Zilkia Industries ZI-SCP-02 “Scorpion Steed” Scorpion Walker:

Zilkia Industries produces a number of unusual designs and is an extremely unique company in its own right. The company was originally founded by a Kittani weapon engineer named Ki-Tarn Zilkia and the company’s home base in the city of Tolkeen. Ki-Tarn started the company with the manufacture of a variety of Kittani designs, the only place such designs were available outside of Atlantis. The company also began producing copies of several Triax designs. Slowly, the company began producing completely new designs including many with spider type themes. Eventually, a small number of Scorpion based designs supplemented these. The company appears to have strong ties with another company called “Metalworks Industries.” In some cases, the companies appear to be competitors but they also appear to share equipment in their designs. Family members of Ki-Tarn also work for the company along with several other displaced Kittani.

The “Scorpion Steed” is a medium sized design and is designed to fill a similar role to a robot horse although the appearance is quite different. The “Spider Steed” fills a similar role but the designs are quite a bit different. Many components are shared by both designs. The design has eight legs just like a flesh and blood scorpion and has both a pair of pincers and a long tail. The legs are articulated like a spider or a scorpion with the design both being relatively low to the ground and is extremely stable. While the design does carry gyros, it almost does not need them. Up to a pair of legs can be destroyed on a single side without the walker being made immobile. Of course, the destruction of each leg will reduce the maximum speed of the walker to some extent. Top speed with all legs intact is slightly slower than the spider steed with a top speed of one hundred and twenty kilometers per hour. As well, leaping distance is reduced when compared to the other “walker” type design produced by Zilkia Industries. Power is provided by a fusion reactor similar to the reactor carried in the Equestrian Power armor produced on Atlantis and several other Zilkia designs mount a similar power system.

While the design might be considered a “mount,” the design is not really rode on top of like a horse but instead there is an open top cockpit. This cockpit is mounted in the thorax of the walker and is similar to the cockpit in many hover cycles. There is a forward wind screen but otherwise the pilot is exposed. The design is operated by a single pilot although there is space for a single passenger to ride behind them. The walker is controlled more like a robot vehicle than the way a rider directs a horse. The design does not mount the vast array of sensors of most Zilkia designs although it does have a pair of sensor eyes. These work as video cameras and have both night vision and thermal imaging systems. Otherwise, the pilot relies mostly on the sensors in the body armor he or she wears.

Unlike the Spider Steed, the standard Scorpion Steed is armed for both close in melee combat and long range combat. Because the design is armed, some individuals and groups prefer the scorpion type design. More weaponry can be carried on the walker although most reduce the ability to carry additional cargo. The design has two weapon arms with a pulse laser built into each one along with a plasma blade. Lasers are variable frequency and are extremely effective against laser resistant materials including that of the Glitter Boy. As well, the design has plasma blade and plasma blaster mounted in the long tail. The tail can strike forward of the body and to either side. There is a special interlock which protects the pilot from being hit by the tail. Power for all energy weapons are provided by the fusion reactor.

Without additional weaponry, the walker can carry up to two hundred kilograms internally and has a maximum weight limit of one thousand kilograms if not limited by volume. Generally, this is restricted by the amount of saddle bags which can be carried. Another option is to tow a load of up to 10 metric tons of cargo. Mini-missiles can be mounted instead of much of the cargo space available in the main body. Twelve mini-missiles can be carried for each launcher for a total of two dozen missiles. The “Scorpion Steed” can also mount a pair of lasers in the eyes. Few are fitted with these lasers because they are weaker than the main pulse lasers even though they don't require any additional volume.

Model Type: ZI-SCP-02 “Scorpion Steed”
Class: All Terrain Robotic Transport
Crew: One (Pilot) and can carry one passenger behind pilot

M.D.C. by Location:

Optional: Rear Mounted Mini-Missile Launchers (2):120 each
Scorpion Tail:125
Scorpion Arms / Claws (2)80 each
Compound Type Eyes20 each
[1] Scorpion Legs (8):50 each
[2] Main Body:260
Windshield (1)50

[1] The destruction of a up to two legs on a side will not cause the design to be unbalanced and the scorpion steed will still be able to move. Speed is reduced by 10% per leg destroyed.
[2] Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will shut the robot down completely, rendering it useless.

Running: 74.6 mph (120 kph) maximum.
Leaping: Powerful legs allow robot to leap 15 feet (4.6 m) up and 25 feet (7.6) across from a standing position, 20 feet (6.1 m) up and 40 feet (12.2 m) across with a short running start.
Flying: Not possible!
Underwater: It can walk along the bottom of the sea floor at 25% of maximum speed and has a maximum Ocean depth of 500 feet (152.4 meters) if allowed by the pilot’s body armor.
Maximum Effective Range: Limited only by the pilot’s endurance. Emergency food supply will keep the pilot alive for one week.

Statistical Data:
Height: 4.1 feet (1.25 meters)
Width: 5.6 feet (1.71 meters) for main body with legs extending out for 8.5 feet (2.59 meters) on either side
Length: 9.5 feet (2.90 meters)
Weight: 1.54 tons (1.4 metric tons)
Physical Strength: P.S. 32
Cargo: Small cargo area in rear which allows up to 440.9 lbs (200 kg) to be carried. Reduce by half if mini-missile launchers are mounted. Can carry up to 2204.6 lbs (1000 kg) if not restricted by volume on flanks. Also can tow up to 11.02 tons (10 metric tons).
Power System: Nuclear; average life is 20 years.
Black Market Cost: 8.5 million credits for a new, undamaged basic unit (unarmed.) Laser Eyes cost 150,000 for two and mini-missile launchers cost 200,000 for both.

Weapon Systems:

  1. Arm / Pincer Weapons (2): One is mounted on each side of the scorpion body near the front portion. part of the power armor under where humanoid portion is joined and is fully articulated. Mounted in each arm is a plasma blade claw and a pulse laser. The plasma blade claw can operate in both a powered and unpowered mode. It can also be used for grasping. The laser is derived from the TX-41 pulse laser. The laser retains the variable frequency setting and the ability to fire bursts. The weapon has 12 different possible frequencies to counter laser resistant armor. Setting seven counters USA-10 Glitter Boy and all other setting are designed to counter other laser resistant materials. Both lasers can be fired simultaneously.
    Maximum Effective Range: Plasma Blades: Hand to Hand range only. Pulse Laser: 4,000 feet (1,200 meters).
    Mega Damage: Plasma Blades: Uncharged inflicts 2D6 each or 6D6 each when charged Pulse Laser: 3D6 for single shot and 1D6x10 for three round burst (Both lasers combined inflict 2D6x10 for a six round burst.)
    Rate of Fire: Equal to number of combined hand to hand attacks (usually 4-6).
    Payload: Plasma Blades: Effectively Unlimited, Pulse Laser: Effectively Unlimited (Draws Power off the main engines)
  2. Plasma Tail: Tail is designed to be able to strike over the body of the walker and off to either side. Like the main claws, the tail can be used while unpowered or while charged. It is more powerful than the claw mounted blades. When charged, the tail can penetrate some of the thickest armors. As well, the tail can be used to fire plasma bolts. Range is limited compared to the arm weapons but is still extremely useful and can fire to the rear as well.
    Maximum Effective Range: Plasma Blades: Hand to Hand range only. Plasma Bolts: 100 feet (30.5 meters)
    Mega Damage: Plasma Blades: Uncharged inflicts 4D6 each or 1D4x10 each when charged. Plasma Bolts: 1D4x10 per blast.
    Rate of Fire: Equal to number of combined hand to hand attacks (usually 4-6).
    Payload: Plasma Blades: Effectively Unlimited (Draws Power off the main engines)
  3. Laser Eyes - Optional (2): Rarely mounted. Built into each of the compound eye of the robot are pulse lasers. The lasers are controlled by the pilot and are activated by a button on the control stick. The pulse lasers are powered by into the reactor for unlimited shots.
    Maximum Effective Range: 1000 feet (305 meters)
    Mega-Damage: 2D6 for one eye and 4D6 for both eyes. A double blast counts as a single attack
    Rate of Fire: Equal to number of hand to hand attacks of pilot.
    Payload: Effectively unlimited.
  4. Mini-Missile Systems - Optional (2): Mounted on each of the flanks of the rear part of body are high capacity mini-missile launchers. Takes up much of internal cargo bays if mounted. Mini-missile launchers retract when not in use. Each launcher carries twelve mini-missiles for twenty-four total.
    Missile Type: Any mini-missile can be used, but standard issue is armor piercing (1D4x10 M.D.) or plasma (1D6x10). Fragmentation will be used for anti-personnel operations.
    Maximum Effective Range: Varies with mini-missile type (See revised bomb and missile tables for details.)
    Mega-Damage: Varies with mini-missile type (See revised bomb and missile tables for details.)
    Rate of Fire: Can fire missiles one at a time or in volleys of two (2), four (4), or six (6) missiles.
    Payload: Twelve each launcher for twenty-four total.

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Original company idea by Ki-Tarn Zilkia (Kitarn@netscape.net)

Writeup by Kitsune (E-Mail Kitsune).

Copyright © 2008, Kitsune. All rights reserved.
