia.” The body fixers recommended that Vixen prevent any chance of having any more children and she agreed with the doctors.
[ Altarain TM, Bandito Arms TM, Brodkil TM, Chipwell Armaments TM, Coalition States TM, Cyber-Knight TM, Federation of Magic TM, Free Quebec TM, Golden Age Weaponsmiths TM, Horune TM, Iron Heart Armaments TM, Kankoran TM, Kittani TM, Kydian TM, Larsen’s Brigade TM, M.D.C. TM, Mechanoids TM, Mega-Damage TM, Megaversal Legion TM, Millennium Tree TM, Mutants in Orbit TM, Naruni Enterprises TM, Naut’Yll, New Navy TM, New Sovietskiy TM, NGR TM, Nog Heng TM, Northern Gun TM, Phase World TM, Psyscape TM, Rifter TM, SAMAS TM, S.D.C. TM, Shemarrian TM, Splugorth TM, Stormspire TM, Sunaj TM, Tolkeen TM, Triax TM, Wellington Industries TM, Wilk’s Laser Technologies TM, Xiticix TM, and Zaayr TM are trademarks owned by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc. ]
[ Beyond the Supernatural®, Heroes Unlimited®, Nightbane®, Ninjas & Superspies®, Palladium Fantasy®, and Rifts® are registered trademarks owned by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc. ]
Image drawn and copyrighted by "Megaween."
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Writeup by Kitsune (E-Mail Kitsune).
Copyright © 2001, 2013, & 2016, Kitsune. All rights reserved.