Techno-Wizard Seefuchs (Type II) class Submarine:
Not designed for long deployments, the Type II U-Boat was originally developed for training Kriegsmarine submarine personnel. After World War One, the Reichsmarine was forced to give up all of their submarines and the Kriegsmarine was forced to rebuilt them virtually from scratch. In the early part of World War II, the Kriegsmarine was force to use these U-Boats for combat patrols due to shortages of larger submarines.
Even though few of these submarines were sunk in combat, none actually survived as museum ships. The prototype for these submarines, CV-707, which was later purchased by the Finnish Navy and renamed Vesikko did survive however. Three boats did briefly enter Soviet naval service but were soon retired, either broken up or sunk as targets.
While never covered in as much detail as the Type VII class submarine, the mainstay of the Kriegsmarine U-Boat forces during World War II, there was a fair amount of historic documentation available about the Type II U-Boat as well. When a group of German Techno-Wizard looked towards building a smaller submarine than the Seewölfe class, the Type II was a natural starting point. It appears as if the Techno-Wizard submarine is based on the Type IID with large saddle tanks. Because the new class would be so much smaller, the name Seefuchs was chosen for the class of smaller submarines.
Even though engineers attempted to make these submarines look externally like the original Type II submarines, these submarines can be considered a modern design and the interior layout is quite different. As with the Seewölfe class, these submarines are actually impossible without the use of magic. While quite small, these submarines should be considered incredibly dangerous opponents by any conventional submarine design.
As with most World War II submarines, the Type II U-Boat was powered by diesel engines on the surface and used batteries while underwater. The Techno-Wizard version however completely dispenses with the diesel engines. Instead it relies on a pair of powerful electric motors converted to be powered by magical energies. Range both underwater and on the surface is around one thousand nautical miles. In order to recharge the motors, additional magic in the form of casting lightning is required. With this, these submarines have effectively infinite range.
With more powerful engines, speed is increased both on the surface and underwater. Some minor modifications were also made to the hull to improve streamlining without any major changes to the appearance. Still, top speed is considerably less than the Seewölfe class. Top speed on the surface is considered to be around eighteen knots while underwater twelve knots. Still this is considerably better than the performance of the original Type II U-Boat.
Some Techno-Wizards use enchanted conventional materials in their designs. The engineers who developed the Seefuchs class however decided to go with modern alloys and composites. In addition, modern construction techniques were used in order to further improve the strength of these submarines. In addition to imposing the top speed, the minor modifications in hull design is designed to improve stability. Able to be activate up to three times per day, additional protection for the submarine is provided by an “Armor of Ithan” force field.
While the original Type II U-Boat was armed with three forward firing torpedo tubes, the Seefuchs class is only armed with a pair of forward firing torpedo tubes, There is the appearance of a third tube in the bow but it is a dummy tube. Still, the Seefuchs class mount an autoloading system which means it can fire torpedoes far more rapidly and carries twelve torpedoes instead of six. The auto loading system also enables the submarine to be crewed by a smaller crew. In addition to conventional torpedoes, it is expected that these submarines will carry a number of Techno-Wizard torpedoes.
During development, it was decided that there was not sufficient volume to mount any long range missile launchers. The engineers did however manage to mount a short range missile launcher into the superstructure / main sail of the submarine. Able to be fired when the submarine is near the surface, the weapon system is useful to deter aircraft pursuing the submarine.
Unlike the Type VII class submarine, the Type II U-Boat never was designed with a heavy gun battery. Instead it was limited to a single 20 mm anti-aircraft gun. On the Seefuchs class, this is replaced by a twin barrel techno-wizard gun in a mount designed to retract into the deck when not in use in order to improve streamlining. The mount can be used both on the surface and underwater with the telekinetic weapon controlled from within the submarine itself.
One criticism of these submarines has been that they are not really designed with much in the way of sound reduction. Compared to modern submarines, these submarines are quite noisy even though they use a completely electrical propulsion system. Magic however solves this problem with the submarine using a “Globe of Silence” enchantment which makes these submarines virtually impossible to detect using sonar while the enchantment is active. The enchantment is powered using magical energy from either the crew or the techno-wizard battery.
As with the Seewölfe class, the Seefuchs class mounts far better sonar systems than any World War II submarines mounted. The system is generally a quite advanced system although the systems are shorter ranged than those on the Seewölfe class. While the Seewölfe class replaces the rear torpedo tubes with the towed array, the Seefuchs mounts a towed array in the rear of the conning tower. The towed array is considered the main sensor system of the submarine when the “Globe of Silence” is active.
Designed to be both compact and effective, the submarine mounts an advanced periscope as wall as electronic warfare suite. The suite is limited to passive only abilities without any jamming. Otherwise, the optics of the periscope are enchanted with the ability to see the invisible. It was decided to retain noise makers in order to decoy torpedoes even if rarely used. The rational appears to be in case the silence enchantment cannot be activate for some reason.
In addition to the previously mentioned enchantments, the Seefuchs does have a number of other magical features. One of the main ones is that there is a magical battery which can be used to power the various enchantments aboard the submarine. Seefuchs Another is the enchantment of “Sustain,” allowing the submarine to run for long periods of time without need for resupply or even surface. Finally there are the enchantments of “Impervious to Energy,” “Invisibility,” and “Shadow Meld.”
The original Type II U-Boat required a crew of around twenty-five to operate. In comparison, the Seefuchs requires a crew of between ten and twelve crew. It is expected that at least one of the crew is a techno-wizard and it is preferred if one other crew is either another techno-wizard or some other type of spell caster. There is no provision for troops aboard the submarine.
In order to give the crew a bit more comfort, where the diesel engines are located on the original Type II U-Boat is converted to additional berthing space. Still, these submarines are considered quite cramped with only the captain having his own stateroom. While the interior of the submarine does not precisely mimic that of the original Type II U-Boat, the engineers did try to follow the spirit as much as possible. There are key difference however such as many of the displays are modern electronic systems. Housings however try to make the systems look like they might have come from a bygone era.
Model Type: Techno Wizard Type II-TW.
Vehicle Type: Ocean, Magical Attack Submarine.
Crew: 12 (2 officers) with usually at least one techno-wizard or other spell casting types (two is preferred.)
Troops: None.
Robots, Power Armors, and Vehicles:
M.D.C. by Location:
Retractable Twin Telekinetic Machine-Guns (1, forward of superstructure): |
125. |
21 inch (533 mm) Heavy Torpedo Tubes (2, bow of submarine): |
80 each. |
Short Range Missile Launcher (1, superstructure): |
60. |
Main Sail / Bridge: |
350. |
Towed Sonar Array Housing (superstructure): |
80. |
[1] Bow Planes (2): |
100 each. |
[2] Propellers (2): |
80 each. |
[3] Main Body: |
950. |
[4] “Armor of Ithan” Force Field (three times per day): |
500. |
[1] Destroying the submarine’s bow planes will reduce the submarine’s ability to change depths but will not eliminate it. It also makes it difficult for the submarine’s crew to control the submarine giving a penalty of -25% to all underwater piloting rolls.
[2] Destroying both of the submarine’s propellers causes serious problem. The submarine will no longer be able to use forward momentum and the bow planes to keep the submarine level. It is recommended that ballast tanks are immediately blown so the submarine comes to surface. Destruction of one propeller reduces the submarine’s top speed by one third.
[3] Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body destroys the submarine’s structural integrity, causing it to sink. If the submarine is underwater, the entire crew will die unless protected by environmental armors that can withstand the pressure that the submarine is under. If on the surface, there are enough flotation devices and inflatable life rafts to accommodate everyone aboard.
[4] As per the spell “Armor of Ithan” - Magic, fire, lightning, and cold all inflict one-half damage. Each activation lasts for 30 minutes (120 melee rounds.)
Surface: 20.71 mph (18 knots /33.34 kph).
Underwater: 13.81 mph (12 knots/ 22.22 kph).
Maximum Depth: 2,624.7 feet (800 meters) - Usually does not operate below 1,312.3 feet (400 meters).
Range: 1,151.5 miles (1,000 nautical miles / 1,853.2 km) for each full recharge (requires two castings of “Call Lightning” for 30 P.P.E. due to size of engines.) Life support is “Sustain” spell and has effectively virtually unlimited duration (Requires 24 P.P.E. or 48 I.S.P. and has a duration of six days per activation.) The submarine carries about four (4) months worth of supplies on board (“Sustain” provides all food requirements.)
Statistical Data:
Length: 144.52 feet (44.05 meters).
Draft: 12.80 feet (3.90 meters).
Width: 16.54 feet (5.04 meters).
Displacement: 316 long tons surfaced and 368 long tons submerged.
Cargo: Submarine is very cramped, 5 tons (4.54 metric tons) of nonessential equipment and supplies. Each enlisted crew member has a small locker for personal items and uniforms. Boat’s officers have more space for personal items although still cramped. Most of the boat’s spaces are take up by extra torpedoes, weapons, and engines.
Power System: Techno-Wizard Electrical Engine Conversion (Powered by “Call Lightning” spell.)
Black Market Cost: Quite expensive and rare, average cost of 150 to 200 million credits.
One (1) Retractable Twin Telekinetic Machine-Gun: Mounted forward of the submarine’s superstructure and retract when not in use. These are enchanted by a series of spells so the cannon acts as a more powerful version of the Telekinetic Machine-Gun. This increases the weapon’s damage and instead of being reloaded, the cannon must be recharged by the spell Telekinesis and 50 P.P.E. per barrel (100 P.P.E. total per mount) each once per month. The cannon does full damage to targets that are impervious to energy. Weapon mounts have advanced fire control to track and target missiles and other small airborne targets. Can be extended underwater to target torpedoes and other underwater targets.
Maximum Effective Range: 4,000 feet (1,220 meters).
Mega Damage: 1D6x10+10 total (6D6 per barrel).
Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the observer / gunner (usually 4 or 5).
Payload: Unlimited, although the spells must be renewed every month whether the cannon have been used or not (costs 50 P.P.E. per barrel / 100 P.P.E. for each mount.)
Two (2) 21 inch (533 mm) Heavy Torpedo Tubes: On the bow of the submarine are two modern torpedo tubes. Tubes are 21 inches (533 mm) wide and torpedoes can be used against both surface ships and submarines. The submarine has an automatic reloading system to reduce crew although tubes can still be manually reloaded in emergency. For warheads, heavy torpedoes should be treated as having long range missiles warheads. Along with standard torpedoes, launcher can also fire missiles in special canisters, rocket boosted anti-submarine torpedoes, and even mines. There are also special techno-wizard torpedoes available. A total of sixteen heavy torpedoes are carried for reloads. Mines and missiles are rarely carried.
Maximum Effective Range: 40 miles (34.8 nautical miles / 64 km) for torpedoes.
Mega-Damage: By heavy torpedo warhead type (See revised Rifts torpedoes for details.) Although rarely carrier, can also fire missiles (Long range or cruise missiles) in special canisters as well (See revised bomb and missile tables for details.)
Rate of Fire: Can fire heavy torpedoes one at a time or in volleys of two (2) torpedoes. Reloading tubes one full melee round.
Payload: Two (2) heavy torpedoes total. Has twelve (12) additional heavy torpedoes for reloads. Can potentially carry two mines for each torpedo normally carried.
One (1) Sail Mounted Short Range Missile Launcher: The submarine has a retractable short range missile launcher on the rear of sail for defense against aircraft although is effective against incoming missiles as well. Launcher can be used while the submarine is up to 80 feet (24 meters) deep and is useful against aircraft hunting the submarine while the submarine is underwater. Short range missiles are usually a mixture of 50% Armor Piercing and 50% Plasma. Launchers can lock onto multiple targets at the same. The systems missile launchers can target up four targets simultaneously and can fire a volley up to twice per melee.
Maximum Effective Range: As per short range missile type (See revised bomb and missile tables for details.)
Mega-Damage: As per short range missile type (See revised bomb and missile tables for details.)
Rate of Fire: Can fire short range missiles one at a time or in volleys of two (2) or four (4) short range missiles and can be fired up to two (2) times per melee round.
Payload: Twenty-four (24) short range missiles.
Magical “Globe of Silence” Submarine Silencing Feature: Unlike on the Nautilus class submarine, this enchantment is not always active but instead needs to be activated when needed. The enchantment is an application of a modified version of the spell “Globe of Silence.” The hull, propellers, and all exterior features are protected by this spell which extends outward by 1 foot (0.3 meters). This blocks all interior noises (including the launching of torpedoes) as well. This renders the submarine completely undetectable using active sonars and can only be detected by passive sonar by trying to find an area which there are no sounds (close to impossible, 5% chance with an incredible sonar operator). Torpedoes fired against the submarine have penalties of -10 to strike the submarine and lose all bonuses. The hull sonar of the submarine does not extend out from the silencing system but the towed array sonar can be. Without the “Globe of Silence,” the submarine has no penalties to detect above five knots. Below five knots, there is a -10% penalty to be detected.
Duration: Ten (10) minutes per activation.
P.P.E. Cost: 40 each activation.
Noisemakers: The submarine carries noisemakers in order to decoy torpedoes. They are most effective against normal torpedoes and less effective against “smart” torpedoes. Considered in many ways to be the last line of defense against incoming torpedoes and similar systems are carried on most submarines. The noisemakers are launched from the middle of the submarine. Considered effective useless when “Globe of Silence” is active by most captains / crews.
Effects: 50% of decoying normal torpedoes and 20% of decoying smart torpedoes.
Rate of Fire: Two (2) noisemakers at a time (Can be reloaded in one melee round).
Payload: Twenty (20) noisemakers.
Techno-Wizard Modifications: The vessel has the following Techno-Wizard modifications built into the submarine. These require P.P.E. or I.S.P. from the boat’s crew or the boat itself. The P.P.E. and I.S.P. values listed inside of the parenthesis are if using higher P.P.E. costs for larger vehicles.
Special Features:
Impervious to Energy (6th level)
20 P.P.E. or 40 I.S.P. (40 P.P.E. or 80 I.S.P.)
Invisibility-Superior (6th level)
20 P.P.E. or 40 I.S.P. (40 P.P.E. or 80 I.S.P.)
Shadow Meld (6th level)
10 P.P.E. or 20 I.S.P. (20 P.P.E. or 40 I.S.P.)
Sustain (6th level)
12 P.P.E. or 24 I.S.P. (24 P.P.E. or 48 I.S.P.)
Special Systems:
The submarine has all systems standard on a robot vehicle plus the following special features:
“Seestern IV-R” Advanced Hull Sonar System: This hull sonar system has both a passive and active system built in and is build into the flanks of the submarine. Sonar system can track up to 24 targets at one time. Sonar also has built in communication system and sound pulse system to detect obstacles, objects, vessels and fish (schools and large animals), as well as measure distances and depth. Range: 24 miles (20.9 nautical miles / 38.6 km). Bonuses: Sonar gives +10% bonus to Read Sensory Instruments and Weapon Systems skill rolls. Does not extend outside of the “Globe of Silence” sphere when active and does not function when field is active.
“Tintenfisch IV-A” Advanced Towed Array Sonar: Mounted in the sail, the system is basically a long and very sensitive sonar system carried behind the submarine on a long cable. This towed array sonar system is a passive only array. Sonar system can track up to 24 targets at one time. Range:103.7 miles (90 nautical miles /166.7 km). Note that the towed array does extended outside of the “Globe of Silence” sphere around the submarine when it is active and is unaffected as a result.
“Frettchen III” Advanced E.S.M. Suite: Radar and radio detection suite. This includes the ability to detect radar guided weapons. Can be used for limited targeting. The system uses an antenna mounted in the sail which is extended in a similar manner to a periscope. The antenna is both very hard to detect visually and is designed with a reduced radar signature. The system can detect another radar system at around 125% of the range of the transmitting radar and is usually subject to radar horizon.
Magical “See the Invisible” Optics: The submarine has several special optical systems with see the invisible on them including the periscopes. Same as spell and used at will. Can see forces, objects, and creatures which can turn invisible, or are invisible. Can also see vaporous beings and astral bodies. Range: 2,000 feet (610 meters).
P.P.E. Battery: The boat has a special P.P.E. battery, unlike similar systems in Phase World, it does not generate magical energy but stores magical energy. The system will store up to 500 P.P.E. and can be stored by crew members and absorbs P.P.E. from Ley Lines and Nexus Points. It will absorb P.P.E. at the rate of 20 per hour on ley lines and 40 per hour on nexus points.
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Writeup by Kitsune (E-Mail Kitsune).
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