Northern Gun X-200 Super Troll Heavy Power Armor:

Long before the coming of the Rifts, China developed a heavy power for export which came to be known as the “Troll” by American SAMAS pilots who fought against the armor. It was big, tough, and considered very dangerous. The United States acquired several sets of the power armor which they used to test their capabilities. As fate would have it, one of these test suits was recovered by a group of adventurers who then sold the power armor to Northern Gun. This actually happened around 70 P.A. but the armor remained in storage for many years with the records being lost and no one knew they actually had it. In building a new factory, the staff decided to tear down the storage building where the power armor was stored. The armor was found boxed up and the engineers saw it as the basis for a new design. Northern Gun had no flight capable power armors and they wanted an armor that could compete with the airborne power armors produced by other companies. They took apart the Troll and began working on an upgraded version. The prototype was not an all new power armor but instead used the frame of the armor which they had in storage for over thirty years. The prototype, while not as fast as the SAMAS, was quite a bit faster than the original troll and the weapon systems were far superior to those of the SAMAS. So far only the prototype of the Super Troll, as it has come to be called, has been manufactured but there have been many inquiries about the sale of the armor.
The appearance of the Super Troll is very similar to the original troll power armor but there are significant differences. Some are obvious while other are not. The prototype's armor is improved when compared to the original troll and is slightly better armored than the Coalition Super SAMAS. The fusion reactor is also more powerful and produces enough power for energy weapons to be mounted on the power armor. The original Troll power armor lost speed whenever the electro-thermal cannon was fired. As well, the thrusters are more powerful and are similar to those for the Northern Gun Sky King. It is still not as fast as most airborne power armors but is much faster than the original design. Cooling systems are also improved and the range is greatly extended before the power armor overheats. Ground speed was not improved compared to the original troll. Sensors include a special sensor pod mounted on the top of the armor which allow it to look over terrain. The sensor pod can be extended about five feet above the power armor. A tactic test pilots have been experimenting with is to extend the sensor pod over terrain for intelligence gathering. In general, sensor systems are equal to those carried on most robot vehicles instead of power armors.
The Super Troll power armor is designed with modular weapon systems and is far more flexible than the original Troll. Instead of carrying shoulder mounted mini-missile launchers, the Super Troll carries a hard point on either side of the fuselage of the power armor. Several different systems can be mounted on the hard point with mini-missile launching pods and a short range missile rack available. Potential other systems include jamming pods and special sensor systems but these have not been developed yet. The main weapon of the original troll was a long range electro-thermal cannon mounted on the right arm. The modular weapon mount has the ability to mount a long range laser or a powerful heavy gun. Unlike other rail guns manufactured by Northern Gun, this rail gun fires a single round instead of a burst. It is similar to the Glitter Boy Boom Gun but is much less powerful and fires a smaller round. Two different rounds are available for the rail gun. One is a discarding sabot round and the other is a flachette round. The flachette round has a shorter range but has the advantage of effecting a large area. The weapon has a dual feed to allow the pilot to switch between ammunition types. It is expected that the long range laser will be more popular due to having an unlimited payload. On the left arm of the original troll, a liquid propellant Gatling weapon was carried. This is also replaced by a modular weapon mount. Weapons which have been designed for the mount include an NG-202 Rail Gun with a higher than normal rate of fire, an automatic grenade launcher, and a plasma napalm weapon. Standard issue is likely to be the rail gun. As a final weapon system, the Super Troll carries a pulse ion rifle on each arm. These are copies of the NG-IP7 Ion Pulse Rifle but are connected to the power armor's fusion reactor.
Model Type: X-200
Class: Heavy Armored Flying Power Armor
Crew: One
M.D.C. by Location:
Fuselage Mounted Mini-Missile Pods (2, Optional): | 100 each | |
Fuselage Mounted Short Range Missile Racks (2, Optional): | 60 each | |
NG-1020 Long Range Laser Cannon (1, Optional, Right Arm): | 120 | |
NG-1040 Long Range Rail Gun (1, Optional, Right Arm): | 140 | |
NG-202 Rail Gun (1, Optional, Left Arm): | 75 | |
WI-GL 21 Automatic Grenade Launcher (1, Optional, Left Arm): | 50 | |
WI-NFT-1 Napalm P Plasma Flamethrower (1, Optional, Left Arm): | 50 | |
[1] Short Range Pulse Ion Guns (2, Arms): | 10 each | |
[2] Shoulder Wings (2) | 100 each | |
Twin Air-Intake Jets (2; Sides of Cockpit) | 90 each | |
Main Rear Jets (4) | 120 each | |
[1] Hands (2): | 50 each | |
Arms (2): | 200 each | |
Legs (2): | 260 each | |
Reinforced Pilot’s Compartment: | 120 | |
[3] Main Body | 440 |
[1] These locations are small and difficult targets to strike, requiring
the attacker to make a “called shot,” but even then the attacker is -4
to strike.
[2] Destroying one wing will make flight impossible. However, even
with no wing(s) the Super Troll Power Armor can make jet powered leaps
and hover stationary above the ground.
[3] Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will shut the unit down completely,
rendering it useless.
Running: 40 mph (64.4 kph) maximum. Note that the act of running
does NOT tire out its operator. Cruising speed is a more cautious 30 mph(48.3
kph). Well suited for most terrains, including underwater.
Leaping: The heavy power armor cannot leap without thruster
assistance. With jet assistance, the Super Troll can leap up to 50 feet
(15.2 meters) high and can 100 feet (30.5 meters) across without actually
attaining flight.
Flying: The wings and thrusters enable the Troll heavy power
armor to hover stationary in mid-air or fly. Maximum flying speed is 198.8
mph (320 kph), but cruising speed is considered to be 136.7 mph (220 kph).
Maximum altitude is limited to about 1,312.3 feet (400 meters).
Maximum Effective Range: Conditionally unlimited. The fusion reactor gives power
for years of service, but the jet thrusters get hot and need to cool for
an hour after a maximum of four hours of flight when traveling at speeds
above cruising, and ten hours at or below cruising speed.
Underwater Capabilities: Although not designed for underwater
use, it can walk along the bottom of the sea at about 25% of its normal
running speed. Using the jet thrusters, the Super Troll can travel on the
surface of water at 39 mph (63 kph/34 knots), underwater at 32 mph (51.9
kph/28 knots) or fly above the water surface at normal speeds.
Maximum Ocean Depth: 1,312.3 feet (400 meters).
Statistical Data
Height: 17.3 feet (5.3 meters) with sensor pod retracted and
23.4 feet (7.1 meters) with sensor pod fully extended.
Width: 14.8 feet (4.5 meters) with wings folded, 32.2 feet (9.8
meters) with wings extended.
Length: 12.5 feet (3.8 meters)
Weight: 7.2 tons (6.5 metric tons) fully loaded
Physical Strength: Equal to a P.S. 40
Cargo: A small 2.3 foot (0.7 meter) on a side storage compartment
behind pilot seat for extra clothing, weapons, and personal items
Power System: Nuclear Fusion with average life span of 15 years
Black Market Cost: When available, should sell for around 6.5
million credits.
Weapon Systems:
- Right Arm Weapon Mount: The Super Troll has a special modular
mount which allows different weapon systems can be mounted. The Right arm
mount is designed to carry heavier weapons than the left arm and the original
Troll carried a heavy electro-thermal cannon. The weapon mount is designed
to be able to quickly change the weapon which is carried and requires about
fifteen minutes with the proper tools and equipment. It takes approximately
twice as much time without proper tools or training.
- NG-1020 Long Range High Powered Laser: A powerful laser weapon
which uses a series of special capacitors to store power. The capacitors
charge power directly from the fusion reactor powering the armor. The capacitors
are required due to the large amount of power drawn when the laser cannon
is fired. Still, the weapon does not run out of ammunition like the heavy
rail gun can.
Weight: 420 lbs (190.5 kg)
Maximum Effective Range: 8,000 feet (2438.4 meters)
Mega Damage: 2D4x10
Rate of Fire: Equal to pilot’s hand to hand (usually 5 or 6).
Payload: 20 shots in a capacitor, recharges at the rate of one shot per two melees (30 seconds). - NG-1040 Long Range Heavy Rail Gun: Interesting weapon which
is smaller but still similar to the Boom Gun from the Glitter Boy but is
far less powerful. Power for the rail gun is pulled from the power armors
fusion reactor. Unlike other Northern Gun rail guns, the NG-1040 fires
a single round instead of a burst. The rail gun can fire heavy slug rounds
or can fire a flachette round and has a dual magazine. The flachette round
has a shorter range but effects a wide area. The flachette round is also
considered to be very effective against flying targets.
Weight: 480 lbs (217.7 kg)
Maximum Effective Range: 10,000 feet (3,048 meters) for solid rounds and 4,000 feet (1,219 meters) for flachette rounds.
Mega Damage: 2D4x10+20 (optional rule is that cannon gets a critical on a natural 18, 19, or 20 due to its high penetration) for solid slug rounds and 2D4x10 with an effect radius of 8 feet (2.4 meters) for flachette rounds.
Rate of Fire: Equal to pilot’s hand to hand (usually 5 or 6).
Payload: 50 Round Internal Magazines (Divided into two magazines of 25 rounds)
- NG-1020 Long Range High Powered Laser: A powerful laser weapon
which uses a series of special capacitors to store power. The capacitors
charge power directly from the fusion reactor powering the armor. The capacitors
are required due to the large amount of power drawn when the laser cannon
is fired. Still, the weapon does not run out of ammunition like the heavy
rail gun can.
- Left Arm Weapon Mount: Like the right arm, the left arm has
a special mount to carry a variety of different weapons. The left arm mount
is designed to carry smaller and lighter weapons than the right arm but
most weapons are still quite effective. The left arm weapons are designed
for close range combat. The original Troll carried a liquid propellant
Gatling weapon on the left arm. The weapon mount is designed to be able
to quickly change the weapon which is carried and requires about ten minutes
with the proper tools and equipment. It takes approximately twice as much
time without proper tools or training.
- NG-202B Super Rail Gun (l): This rail gun is identical to
that carried on the Samson power armor. The Rail gun has a higher rate
of fire and higher payload than the machine gun version. The rail gun is
hooked up to the power armors nuclear power supply. The ammo drum is mounted
inside of the power armor.
Weight: Gun: 210 lbs (94.5 kg). Ammo Drum: 300 lbs (135 kg).
Maximum Effective Range: 4,000 feet (1,200 meters)
Mega Damage: 1D6x10 M.D.C. per burst of 60 rounds. Each round inflicts 1D6 M.D.C.
Rate of Fire: Equal to pilot’s hand to hand (usually 5 or 6).
Payload: 6,000 rounds (100 Bursts). - WI-GL 21 Automatic Grenade Launcher: While Northern Gun considers
Wellington to be one of their fiercest competitors, this weapon is very
popular and Northern Gun decided to develop a weapon mount using their
automatic grenade launcher for the power armor. The weapon inflicts incredible
damage when fired in bursts but has a limited payload and is shorter ranged
than the rail gun.
Weight: Gun: 180 lbs (81.6 kg). Grenade Magazines: 50 lbs (22.6 kg)
Maximum Effective Range: 3,000 feet (914 meters)
Mega-Damage: 4D6 for Fragmentation with a blast area of 12 feet (3.7 meters) and 1D4x10 for Armor Piercing with a blast area of 3 feet (0.9 meters), burst of 10 rounds does 2D6x10 for Fragmentation with a blast area of 40 feet (12.2 meters) and 3D6x10 for Armor Piercing with a blast area of 8 feet (2.4 meters).
Rate of Fire: Equal to pilot’s hand to hand (usually 5 or 6).
Payload: 400 Rounds - WI-NFT-1 Napalm P Plasma Flamethrower: While Northern Gun
and Wellington Industries are not on the best terms, the need for this
weapon system has forced Northern Gun to purchase them as an option for
the power armor. While not effective against aircraft, the wide area the
weapon covers is very effective. This weapon fires a stream of liquid which
when activated "burns" for a short period of time (1D4 minutes) and inflicts
damage during that duration. This is not a conventional plasma weapon that
heats materials to the point beyond gas and has some interesting properties.
Because the canisters for the plasma cannon are well inside of the power
armor, the damage from explosion are minimal unless the power armor is
Weight: 45 lbs (20.5 kg)
Maximum Effective Range: 500 feet (152.4 meters)
Mega-Damage: A short plasma burst inflicts 3D6 M.D. A concentrated plasma burst (counts as two attacks; 7 seconds) inflicts 1D4x10 M.D. As an additional option, the plasma weapon can be used to cover a wide area. Up to an area of 10 ft radius can be effected per melee attack. All targets within the area of effect will take 2D6 M.D. and will continue to receive 2D6 M.D. of damage per melee for a period of 1D4 minutes. The plasma fire cannot be extinguished with water, instead sand or special chemicals designed to fight metal fires must be used.
Rate of Fire: Equal to number of combined hand to hand attacks (usually 4-6) of the gunner.
Payload: The power armor has one Napalm-P tanks which gives the weapon 100 “shots.”
- NG-202B Super Rail Gun (l): This rail gun is identical to
that carried on the Samson power armor. The Rail gun has a higher rate
of fire and higher payload than the machine gun version. The rail gun is
hooked up to the power armors nuclear power supply. The ammo drum is mounted
inside of the power armor.
- Pulse Ion Beam Mounts (2): On each arm of the power armor
are short range pulse Ion guns. They are copies of theNG-IP7 Ion Pulse
Rifle which is manufactured by Northern Gun market but draw power directly
from the power armors fusion reactor for an unlimited payload. Weapons
can be fired in single shot or three round burst.
Maximum Effective Range: 1600 feet (610 meters)
Mega-Damage: 3D6 for Single Shot and 1D4x10 for three simultaneous blasts
Rate of Fire: Equal to number of combined hand to hand attacks (usually 4-6) of the gunner.
Payload: Effectively unlimited shots. - Weapon Hard Points (2): The original Troll carried mini-missiles
on the shoulders of the power armor. Instead of carrying missiles in this
manner, the Super Troll has a hard point on either side of the fuselage.
So far only mini-missile pods and a rack for short range missiles have
been developed but jamming pods and special sensor systems are likely future
developments. The weapon hard points are designed to be able to quickly
change the weapon which is carried and requires about fifteen minutes with
the proper tools and equipment. It takes approximately twice as much time
without proper tools or training.
- Mini-Missile Launchers (2): The power armor can carry two
mini-missile pods which gives a huge payload of missiles. The launchers
are normally used for ground strafing, anti-troop, and anti-emplacement
attacks. Normal missile used are armor piercing, plasma, or fragmentation
mini-missiles. Mini-Missile pods and short range missile racks cannot be
Maximum Effective Range: Varies with missile types, mini-missiles only (See revised bomb and missile tables for details.)
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile types, mini-missiles only (See revised bomb and missile tables for details.)
Rate of Fire: Each launcher can fire missiles one at a time or in volleys of 2, 4, 8, or 10 mini-missiles.
Payload: Each launcher carries 10 mini-missile for a total of 20 mini-missiles. - Short Range Missile Racks (2): The power armor can carry
two racks for short range missiles. Each rack carries four short range
missiles for a possible capacity of eight short range missiles. The missiles
have a longer range than mini-missiles and often high speed anti-aircraft
missiles are carried. Mini-Missile pods and short range missile racks cannot
be mixed.
Maximum Effective Range: Varies with missile types, short range missiles only (See revised bomb and missile tables for details.)
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile types, short range missiles only (See revised bomb and missile tables for details.)
Rate of Fire: Can fire missiles one at a time or in volleys of two (2), four (4), or eight (8) missiles.
Payload: each rack carries 4 short range missiles for a total of 8 short range missiles.
- Mini-Missile Launchers (2): The power armor can carry two
mini-missile pods which gives a huge payload of missiles. The launchers
are normally used for ground strafing, anti-troop, and anti-emplacement
attacks. Normal missile used are armor piercing, plasma, or fragmentation
mini-missiles. Mini-Missile pods and short range missile racks cannot be
- Energy Rifles or Light Rail Gun and other hand-held weapons can be substituted in an emergency or used as a back-up weapon. Space limitations and the bulk of the armor limit additional weapons to one and weapons cannot draw from power armors power supply. Due to low manual dexterity, power armor has a -1 to strike with hand held weapons (does not apply to hard mounted weapons)
- Hand to Hand Combat: Rather than use a weapon, The pilot can engage in mega-damage hand to hand combat. See Basic and Elite Power Armor Combat Training in the Robot Combat section of Rifts, page 45. All abilities are the same.
[ Altarain TM, Bandito Arms TM, Brodkil TM, Chipwell Armaments TM, Coalition States TM, Cyber-Knight TM, Federation of Magic TM, Free Quebec TM, Golden Age Weaponsmiths TM, Horune TM, Iron Heart Armaments TM, Kankoran TM, Kittani TM, Kydian TM, Larsen’s Brigade TM, M.D.C. TM, Mechanoids TM, Mega-Damage TM, Megaversal Legion TM, Millennium Tree TM, Mutants in Orbit TM, Naruni Enterprises TM, Naut’Yll, New Navy TM, New Sovietskiy TM, NGR TM, Nog Heng TM, Northern Gun TM, Phase World TM, Psyscape TM, Rifter TM, SAMAS TM, S.D.C. TM, Shemarrian TM, Splugorth TM, Stormspire TM, Sunaj TM, Tolkeen TM, Triax TM, Wellington Industries TM, Wilk’s Laser Technologies TM, Xiticix TM, and Zaayr TM are trademarks owned by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc. ]
[ Beyond the Supernatural®, Heroes Unlimited®, Nightbane®, Ninjas & Superspies®, Palladium Fantasy®, and Rifts® are registered trademarks owned by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc. ]
Drawing by Talis D. Merrill (
Writeup by Kitsune (E-Mail Kitsune).
Copyright © 2002, Kitsune. All rights reserved.