Mercenary “Lion” Main Battle Tank (Grav):

The Lion hover tank was originally produced by the weapon company “Iron Forges.” Located on a fringe world, the planet was in a war with one of its neighbor and the facilities was wrecked in the course of the war. Several engineers managed to escape. Some of these engineers set up their own companies and the designs were widely copied. Companies manufacturing these tanks are spread throughout the Three Galaxies with a large number sold on Center.

Huge numbers of this hover tank design have been manufactured and these vehicles continue to be build. Far greater numbers have been produced since the original company was destroyed than the original company manufactured. These tanks are used by independent planetary defense forces and mercenary companies. Within Consortium space, wide numbers of the Human Alliance Kramer tank being sold as surplus means that the Lion is less common than outside of Consortium space. A wide number of variations are produced of this hover tank design.

One reason why this hover tank is so popular is that it is extremely effective while easy to manufacture and maintain. Part of this is due to the tank using relatively low technology where possible. The use of this low technology also allows these hover tanks to be manufactured relatively inexpensively. It is a newer design than the Human Alliance Kramer and systems are generally more compact than they are in the older Human Alliance design.

Main gun of the hover tank is a 75 mm heavy electromagnetic rail gun. As extremely mature technology, it is much easier to maintain than a gravity rail gun while still giving excellent performance. It also is far easier to maintain than the particle beam mounted on the Kramer. A total of eighty rounds are carried. There is a variety of different rounds that can be carried with a heavy penetration round being the most common. Other rounds include flechette and fragmentation rounds. Naruni Industries makes a special K-Hex explosive round for the weapon as well.

Coaxial to the rail gun is both a 20 mm electromagnetic rail gun and a 6 mm light pulse laser mount. For light armored vehicles, the 20 mm electromagnetic rail gun is often used with the pulse laser used most often against troops. In addition, the rail gun is useful against targets which are impervious to energy weapon. The pulse laser has an effectively unlimited payload while the tank carried three thousand rounds for the electromagnetic rail gun. The tank has a second pulse laser mounted above the turret. The pulse laser is remote controlled from inside of the tank and is extremely useful for air defense for the hover tank.

For missile batteries, the tank has a pair of mini-missile launchers with one on either side of the hover tank’s hull. Each missile launcher has ten mini-missiles ready to fire with four reloads per launcher. A total of one hundred mini-missile can be carried. Most mini-missiles used in the Three Galaxies are smart missiles. As such, there are extremely useful against missiles fired against the tank.

It is slightly lighter than the Human Alliance Kramer tank at eighty metric tons. The main body of the mercenary hover tank design is slightly less tough than that of the Kramer but is still quite tough. In addition to being heavily armored, the Lion hover tank is protected by a front light force field. Some upgrades to the tank replace the force field with a variable force field similar to what is mounted on many starfighters. The hover tank has full life support for the crew of three.

Power is provided a fusion power plant with a twelve year duration between needing to be refueled. The hover tank is a grav design similar to the Kramer, Phalanx, and many other designs within the Three Galaxies. Gravity based propulsion has many advantages over air cushion propulsion. It can be dropped from orbit down to a planet and can be operated on a body with no atmosphere. Of course while being dropped from orbit, these tanks are extremely vulnerable. Top speed just above the surface is two hundred kilometers per hour and at slightly higher speeds at high altitudes.

This Tank uses modified starship rules for its weaponry. See Revised Starship Rules for Phase World / Three Galaxies for more details.

(Note: The power system is fusion not anti-matter because the author’s opinion is that anti-matter is to dangerous to be used in vehicles that may be used in an atmosphere. If a craft powered by anti-matter was to detonate in an atmosphere it would cause huge planetary damage. At GM option, this can also be applied to all vehicles or this MBT can be changed to anti-matter.)

Model Type: MGT-08
Vehicle Type: Main Battle Tank (Grav)
Crew: Three, one driver, one commander, one gunner.

M.D.C. By Location:

75 mm Heavy Electromagnetic Rail Gun (Turret):180
[1] 20 mm Coaxial Electromagnetic Rail Gun (Turret):60
[1] 6 mm Coaxial Pulse Laser (Turret):40
6 mm Pulse Laser Cupola / Mini-Turret (Turret):80
[1] Mini-Missile Launchers (2, Main Body):100 each
[2] Turret:360
[3] Main Body:950
[4] Non-Variable Force Field (Protects front 1/3 of the tank only):200
Driver Compartment:150
Gunner / Commander Compartment100

[1] These are small and difficult targets to strike, requiring the attacker to make a “called shot,” but even then the attacker is -4 to strike.
[2] The Weapons turret is unmanned by the crew, and contains the main weapons; Destroying it will knock the weapons out action but the crew will survive.
[3] If all the M.D.C. of the main body is depleted, the vehicle is completely shut down and is unsalvageable; The crew can survive unharmed in the reinforced crew compartment.
[4] Shields is non variable and only protects the forward aspect of the hover tank. Shield regenerates at the rate of 5% (10 M.D.C.) per melee round.

Driving on the Ground: 124.3 mph (200 kph) maximum. The tank can make sharp turns and float over any obstacle. Note: The maximum top speed can be actually higher than this, but that is under ideal conditions, like straight roads and flat terrain. The low level terrain avoidance systems cannot operate properly at speeds faster than this.
Atmospheric Propulsion: Maximum cruise speed is 139.8 mph (225 kph), due to being a low powered Contra-Grav system, altitude is limited to 1640 feet (500 meters.) Contra-Grav system can also control descent speed so that the tank can be dropped from orbit.
Underwater: The Lion can use its thrusters to travel up to a maximum speed of 37.3 mph (60 kph).
Maximum Ocean Depth: 1 mile (1.6 km)
Maximum Range: Effectively Unlimited by drive system but only has supplies for crew for two weeks.

Statistical Data:
Length: 27.5 feet (8.38 meters) not including gun barrel and 36.5 feet (11.13 meters) with barrel forward
Height: 10.6 feet (3.23 meters) including top pulse laser.
Width: 12.2 feet (3.72 meters)
Weight: 88.2 tons (80 metric tons) fully loaded
Power System: Advanced Fusion with 12 year life span.
Cargo: Minimal storage space in pilots compartment; about three feet (0.9 m) in side dimensions for extra clothing, weapons, and personal items. Three carbines and one hand-held missile launcher with four loads each are stored in a compartment in the crew compartment.
Market Cost: 75 million credits. Often costs double that on the Black Market. Various upgrade packages are also available.

Weapon Systems:
Note: Space ranges are given for when the tank is used on airless moons and other similar locations.

  1. One (1) 75 mm Heavy Electromagnetic Rail Gun: Main cannon in turret with the ability to depress 10 degrees and elevate up to 80 degrees. Turret is designed for rapid movement and can rotate a full 360 degrees in just three seconds. The turret is able to target high speed airborne targets. Projectile comes out of launcher at relativistic velocities in space and at hypersonic speeds in a atmosphere. Unlike most rail guns in the Three Galaxies, the heavy rail gun is electromagnetic. A variety of different rounds are available. Mounted with the cannon is a powerful fire control system. Main gun is usually controlled by the Gunner although both the commander have emergency controls.
    Maximum Effective Range: Solid Projectile: 9.32 miles (15 km) in an atmosphere and 932 miles (1,500 km) in space. Flechette Round: 2.24 miles (3.6 km) through atmosphere and 224 miles (360 km) in space. Other Rounds: 3.11 miles (5 km) through atmosphere and 311 miles (500 km) in space.
    Mega Damage:
    Solid Projectile: 5D6x10 (optional rule is that cannon gets a critical on a natural 18, 19, or 20 due to its high penetration).
    Flechette Round: Against a large target (10 feet/3 meters tall/wide or higher), the flechette gun inflicts 3D4x10 M.D. Against human sized targets the flechettes do 1D4x10 M.D. to a area 20 feet (6.1 meters) in diameter (has an additional +2 to strike fast moving targets.)
    Other Rounds: High Explosive Fragmentation inflicts 6D6 with a blast radius of 30 feet (9.1 meter). High Explosive Armor Piercing does 3D4x10 in a 6 feet (1.8 meter) radius. Special K-Hex High Explosive Fragmentation inflicts 1D6x10 with a blast radius of 30 feet (9.1 meter). Special K-Hex High Explosive Armor Piercing inflicts 3D6x10 in a 6 feet (1.8 meter) radius.
    Rate of Fire: Equal to the Gunner's combined hand to hand (usually 4 or 5).
    Payload: 80 rounds (Usually 60 rounds are solid projectiles)
    Bonuses: Has a special fire control computer that helps to aim the cannon. Gives +4 to strike with 75 rail gun and vehicle does not have minuses to fire when tank is moving.
  2. One (1) Coaxial 20 mm Electromagnetic Rail gun: Mounted beside the main 75 mm heavy rail gun along with pulse laser. Unlike rail-guns mounted on most phase world tanks, the rail guns work through the use of electromagnets instead of gravity. The rail gun still fires projectiles at incredible velocities compared to rail guns on Rifts Earth. Rail gun targets wherever the main rail gun targets. The rail-gun shares the same fire control system with the 75 mm heavy rail gun and is normally controlled by the gunner. Like the heavy rail gun, the driver and commander have auxiliary controls.
    Maximum Effective Range: 26,300 feet (8,000 meters) in an atmosphere and 497.1 miles (800 km) in space.
    Mega Damage: 30 round burst inflicts3D6x10 M.D.C., one round does 3D6 M.D.
    Rate of Fire: Equal to the Gunner's combined hand to hand (usually 4 or 5).
    Payload: 3,000 Rounds (100 Bursts)
    Bonuses: Has a special fire control computer that helps to aim the cannon. Gives +4 to strike with rail gun and vehicle does not have minuses to fire when tank is moving.
  3. One (1) Coaxial 6 mm Pulse Laser: Mounted beside the main 75 mm heavy rail gun along with 20 mm electromagnetic rail gun. Basically weapon is a squad support weapon and is controlled by the gunner. Like the rail gun mounts, the driver and commander have auxiliary controls. Designed to deal with targets which do not require the man gun or 20 mm rail gun
    Maximum Effective Range: 4,921.2 feet (1,500 meters) in an atmosphere and 93.21 miles (150 km) in space.
    Mega Damage: 4D6+2 per single shot, 1D6x10+20 for a rapid fire three shot burst, or use machine gun burst rules for higher burst setting.
    Rate of Fire: Equal the Gunner's number of hand to hand attacks - Single Shot, Three Round Burst, and Extended Bursts (Use Machine Gun burst rules).
    Payload: Effectively Unlimited.
    Bonuses: Has a special fire control computer that helps to aim the pulse laser. Gives +4 to strike with the pulse laser and vehicle does not have minuses to fire when tank is moving.
  4. One (1) Mini-Turret 6 mm Pulse Laser: Basically weapon is a squad support weapon mounted in the turret which is remotely controlled by the Tank's commander. Weapon is very effective for shooting down missiles and is useful against ground targets as well. Turret can rotate 360 degrees in less than a second and can elevate up to 90 degrees vertical.
    Maximum Effective Range: 4,921.2 feet (1,500 meters) in an atmosphere and 93.21 miles (150 km) in space.
    Mega Damage: 4D6+2 per single shot, 1D6x10+20 for a rapid fire three shot burst, or use machine gun burst rules for higher burst setting.
    Rate of Fire: Equal the Commander's number of hand to hand attacks - Single Shot, Three Round Burst, and Extended Bursts (Use Machine Gun burst rules).
    Payload: Effectively Unlimited.
  5. Two (2) Mini-missile Launchers: One of these are mounted on the left and the other on the right side of the tank’s body, and are fitted flush with the armor. These are standard mini missile launchers, usually used for close in defense purposes. The reloads are fed to the launchers from a magazine in the main body. Missile has a top speed of Mach 10 in an atmosphere and in space has an acceleration of 2% of light per turn (slightly faster than any starship except if it is exceeding it maximum safe acceleration). Mini-Missile in the Phase World / Three Galaxies setting are normally smart missiles.
    Maximum Effective Range: Mini-Missile range is 2 miles (3.2 km) in an atmosphere and 100 miles (161 km) in space.
    Mega-Damage: Varies with mini missile type (See revised Phase World / Three Galaxies missile tables for details.)
    Rate of Fire: Can fire missiles one at a time or in a volley of two (2), four (4), five (5), ten (10), or twenty (20).
    Payload: 10 mini-missile per launcher, with 4 reloads per launcher, for a total of 100 mini-missiles.

[ Altara TM, Brodkil TM, Bushido Industries TM, CAF TM, Catyr TM, CCW TM, Consortium of Civilized Worlds TM, Coyles TM, Free Worlds Council TM, Gene Splicers TM, K-Hex TM, Kankoran TM, Kittani TM, Kreeghor TM, Kydian TM, Machine People TM, M.D.C. TM, Mega-Damage TM, Metzla TM, M’Kri Hardware TM, Monro TM, Mutants in Orbit TM, Naruni Enterprises TM, Noro TM, Paradise Federation TM, Phase World TM, Psylite TM, Rifter TM, SAMAS TM, S.D.C. TM, Seljuks TM, Splugorth TM, Sunaj TM, Trans-Galactic Empire TM, Tri-Galactic Military Service TM, United Worlds Warlock TM, U.W.W. TM, Wolfen TM, and Zembahk TM are trademarks owned by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc. ]

[ Beyond the Supernatural®, Heroes Unlimited®, Nightbane®, Ninjas & Superspies®, Palladium Fantasy®, and Rifts® are registered trademarks owned by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc. ]

Writeup by Kitsune (E-Mail Kitsune).

Copyright © 2011, Kitsune. All rights reserved.
