Dwarven / Kobold Mastersmith Armor:

The most common method of improving the ability of metal armor to withstand damage without the use of magic is to make the armor thicker. This makes the armor heavy and encumber the wearer further. While a not commonly known talent, Dwarven and Kobold master armor smiths have the ability to forge stronger armor without making the armor heavier. This is through the use of stronger metal alloys that only Dwarven and Kobold smiths know how to forge. The special armor is very expensive and it is only made in a few places in the Palladium World. As well, the armor can only be repaired by Dwarven and Kobold armor smiths.

Instead of making metal armors stronger, the smiths can instead make the metal armor lighter while retaining normal protective qualities. This is done through using the same alloys that are used to make the armor stronger but instead making the armor slightly thinner.

Masterwork shields can also be made where shields can be made stronger while being the same weight or even lighter. This is in addition to being able to make shields inflict extra damage in a similar manner to blunt weapons.

Kobold Mastersmith Armor:

Increase armor’s S.D.C. by 10% without increasing weight or decrease armor’s weight by 10% without decreasing the armor’s S.D.C.

Cost: 150% of normal

Dwarven Mastersmith Armor:

Increase armor’s S.D.C. by 10% without increasing weight or decrease armor’s weight by 10% without decreasing the armor’s S.D.C.

Cost: 200% of normal

Increase armor’s S.D.C. by 20% without increasing weight, decrease armor’s weight by 20% without decreasing the armor’s S.D.C., or simultaneously increase S.D.C. by 10% and decrease weight by 10%.

Cost: 400% of normal

Repairing Mastersmith Armor:

Repairs to lesser (+10%) Mastersmith armor cost 150% of normal of normal if performed by a Kobold.

Kobolds cannot repair greater (+20%) Mastersmith armor

Repairs to lesser (+10%) Mastersmith armor cost 200% of normal of normal if performed by a Dwarf.

Repairs to greater (+20%) Mastersmith armor cost 400% of normal of normal if performed by a Dwarf.

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Writeup by Kitsune (E-Mail Kitsune).

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